You get to send him a message back in time

you get to send him a message back in time
what do you tell him? You can possibly save him from his incel fate and commiting a mass murder

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Other urls found in this thread:

>dear elliot, you are a total fucking faggot. kill yourself.

id probably write him a letter about how stinky his sister's pussy was

That he's not going out in a blaze of glory. He is going to be stopped easily and continue to embarrass himself even in death so he should just work on himself instead of blaming others for his short comings.

Just take a personality shower, bro!

Elliot. Come back to England and I will help you with the grand happening

You didn't win the lottery but don't be a bitch about it

That would actually be amazing, imagine knowingly receiving a letter from the future, the trepidation and enormity of it

Then it just says you're a faggot

shoot the lock when you're going to kill the stacies, right now you are a looser, but after this you are gonna be a hero

Staceys are weak to fire

I don't send him a message, I get on a plane to Isla Vista, pick up a gun and join my brother on the Day of Retribution.

Shoot the lock or something

No. He was a volcel. He didn't want to fuck ugly chicks.

I would send him pic related.

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Elliot, you are a diamond among thousands of dull rocks. Do not let other people's opinions of you delude you. Most them are mindless monkeys, who think that being different means that you are less intelligent or mentally ill, because you are unable to imitate your primates. If you are different, you are NOT stupid or crazy, you are SPECIAL.

>Most OF them are


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Crap that image was so small. I post a bigger one.

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show him his fanbase

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That is a beautiful thought. Only it might depress him to realize he can only be accepted after having killed himself.

Hey ppl, do you fucking get THIS? These morons are LAUGHING at their FRIEND having SMOKED AN EPILEPTIC KID and locked him up in a room with strobe light. JUST WHAT THE FUCK IS THE FUCKING WRONG WITH THESE FUCKING SUBHUMANS? To laugh at something like that just because it is their FUCKING FRIEND who did it. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST PEOPLE ARE COMPLETE FUCKING FILTH. Because this is not the only time, this is what people always do: BELITTLE EVERY FUCKING CRIME THEIR FRIENDS DID as it is their friend who did it. FUCKING BLIND APES. No wonder this retard laughed at A VIDEO OF HORRIFYING ANIMAL ABUSE because HER FRIEND joked about it. As a matter of fact the dick she is now dating also SHOT A STRAY DOG FOR FUN WITH PELLETS and now she is fucking him.

P E O P L E A R E F U C K I N G I L L. In their completely fucking ill inclination to be BIASED. They fucking make me VOMIT.

Yeah, I am studying the incel-chicks aka "virgin hunters" again.

No wonder Elliot hated the entire humanity. IT IS A SICK SPECIES.

Be yourself. (with originality)

also this

Attached: beyourself.png (1548x1468, 105K)

>you're gonna do great things one day
>aim for the head

Oh yeah I got it a bit wrong. I thought "strobe light" is something akin to flamethrower as I am not a native English speaker and I never went to clubs. Also I thought that "strobe light for science" is an individual object missing the point that it was a test for science class. Whatever, my point stays. Those subhumans laughed at an epileptic kid being taken advantage of. And the rest is true as well. Then again, they are pretty much losers all and losers often times ABUSE their weaker to gain some power and space in this world.

I posted this to bump up the thread.