Reminder that being an incel and not spreading white genetics is genetically selfish and demographic genocide

Reminder that being an incel and not spreading white genetics is genetically selfish and demographic genocide

>most whites are boomers left over from America's golden age
>more than half the people under 50 are nonwhite
>a majority of people under 30 are nonwhite

In about 40 years when boomers have died off this country will be at Brazil levels of economic destruction, social upheaval and muttification. Go outside and accomplish your prime biological function as a male no more excuses.

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Go back to pol, goober!

user you inglorious faggot, you do realize few of us will be alive long enough to care? And those who do live long enough still will not care. Unironically kill your self.

Maybe white Americans should just let go of the culture their Puritan ancestors came here with, huh? White Americans are in the same case as the japanese with their low birth rate and high suicide rate because you people put huge emphasis on work and materialism. White American guys are killing themselves because their identities are wrapped up in their jobs, then they lose their jobs and feel lost.

Change your fucked up culture. Jose is having more kids than you because his culture teaches him that happiness is tied to relationships, not a job title.

white guys betray their race first. they are the biggest race mixers. face it OP, we like to think WN is a big movement because of Trumps victory and we're in a alt right echo chamber but most whites are cucks

Nah you got it backwards
White culture and white values is responsible for the amazing strides in technology science and exploration that the white race accomplished. It wasnt until we abandoned those values for leftist multicultural bullshit that this country went down the drain. we took pride away from white men and turned them weak.

Yeah, I don't disagree. I'm planning on doing that, self-improving. No guarantee I'll succeed, and even if I do I'm assuming I'll be miserable considering something like 1/3rd of women are obese and the majority are overweight.

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Im a white guy but I wanna knock up an asian girl so fucking bad

Problem is the majority of whites are mixed with at least 0.03% mullato, jew, or turkroach blood. Every white person is contaminated.

This is a popular myth. And even if it was true, it would barely matter. 0.03% is meaningless, 1% is meaningless, 5% is meaningless.

>Israeli state for the jews
I now understand why you aren't on Jow Forums

what do you mean? Israelis are an ethnonationalist traditionalist nation that hates muslims. Israels =/= globalist jews like Soros. In fact the state of Israel must exist and be inhabited by Jews in order for the rapture to occur. Love for Israel is redpilled.

yeah he's a fucking idiot even worse than most of Jow Forums

its not a myth. white people claim to be white but if they have a jawline, dark hair or eyes then they are their own enemy and don't belong anywhere near a white community.

t. concernfag troll

you're using common division tactics leftists use in order to divide the white race.

sure thing beaner

t. actual nonwhite trying to divide whites with his propaganda

Except America isn't a white place. It's a mutt place.
White countries are in Europe, nothing else is legitimate.

america was 90% white up until about 50 years ago. this country was robbed with multiculturalism so you're wrong there. whats happening to us will happen to europe if whites don't breed and dont fight open borders policies

Most white guys are pathetic. Why would you want them spreading their genes? To make more gay retards?

America for native americans. Go back to Europe, cumskins

Stop blabbing, mutt.

ALL races have conquered and enslaved but ONLY whites are demonized for doing things every race has done. ONLY whites are demonized for defending their own territories. Japan has a horrible colonial record but no one is using that as an excuse to force blend Japanese out of existence.

go ask the chinese and koreans what they think about japs

and do you agree that japanese should be genocided due to past events?

more like ANTi-white with an image like that

>I am ONLY a fucking moron who has ZERO kids
Japanese are hated in many places. Most of the middle east and central asia still have literal wars over ethnicity

they should stay in their fucking country. And whites should go back to their countries.

If the japs become losers who can't get laid then they get what they deserve tbqh

lol fuck off retard im a sri lankan immigrant and i probably make more than twice what your whole family does.

i shit on your white genetics.

flynn effect sucker

america is a white country. its whites that created america and created its values and laws. its whites that sacrificed, bled, and toiled for this land.

than Japs also have a right to fight for their right to exist, violently if necessary. self defense is a human right given to us by god.

