1. cheesy bread
2. mozzerella sticks
3. mac n cheese (with real cheese not powder)
4. chicken nachos
5. beef jerky dipped in nacho cheese
i hate the following:
1. beans
2. mustard
3. mayonnaise
4. eggs
5. seafood
1. cheesy bread
2. mozzerella sticks
3. mac n cheese (with real cheese not powder)
4. chicken nachos
5. beef jerky dipped in nacho cheese
i hate the following:
1. beans
2. mustard
3. mayonnaise
4. eggs
5. seafood
Other urls found in this thread:
Autistic choices desu
starch + fat is basically the best flavor combination
i could eat cheesy bread for every meal, every day, every month, for the rest of my life
i eat it like once a month because it's so fattening and i can't control myself =(
1. beans
2. mustard
3. mayonnaise
4. eggs
5. seafood
how can someone even hate these
1. Ass
2. Pussy
I hate the following
1. Niggers
>how can someone even hate these
let's go through the list
>1. beans
shit tier peasant food. also tastes boring/bland at best
>2. mustard
tastes like putrid shit
>3. mayonnaise
99% of time made with cancerous soibean oil. i'd rather use butter, which tastes great, in any instance mayo is used. you can't name one instance where it wouldn't be objectively superior
>4. eggs
rubbery as fuck, texture is terrible. do not want
>5. seafood
literally lives in the world's toilet. smells like shit. tastes bad, ultimate yucky
pic related, absolutely god-tier and high quality shit. would eat every day for years
favorite foods
>apple oatmeal porridge with lots of cinnamon and artificialvanilla extract
>vegan stew with lots of vegetables
>black turkish tea
>corn straight out of the can
foods i hate
>beef because its not vegan
>cheese because its not vegan
>eggs because its not vegan
>pork because its not vegan
>fish because its not vegan
feel comfy being morally superior and having statistically better health and a lower BMI, tb.h fa.m
foods I love:
>roast chicken
>arugula salad
>most kinds of noodles/pasta
>roast pork with crispy skin
>hummus + pita
foods I despise:
>seafood, with the sole exception of canned tuna with plenty of mayo, diced onion, etc
>mushrooms (unless chopped finely)
>cooked spinach (also, unless chopped finely)
1. Lahmacun
2. Manakish
3. Potatoes (the best single food item ever)
4. Mum's chicken and leek pie
5. Takoyaki
I only hate eggs, though there are many things I am not keen on
heres a pic of a comfy morally superior vegan stew. its very filling ngl tb.h f.am
id eat more soi but i generally prefer beans. also i prefer almond milk over basedmilk because carrageenan literally bring me to my knees in pain and makes me shit blood for a day
the almond milk brand that i drink is carrageenan free so its what i go with, otherwise i'd probably go with soi simply for the memes
1. French fries
2. Grilled cheese sandwich
3. Sour Cream n Onion chips
4. Cheese pizza
5. Puffy Cheetos
>least favorite
Really nice taste. Beans are revolting. What are your thoughts on Little Caesars cheese bread or crazy bread?
t. soiboi ruminant
go eat some leaves, loser
PROTIP: plants feel pain and don't want to be eaten
>statistically better health
comparing yourself to a mcdonald's eater and claiming all omnivores are like that is pretty pathetic
vegetarians have lower IQ as a result of creatine deficiency; the scientists proved it
>and a lower BMI
indeed, because you have 0 muscle
>morally superior
plants feel pain and don't want to be eaten
>almond milk
no such thing. almonds don't have nipples
oh my GOD, YOU'RE RIGHT! how in the world could i be so blind to the needless suffering of plants?
the corn thats screaming as its being cooked on the grill. the apple thats crying as you ruthlessly peel its skin off. the cauliflower thats slowly dying in the oven as you bake it. the broccoli that's silent in fear as it watches other broccoli get chopped into pieces
i never knew meat eaters were such compassionate plants rights activists... you guys really touched my heart ;_;7
congratulations: you just proved how utterly retarded vegans are. you don't care about the suffering of plants, because you don't perceive it. all our choices result in suffering and destruction. real morality is all about accepting that, and consciously deciding who or what will be sacrificed.
but fools like yourself try to make decisions where the "suffering" occurs outside of their awareness, so that they don't "feel bad about it" -- but since they systematically make decisions based on their own ignorance, the results are usually much worse. when it comes to diet, everything we eat is going to be body parts of beings who are alive and conscious to some extent or another. there is no "harmless" hippie diet, unless you eat only fruits and nuts, in which case the one being harmed is yourself
>We tend to think of plants as helpless, passive green blobs, but a fascinating new study, in which scientists used fluorescent light to visualize alarm signals within plants, shows how our photosynthesizing friends are able to mobilize their defenses.
>... What's more, the study offers new insights into the biological processes behind this nervous-system like signaling, which is still poorly understood.
so basically, when plants get injured, a signal gets generated that travels throughout its body through the circulatory system, which acts basically like a slow-motion nervous system.
hmmm..... but how can plants suffer if they dont have a brain, a nervous system or pain receptors? plants are not sentient and are not capable of feeling emotions and therefore consequently arent capable of suffering?
>nervous-system like signaling
it still doesnt have a nervous system though...
>"We do know that if you wound a leaf, you get an electrical charge, and you get a propagation that moves across the plant," botanist Simon Gilroy, a professor at UWM and a co-author of the new study, said in a statement. "What triggered that electric charge, and how it moved throughout the plant, were unknown."
