His dick is shorter than six inches

>his dick is shorter than six inches
How do you call yourself a man?

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I don't.
I became a hormone eating sissy for a reason

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why is Mode7 so based?

Just lmao if you're shorter than 9 inches

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Tfw I measured 4.5 inches two years ago and I measured 6-6.5 this week feels good man

Underagefag or late bloomer ?

I'm 7x5 and I wish I was a foot long, honestly. Just to completely obliterate any doubt about whether or not it's enough. I'm still a virgin, though.

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I don't. I sub for real guys.

I'm older than 25 originally

you probably measured wrong the first time dummy
same thing happened to me

im close to 7 inches and over 6 ft tall and nobody will fuck me still.

But I don't, I call myself a man because I killed every one of every animal species alive with my bare hands except a moose and a hippo.

>tfw no cute boy to breed my ass and cuddle me lovingly afterwards

his dick is shorter that 70 inches Do you even call yourself a whale?

>mtf trans
>dick over six inches

Stop it op

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Where do you live? Oregano Mister Robotto even more Oregano

Haha you have a big dick lol

>mtf trans
>dick over six inches
Are you sure you want this path in life, how long have you been transitioning?

I kinda thought that too for a bit but I but I still have generally vivid image of my dick when I first measured and it's noticeably bigger now. Though I could just not have been bone-pressing hard enough or something.

>tfw in the 98 percentile and it aint even a monster cock

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Be my hung trap gf. If you get your penis cut off I'll never forgive you.

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I have a pretty big dick but I'm cut and have a big scar on my dick from fapping dry when I was like 13 and got bad friction burn kek

you're not trans you're a porn addict

google autogynaphillia

You stop it. What's wrong about being a faggot? Why do you want to pretend you're a girl.

I've literally never watched porn in my life.

There's nothing wrong with being a gay man. That just isn't the person I am, this has nothing to do with sexual interest in any way.

>tfw bully my bf for his tiny dick

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To be fair my dick is just straight up 6 inches. Maybe 6.5 on a good day. Is that masculine?

>have had sex multiple times
>married with kids
>dick size 4.5
It doesn't matter unless you've got a freak baby penis (around 1-2 hard)

think it matters in this generation where everyone just wants to be hyper dominant or hyper submissive

Im straight but that fat penis flopping around makes me hard

>dick 5 in inches from 14-23
>25 now
>grew 2 inches since then
Don't know how, but thank the heavens.

>I've literally never watched porn in my life.
*cough* bullshit

all the trademark signs of porn-induced autogynaphillia

>I've literally never watched porn in my life.

Haha, no you arent fooling anyone don't lie to yourself more importantly don't lie to me user.

>I've literally never watched porn in my life.

Mines only a bit over 6 inches. It looks small to me though compared to the porn I watch. Probably doesn't help that I'm 6'3 so it's not bigger than normal like the rest of my body.