>be me
>treated like absolute shit by white people my entire life
>"dude just save white people lmao"
No. Kill yourself

are you white? why did these white people treat you like shit?

A country not being completely homogeneous before traveling was made easy is a mutt country, according to my definition.
You say that having several millions niggers doesn't automatically exclude you from the "white country" status?
LOL, get real.

america is more of a brown country realistically.

japs don't need any help on that front

>Reminder that being involintarily celibate is greedy
It's not like it's a choice, but this is obviously a slide thread

>in your book

no one cares

either way its much more likely you're just a mutt leftist trying to cause division amongst whites with your propaganda.

>"why do people treat you like shit"
>he asks, on the board of social outcasts and rejects
Are you literally retarded? Do your homework on before you shill next time.

what is it about white people that made you call them out for treating you like shit? is it that group that specifically didn't like something about you? are you sure EVERYBODY wouldn't treat you like shit? the entire race doesn't deserve genocide just because the people in your life are bad people.

they do deserve it if they are genociding themselves for no reason

Whites arent breeding due to ((insidious and unnatural)) outside pressures such as feminism, destruction of family values, destruction of traditional values, population propaganda telling us we need to breed less, estrogen being bumped into food and water, destruction of masculinity, support of homosexual lifestyles, low income due to migration lowering the value of labor, and high taxes levied on the white working class to subsidize social programs that mainly benefit nonwhites.

the idea that the lower birth rates of whites is some kind of natural progression of society or that we're doing it to ourselves is propaganda. with no basis in actual fact. its just a theory.

>no one cares
No one cares about your opinion either. At least mine is logic and coherent.
And don't compare me to you, filth.
I'm european, I live in the same place my ancestors lived in (at least for 4 centuries).
I'm not a pitiful mutt void of any lineage.

whatever you say pal. you're country is still being muttified just like mine already has. soon your countries will be majority muslim and you'll remember my message. too late to save europe now, considering you're not even armed like most white americans are.

The people on this board are a disaster. Youre all ideologically aligned with Jow Forums when it comes to women but you refuse to redpill yourself on race. This is why the white race is doomed. Race traitors like you.

>there are still people who remember WWII
>white boys can't use their penis because of "feminism"
nice bro, they deserve being lost to time. they're just not capable of evolving.

I have my military rifle just here though.
Not all countries are degenerate or cucked.
We will manage by ourselves, I don't care if the EU burst either.

I support your right to defend your nation and race its a shame you hate American whites and want us to die but I wont stop supporting white nationalism in America because of your bad opinions

Because this thread is about white people, and im a white social outcast, which is who you are intentionally shilling to. Why would you ever think that the people who were outcast and rejected from society would care if it collapses let alone trying to save it?


if you're trying to imply that you don't mind living in a venezuala-like socialist hellscape where you can't even get food over the comfortable first world white society you come from now, you're a liar.

>Everyone is confined to continents except Whites.
Really shows how greedy and entitled Whites are.

>i won't stop being a loser
we get it

Stop posting these threads you fucking failed normalnigger. We get it, you hate your fucking parents and need to feel like you're crusader in order to cope. White women are repulsed by you for a reason, the sooner you realize that the better

And now the scare tactics begin. Fuck off you subversive kike.

What makes you think being white in and of itself makes you special and your genes worth passing on? I want you to think long and hard bout A) what you think the average robot looks like B) how the average robot lives and C) under which circumstances they could hope to conceive a child (likely by paying a random Dalit woman in India $1000 to carry their baby to full term) and what you think the kid's life would be like.

Many of us aren't white you faggot, now go to your containment board

you know there not physically killing you. just your children might be not completely white. and why the fuck does it matter. i feel the same way when some nigger talks about saving black culture. culture is useless and needs to die, there is no point to it exept retards with no life who need group identity,

Funnily enough, I grew out of my Jow Forums phase when I started dating my current latina gf. I'm politically moderate now, but it made me realize white nationalism is a cope

There's no bigger subhuman than the one who keeps whining about problem and doesn't dare to point the finger to himself and ask why he allows that to happen. Now leave this goddamn board and do something worth of your life