>After the warning signal had fully propagated, the leaves began to release their defense-related hormones in preparation for future attacks. Plants, in addition to releasing chemicals that kickstart the repair process, can release noxious, insect-unfriendly chemicals.
ultimately, the process is very similar to what happens when an animal or human gets injured. a signal is sent warning the creature of the injury, which triggers the release of various hormones to help the creature deal with the threat.
so if the process is totally analogous, why should we assume that the subjective experience is totally different? in other words, why should we assume that plants don't feel pain when injured?
plants are more dynamic and intelligent than most people think
they communicate with each other, adapt to their environments, have family relationships, have memories, and more
they can sense light, sound, touch and are sensitive to various chemicals. in other words, they have sensory perceptions
fucking pathetic!
creatine (only found in animal food) increases IQ in vegetarians: royalsocietypublishing.org
no difference in mental performance for omnivores: sciencedirect.com
>waaa waaa waaa plants react to their environment despite having a brain or a nervous system, so that makes it justifiable to torture and kill billions of sentient animals a year for my culinary amusement
yeah okay whatever, lol
>but how can plants suffer if they dont have a brain, a nervous system or pain receptors
maybe they have their own forms of this.
for example, humans have "skin" whereas plants have something else that is analogous
>it still doesnt have a nervous system though...
it quite obviously does, and acts in an analogous way to humans. see also: >plants are not sentient and are not capable of feeling emotions
once again, they are. see my post:
Maximum cheese autism.
I mean I like cheese as well as a couple of those dishes but I wouldn't go shouting from the rooftops about them like they were my favorite foods I've ever had or anything.
i didn't hurt any animals though. i eat already killed animals
also, there are ways they kill animals without causing them any pain
you're a dumbass, plain and simple. just don't eat factory farmed shit
also, you avoid cheese and dairy according to: for what purpose? nothing needs to be killed
you are a retard, plain and simple. i'm glad you're slowly killing yourself with soi
you """"like"""" cheese, but you don't love it. that's why
if you couldn't eat cheesy bread for every meal every day (assuming no health issues or fat gain) then you just plain don't love it that much
>like they were my favorite foods I've ever had or anything.
but that's just it: those ARE my favorite foods
>maybe they have their own forms of this.
well maybe you can show me their brain or where is it exactly they are suffering instead of making up hypothetical nonsense?
the article the guy quoted even admits they dont have a brain or a central nervous system. just because they react to their environment doesn't mean they are capable of feeling suffering. my skin reacts to sunlight by tanning and releasing melatonin, but it doesnt mean its suffering. even if you cut my skin out of my arms and put it out in the sun it will still react the same, the skin itself cannot suffer, just in the same way that a plant cannot suffer because it doesnt have a brain or a nervous system
besides, this is an appeal to futility argument. the logic goes like "since plants suffer, its okay to eat animals because its futile to avoid suffering when eating food"
if thats the case, but its not, then eating plants is still vastly superior to eating animals because by eating animals you drastically cut down on plant suffering. it takes many many kilo of soi and corn to feed a cow to make one kilo of meat. its still unethical by your standards
heres a decent video on the subject
oh the HUMANITY! the onions and corn suffering so deeply.... oh whatever will we do...?? =OOO
>well maybe you can show me their brain or where is it exactly they are suffering instead of making up hypothetical nonsense?
hey you dumb fuck, i posted multiple links and videos proving it:
they literally DNA-edited the plants to make their circulatory systems bio-luminescent, just to show you how it works
>the article the guy quoted even admits they dont have a brain or a central nervous system
so what? they have something analogous that allows them to feel pain
>just because they react to their environment doesn't mean they are capable of feeling suffering
prove that you feel suffering
define "suffering"
>my skin reacts to sunlight by tanning and releasing melatonin, but it doesnt mean its suffering
the levels of cope are unreal. they objectively don't like it, these chemicals start the repair process and are meant to poison the insects.
>even if you cut my skin out of my arms and put it out in the sun it will still react the same, the skin itself cannot suffer, just in the same way that a plant cannot suffer because it doesnt have a brain or a nervous system
it can and does. just not the same way that you do.
as i said:
>ou don't care about the suffering of plants, because you don't perceive it. all our choices result in suffering and destruction. real morality is all about accepting that, and consciously deciding who or what will be sacrificed.
>but fools like yourself try to make decisions where the "suffering" occurs outside of their awareness, so that they don't "feel bad about it" -- but since they systematically make decisions based on their own ignorance, the results are usually much worse. when it comes to diet, everything we eat is going to be body parts of beings who are alive and conscious to some extent or another. there is no "harmless" hippie diet, unless you eat only fruits and nuts, in which case the one being harmed is yourself
>besides, this is an appeal to futility argument. the logic goes like "since plants suffer, its okay to eat animals because its futile to avoid suffering when eating food"
no no no.
my argument is:
>causing animals to suffer, if you benefit, is not even bad
i literally don't give a fuck about their suffering
>if thats the case, but its not, then eating plants is still vastly superior to eating animals because by eating animals you drastically cut down on plant suffering
nah, i judge diet by 1 measure: nutrition
the alleged suffering of inferior beings are not pertinent to me
>it takes many many kilo of soi and corn to feed a cow to make one kilo of meat. its still unethical by your standards
no, it's not unethical by my standards because i don't think it's unethical to kill an inferior being to acquire its nutrients
>heres a decent video on the subject
not going to watch it, i don't even care.
he is also wrong for the same reason you are: you're saying they don't feel pain THE SAME WAY WE DO. which is 100% true, i can't deny that
they feel pain though, their own type of pain that you and i don't feel and can't personally perceive
the ultimate fact is, however, that an omnivorous diet is objectively superior nutritionally
80-90% of the food i eat is vegetarian-approved. but i would be a fucking retard to avoid eating the other 10-20% which nourishes me in ways the other food can't
im partying with this guy here