My girlfriend has started getting into feminism and it's beginning to ruin the relationship. What do ?

My girlfriend has started getting into feminism and it's beginning to ruin the relationship. What do ?

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Just so you guys get a better idea of her, she's chubby and impressionable.

tell her it's BS then fuck her into orgasm

Become a cuck unless you're already one

There's only so much fucking I can do user. I honestly don't want to break up but she's beca,e extremely fucking annoying and racist.

What exactly about feminism is appealing to her? What don't you like about it? Is it that she isn't taking your shit anymore or is she acting like a misandrist?

Let me guess, you're white, and she won't stop excoriating you for that fact?

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Get out while you still have your self esteem.

No I'm black but she says I should be ashamed for looking so light skinned and tries to get me to darken my skin

if a good dicking can't fix this problem then nothing can
go get another gf

Lmao holy shit what kind of lunatic have you been unlucky enough to get involved with? Not even most anti-Whites are that insane.

>What do ?
Don't be a shitlord

It doesn't help her saying racist shit about white people when her dad is white. She's even started saying "Thin privilege" and I thought that was for obese women

She was cool when we started dating but after she moved in she got crazier and crazier.

Why tf are with a chubby femnazi lol

She's living with you? I don't really care that much because you're a normalfag, but wow, you're fucked.

Nice b8 m8 8/8 would bang

This is extremely common with women, once they've got you ensnared with their fake personality their true self gets revealed. Break up with her now it's never gonna get any better, I'm sorry user, try not to dwell on it too much

She wasn't a feminazi when I met her, this started up recently and I'm starting to believe it's the people she's working with.

Time to dump her dude, fat femnazis are the worst

>My girlfriend
What the fuck are you even doing here?
Get the fuck out, normalnigger!

>No I'm black but she says I should be ashamed for looking so light skinned and tries to get me to darken my skin

Ask her why is it ok to shame you for your appearance... I thought feminists hate being told how to look

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This nibba bout to get hit with a false rape accusation lmao, hope it ruins your life, serves you right

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Literally my brothers and my mom told me to kick her out, but I don't want to be an asshole and throw her out with nowhere to go.

I would fucking love a feminazi gf so I could argue with her every day and ALWAYS be right. Fucking lol

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Converts are almost always obnoxious. They get a ton of new words and concepts to hide behind and justify being dickheads. Lot of people can't handle it and their inner /b/-tard starts leaking out. Nothing you can really do, just leave them to it.

I might just take her to her dad's place

dump it like the bogs told

If she's that easily swayed then she isn't a very strong person. Some dude could probably convince her to cheat on you with him. Just get rid of her now.

Would you still love it when see refuses to shave, give head, do the dishes etc. I respect the old feminists, but femnazis nowadays are just spoiled brats with nothing better to do

She seriously told me to go stand out in the sun to look "blacker"

I'll try and talk to her this weekend but if she's still being a cunt I'll just dump her.

Find another girlfriend then you loser. It's like someone going "my boyfriend has no job, he sucks in bed". Leave then. You clearly don't love her.

Basically this Yeah, I'd love it because after she becomes sexually unattractive I can dump her and get a new one. I just wish I had someone to easily prove wrong about feminism.

>I respect the old feminists
I genuinely don't. They were still more privileged than men back then. They always have been. And yet they get pats on the back for "over-coming their oppression" all the time. Yet there is no mention of the MUCH greater oppression faced by men during the time which was never talked about.
e.g. Millions of men dying in conscription, and man being castrated for homoseuality up until 1960

But congrats feminiggers, you got the chance to sign some document that doesn't even affect your lives that much. A huge amount of conscripts during world war 1 didn't have the vote either lol. But again, they're the ones that died for the country. With no vote

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>Men dying in wars caused by men
>Men castrating other men for fucking other men

You're the problem here. It's African men who suck, it's those fucking Middle Eastern men raping and murdering people in Europe. The woman are all chill, sexy ladies.

How was this supposed to help the situation ?

>The woman are all chill, sexy ladies.
Yeah I guess you would be pretty chill if you didn't have rights

Dump her ass you normie scum, and never come back here.

No, woman are chill, period. Who runs all those evil corporations ruining the world? Who commits all the crime? It's you. You, you dirty pervert. You fucking suck.

>Collectively blames men for a tiny portion of wrongs
>Chooses not to collectively praise men for building literally everything else under the sun

Is there one thing in your room that could have existed without a man?

