I'm genuinely curious, what do you think about when you see her? What's your opinion of her? Do you like her? Do you hate her?
What do you think about Belle Delphine?
I really have no opinion about her I really just don't care. I think I may of fapped to her once or twice, that's about it though.
I have a feeling this girl pays people to shill for her
I don't find her even remotely attractive but apparently there's a ton of betas with too much money to spend who are attracted to her.
I love her and want to rape her. But still i dont like the idea of her getting payed so much just for whoring.
have no idea who Bella Daphne is sorry
She lacks smile wrinkles, which makes my peepee happy.
>what do you think about when you see her?
Good on her for figuring out a way to avoid soul-crushing wage labor. I don't blame her.
makes 8x what i make even though i had to spend 6 years in university ,2 of which i failed, to get my bachelors in comp eng to work a shitty job that makes me want to kill myself
Kind of shocked someone hasn't chucked acid in her face or just shanked her in the street.
People who get that popular are usually huge targets. How can she even go out in public without stalkers watching her every move?
Got blown out of proportion by fags
Not very attractive and quite annoying
three words:
fetal alcohol syndrome
nah she's an anglo, they all look like that
She's absolutely repulsive and I can't believe people actually give this gross cunt money. I can't even fathom how such an obnoxious person has fans.
she squeezes her paypigs to the last penny
based, losers found a pathetic substitute for their lonelyness
fake news, normal eye slits, bumpy philtrum, and thick enough upper lip
>What do you think about Belle Delphine
I don't
Good for her for making so much money, but fuck anyone who funds her. I don't understand why people waste money on her, but I equally don't understand why she's being singled out as the only e-whore when prostitutes have existed since the dawn of time. She makes so many different groups of people SEETHING whilst she's not doing anything new or offensive
Seems like a bitch, but I would lie if I say I dont find her attractive.
Would love to bust a big fat but inside of her.
I would like to break into her house, hit her in the head with a blunt object so she spazzes out like that dog in that video with the shovel, then choke her to death with my bare hands
Nothing against what she's doing particularly, Its interesting she can get so much for doing so little compared to other girls online. Her body is unremarkable but she knows her angles, her face similarly so but looks young and even more so combined with filters.
However she comes across as fucking retarded and try hard. as a school drop out I expect this is quite brilliant for her as a job, but I don't believe she will do anything sensible with the money before she's old or people get bored of her teasing.