Killing myself tonight

i am just waiting for my parents to go to sleep
in the meantime, why do you want to kill yourself?

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Bye op pm me the pictures of heaven

Steam it OP.

live stream it faggit

sleep well fren may your belief rest you soundly

You're not gonna do it, no one ever does it.

Please don't. I'm sure your mother and father will be very sad. I know I'll be. Don't leave them.

No salutes for your surrender
Nothing noble in your fate.

I cant stop you from doing it, but I hope you will be ok. Can you tell us something about yourself, even if it is insignificant, so we can remember you by?

don't listen to , OP. you can do anything you put your mind to.

killing yourself is such an asshole move
you're really going to do that to your parents? your poor mom and dad, who love you?

chances are there is no afterlife, so all you're doing is eliminating any chance of you getting better and devastating the lives of your family members

don't be a coward. tell one of your parents how you're feeling and they can take you to the ER.

Make stream and post it.

He's dead, now dab on him

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>How do you plan on doing it?
>what area are you in so we can look up the news to confirm if you are legit or not?

Godspeed friend

@OP what ever option you choose just know that the decision you make will have consequences. Stay alive and you feel like shit every day, with the possibility of shit getting better, or you do your self in and very much run the chance of fucking up the lives of the people around you. A man chooses, a slave obeys.

yo can i get some paypal money?

wish i could help user... and i hope you dont go through with it and find a reason to live.
why do you want to kill yourself?

God I fucking hate reddit9k

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"@" don't work here newfag

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wrong guy, i meant to do sorry

Look who's talking, Shut up namefag

your posts make me want to an hero

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don't do it man it's going to break your parents heart

@anonymous, ok fag

>> 51085268 I dont fucking care about your dumb ass nigger rules, fuck you, fuck op, and fuck your down-syndrome little sister.

@you faggot just fucking go back to tumblr or whatever you were on before

said the tripfag

also OP, can I get your steam account or something?

You mean why do I feel like dying?

It depends on whats going on in my life.

Sometimes it's failure, sometimes self-loathing, other times it can be a feeling of helplessness- or hopelessness. Other times it's rage, or fear. Or hurt, feeling unloved and rejected. For instance, I have struggled with mental illness and addiction all my life. Sometimes I break free-- and life is good-- fucking fantastic. Othertimes I trap myself in a limbo of cynicism and despair. My imagination begs for creative solutions but none seem possible in my down periods.

And then! Life! just comes surging out of me, I'm filled with fresh purpose, vitality, and longing. The world opens up to me in fresh invitation, possibility, and depth. Suddenly, I'm more than I was. Much more. It flows out into the world and completes it in a way that only true human presence can.

As humans, we are always on a journey from darkness into light. At first, we were children of the darkness. Your body and your face were formed first in the kind darkness of your mother's womb. Your birth was a first journey from darkness into light.

*All* your life, your mind lives within the darkness of your body. Every thought that you have is a flint moment-- a spark of light from your inner darkness. The miracle of though is its presence in the night side of your soul; the brilliance of thought is born in darkness. Each new day carries a similar journey: We come out of night into the day.

Creativity and love awaken at this primal threshold : where light and darkness test each other. You only discover balance in your life when you learn to trust the flow of this ancient rythym.

Suicide is redundant for someone who is already dead inside-- Much more difficult and satisfying is accepting the cycle of growth and death that is constantly reoccurring in the human psyche.

It is nighttime in your soul. I would suggest riding it out.

stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it stream it

OP, you think you could leave me something to... you know, remember you?

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fuck his corpse

1 post too late, my man.

If you do end up killing yourself tonight, which I don't want you to do but I cannot stop you, I want you to remember that I saved this text. I am depressed and can relate to some level yet it gave me hope in some way, I will remember you and I hope you find peace, user. Maybe one day in the afterlife I'll have a drink with you.

Nice pepe. Stream it pussy

I give you one fuck.

Now fuck off and die.

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Before you commit that mistake, read what will happen to you.

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High functioning autist here only realised I was autistic in the last few years and since then it's been driving me nuts. Just want to kill this ghost that lives inside me.
>Sick of smiling uncontrollably when uncomfortable
>Sick of being only able to convey like 2 emotions
>Sick of looking at people's mouths when they talk missing a whole deeper level of communication
>Sick of falling in love with people just from looking at them
>Sick of wanting control over every situation
I could go on.

Probably won't an hero anytime soon though life is pretty good for me atm. If you met me you probably wouldn't think I was autistic but it's definitely there.

Fucking attentionwhore
Nobody cares about you dying, you cunt
If there is nothing for us to get out of this, piss off wanker