Your intellectual dishonesty is pathetic

Sure user, whatever you say.. We all dream too

Yeah, men built an entire planet's civilisation to allow women to be chill in. They wouldn't be chill if it was their job. But its not. Its their job to chill. Society was literally constructed by men, so was women's place and behavior in it. So congrats to women for not doing a fucking thing to this day I guess

Technology has ruined the planet, and people's minds. I'd rather live in the forest then in this porn-ridden wasteland. All the animals are dying now. Are you happy, you fuck.

Same as above.

You're giving feminism the benefit of the doubt. I'm telling you there's no reason to entertain the idea that your girlfriend's ideologies have a saving grace, they don't. I'm helping you lift yourself out of your cucked opinions

>I'd rather live in the forest then in this porn-ridden wasteland
Woah wow, look at that, you can! Nobody is stopping you! Bye!

Ah, yes. The joys of nature. Like incurable diseases, broken bones being a death sentence, insects everywhere. Nature is truly wonderful.

Me and the chubby bitch broke up.

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Yeah extending our lives to the point where living is constant pain is a great idea.
>bashing on nature
Such a faggot.

There's no way that I can even larp myself into a world where I'm having a real conversation with a thinking human at this point, but yeah no one's keeping you on the internet dear. Your room has a door, right?

be supportive of her. Telling her that she's wrong or that she's doing to do something stupid just makes her want to do it even more to prove to you that's a strong woman that can take care of herself.

>No, woman are chill, period.
not quite
Who runs all those evil corporations ruining the world?
The people who are smart enough to run multi-billion dollar conglomerates, those don't just fall from trees, they have to be carefully crafted.
>It's you. You, you dirty pervert. You fucking suck.
And you're soooo great yourself aren't you?

call ben shapiro

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We just had an argument and she ended it.

Congratulations faggot, you're only 90% faggot now. Well done, enjoy your lowered faggot status

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>Yeah extending our lives to the point where living is constant pain is a great idea.
You act as if living at any age was good in any way as cavemen

Lmao get cucked on normie. You dodged a big bullet though.

>between 1480 and 1913, Europe's queens were 27% more likely than it's kings to wage war

You're right, that nullifies men doing absolutely everything else, ever. Fucking moron.

If this is legit,gently let her down and never talk to her again. I'd hate to see another user get a SO tag.

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You're forgetting that
>everything else
includes every good thing too, cunt

Please tell me that cartoon has a dick

What good things? Overpopulation and guns? Dude no joke, life would be better if we stayed humans, now everyone's either starving or working jobs they hate. Good job cuck. Too bad you can't get laid either, despite all these people "you" brought into the world, aka not you, aka you've done nothing for humanity you weasel.

She went too far and targeted my family and friends all because I said "Your ideology is just as toxic as nazism" so I kicked her out and she screamed it's over.

>What good things
>Feeding you
>Clothing you
>Keeping you warm (or cool)
>Inventing literally everything
>Protecting you from predators
To name a few.

>You're right, that nullifies men doing absolutely everything else, ever. Fucking moron.
It doesn't, but acting like women are passive or peaceful little angels would be far from the truth, also you have to remember that from 1480 to 1913 is a full 433 years is a still a big sample size, considering that that was a pretty eventful time period

You dodged a motherfucking bullet my normie friendo. Count yourself lucky she didn't get like this after she legally owned half your shit.

Good one you brother. You will 100% not regret this

It doesn't sound like feminism is the problem. I think she's just a controlling bitch and is using it as an excuse to encroach on your space.

>15, 16 and 17 year olds getting shipped off to get slaughtered gooks can't vote
>but women are the brave ones for staying home marching in the streets for their right to vote
if you're not willing to die for a country, you shouldn't be allowed to decide it's future

>"you" brought into the world, aka not you, aka you've done nothing for humanity you weasel.
Wow user, you keep contradicting yourself.
When something bad is made by a man you blame us all and when something good is made, you say we are not responsible.
Are you on your period? Lel.

what's your ideology?


She's been doing more than being annoying her her stupid views, she's become naggy and jealous. She's going to try and call me late tonight and work her way back at my place so she doesn't have to move back with her parents.

You didn't do any of that, and I'd rather not have some dogshit clothes made by Chinese slaves and toxic chemicals but cheers "oh mighty white man, King of Pornhub"

Nah, woman don't commit violent crime or murder. At least nowhere near the levels of men. Woman also donate more to charity then men, despite earning less. Because they're nice people, who just want to polar bears to not drown because men like broom broom with big car and cash and shit oil and all that, all male activities, who owns the oil companies, who's killing the bears? Hmm?

