How much liver can I eat before I overdose on Vitamin A or get copper toxicity
How much liver can I eat before I overdose on Vitamin A or get copper toxicity
about tree fiddy
You can eat as much as you want but you need to balance it out with alcohol, like at least a half pint for each pound of liver, liver absorbs the alcohol and it cancels out
Vitamin A overdoses that you saw were with those synthetic pharmacy shit. Even then it's less than 10 a year. Mostly bullshit like overdosing on iron when some culture drink raw blood daily and live longer than we do.
I looked for a few minutes, couldn't find any cases studies of either hypervitaminosis A or copper poisoning from ingesting beef liver. Might not be as feasible as you think.
Jow Forums is the dumbest boa-
Thanks anons. I'll take that as my queue to consume retarded amounts.
Not sure that is works that way dude
just eat all of it, so you won't have to post on my board any longer
I eat like 300g twice a week. Balance the A vitami with vitamin D, that's why I eat it with sardines and fry it with pig lard (both sources of vitamin D). Also if you are having a good intake of red meat as well your zinc/copper ratio is probably fine.
why wouldn't you just eat it in moderation. shit tastes nasty anyway
Based and loche ness pilled
>brown vegan slave subhuman breed detected
I guess so, but liver still tastes like shit.
never said there was anything wrong with people who like eating feces user
Anyone got any good recipes for Liver?
Is it polar bear liver?
this please
Looks like someone doesn't know shit
Chop an entire onion, simmer in your favorite oil/fat for 5-mins on medium high heat (between 6 and 7 on the range dial). Salt, black pepper and cummin, onions sauce (optional). Dump livers in, either whole or cut into small rectangles of 1/2x2 inch. Simmer on medium for about 15-20. Stir occasionally.
Depends on the animal.
Like said, half a polar bear liver has killed someone trying to survive out in the snow.
How so?
Liver is a very nutrient-dense food, you don't need huge amounts of it to get the benefits.
thank you
>have good bear meat
>hurrr I guess I eat the liver first
fucking retard deserve it
He's eating in the pole, shit doesn't rot, he probably went through all of it anyhow.
Based and medicine pilled
Did he get taken out by the sni-
>eating bear meat
Enjoy your trichonosis
I guess he couldn't bear it
I treat it like tuna, only once or twice a week. A is a fat soluble vitamin so it sticks around.
Not sure on the science though.
Pretty good, user. Have to say; mushrooms are always welcome as well. Not necessary though.
Would that count for old-school polar bears, who's diet is almost entirely salt water mammals?
Guilty kek.
Fry chicken liver in duck fat without overcooking it. Serve with chopped garlic and parsley.
Depends. Are you an invertebrate?
Do i just eat it raw? Started watching vegan ecelebs recently
Texture and flavour is better raw. Might fuck your belly up who knows.
This is a disgusting creation don't ever post this pic ever again
I like my creations