Well, you're a dick as well just stupid and haven't invented jack shit. That's what I'm saying.

I have stocks in various gun developers and I thank you

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I'm a libertarian capitalist.

>You didn't do any of that
Men did, you dumb cunt.
>muh chinese slaves
Also mostly men btw.
>muh toxins
Stop reading cosmo. Also >>>/crystalcafe/

yeah, like I said, sounds like she's just a toxic person in general who will leverage anything against you.

on top of that she's fat

Lmao I only dated her because I thought she wasn't crazy and I had just got away from a crazy bitch. You live and you learn

She's 5'5 and she's 140, she's not fats but she's not healthy. When I met her she played lots of volleyball but stopped a year ago and started getting pretty lazy.

>The gender gap in electronics factories: women exposed to chemicals and lower pay
>"The factories prefer women because they are more patient but also because they are easier to dominate" says Patchanee Kumnak, the Thailand representative of Good Electronics

> Up to 70 percent of women workers in Guangzhou's factories have been sexually harassed, a survey by a labour rights group in the city has found

You're a legit piece of shit btw.
Here, a thread for people like you. Leave.

>you're a dick as well just stupid and haven't invented jack shit.
Thanks for proving my point, you're completely irrational and impertinent.
You have no argument so you fall back on the good old ad hominem.
Even a kid would have more wits than you.
And, contrary to your useless being, I'm actively participating in humanity advancement, I already have my name on a scientific paper.
>Inb4 "no u idiot, u virgin lol".

Random hypocritical shit and LARPing.
>Are you on your period? Lel.
That's ad hominem.
+ None of you can into logic anyway so why waste time. Virgin trolls.

No. This isn't the incel board. It has no topic. You're meant to contribute discussion not sperg about how all woman are whores.

Help me convert this into a trap server

>That's ad hominem.
No, that was an observation made after seeing your erratic behavior.
>+ None of you can into logic anyway so why waste time. Virgin trolls.
Called it!
What does it feel like? Being so limited any anonymous stranger can guess your next answer?

Now, the topic is becoming unbeatable for you so you're either gonna leave now or insult me for "winning" the debate before fleeing.
Thanks for the laugh anyways! Who said women can't be funny?

Rich coming from a bleeding hole sperging about how men are the source of all evil.

There's nothing to respond to, you may as well be talking in the mirror.

Well, technically they are, not all of it but I would say the majority.

>who owns the oil companies, who's killing the bears? Hmm?
Who are the ones who discovered climate change even exists?
Nah, woman don't commit violent crime or murder. At least nowhere near the levels of men.
I hate to say it but this part is correct, mainly because of testosterone
>because men like broom broom with big car and cash and shit oil and all that

>That conservative white males in the USA are more likely to deny anthropogenic global warming is well documented, as is the increase in that denial over the past decade. A study published in the journal Global Environmental Change found:

>conservative white males are significantly more likely than are other Americans to endorse denialist views on all five items, and that these differences are even greater for those conservative white males who self-report understanding global warming very well.

And Donald denies climate change. You don't see woman doing this. This is the argument that rich, white males are cunts ruining the entire planet, selling weapons to countries all around the world for profit despite it directly causing violence ecetera. Drug crime? Well it's men making all that, and dealing it, and robbing people. I mean, is there really any denying any of this?

>much climate chance
According to all of you fucks we should be under water every godamn 10 years

Well, where I live we've had two record hot summers and it kind of sucks but whatever dickhead.

Bitchslap her, express how much that stuff is changing her, and get her away from feminist groups if you still love her.
Dump her if she refuses.

>mainly because of testosterone
Can you really prove that? I would say that societal norms / gender roles make up the biggest factor in violence. But perhaps those standards only exist because of muh testosterone. Dunno

cant just post that without leaving source...

I've lived years where the weather is wild
(Extremely hot/extremely cold) and others of nice ones. Now suck my cock

>societal norms / gender roles
That's natural predisposition you dumbass. Nature demand us to be stronger and more aggressive so we can protect our kind

>Well, technically they are, not all of it but I would say the majority.

"Technically" they're the source of every fucking thing under the sun from modern medicine to quantum physics to philosophy to agriculture. If you think we're all living terrible lives here in 2019 you're blatantly wrong. So the net contribution of men is obviously positive lel

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You have to spank her from time to time to get those thoughts out of her head.