You do have an Instagram, correct?

You do have an Instagram, correct?
It is the way to pick up sexy art hoes.

Attached: 1550500923085.jpg (640x853, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:

pic related is surely their father.

Attached: meninblackcockroach.jpg (196x257, 9K)

I'm from NYC
If I want art hoes, I could wear a blindfold and walk around Williamsburg to get one
Also lol at this cut scars

how do i even find them? what tags?

I would imagine XL or XXL

Dude I just finished fapping to reiinapop

Attached: BFC5B8DA-E48D-4F33-A7BC-767E512FBB34.jpg (299x213, 8K)

girl on the right is really cute but the one on the left is just fucking disgusting, I would rather off myself than go anywhere near someone like that

Attached: 1546823880771.jpg (364x457, 119K)

>girl on the right is cute
user... that's not a girl...

EASY way to disconnect yourself from being attracted to "thicc" women:
>imagine them naked, their pudgy pussie mounds, and sweaty rolls, out of breathe already from a few minutes of foreplay

even a tranny is better then that ginger monstrosity

I have sc but I think I need Instagram as well. Girls think you're crazy if you don't have these two things. The only issue is I'm wildly insecure so I never upload anything to Snapchat and I don't know what the hell id put on Instagram. What the fuck kind of pictures do I post? What does a man put on Instagram?

I recognize both of them and the girl on the right is a bio female. Vid related is her recently

>unnatural hair color
They've probably fucked at least 2 black guys and been in a few orgies. Under the right circumstances,your could possibly get an ass to ass thing going.

Attached: haha.jpg (720x540, 36K)

>ass to ass thing going
how does that even work anyway? i've tried to plug two female ends of electrical cables together and i can't get it to work

Attached: download (63).jpg (300x168, 6K)

I'm from NYC too and you sound like a huge normalshit tier faggot and if I see you outside and somehow recognize you I'm gonna fuck you up

What is the male equivalent of this kind of girl? Hot but also disgusting.

>You do have an Instagram, correct?
>It is the way to pick up sexy art hoes.

If I have to go by that picture OP, then I am guessing "sexy art hoes" is your way of saying ugly fat girls. I will gladly pass on this.

Fat old men with giant cocks.

Watch the last 45 mins of Requiem for a Dream

I went to high school with a girl like this. Sorta started out as a tomboy. Now she is gay and attending art school.
Then I went to a university for art, these kinda of chicks were everywhere. It was a sight to behold. Glad I do not go there anymore.

>I went to a university for art
makes pic related look insightful

Attached: reeeeee.jpg (1200x630, 129K)

If it helps, they kicked me out.

expulsion story pls

>be me
> get accepted into art school
>live with roommate
>keeps the room cold as shit
>Gayer than John Waters
>nursing student
>has extremely unpredictable schedule
>sleeping schedule ducks from him watching shows on his computer
>complain to RA, cant do shit about it
> midnight on tenth floor, September 2017
>want to wake up early, cant remember why
>cant sleep
>he is watching rugrats
> get autistic idea to intimidate him so that I could have some darkness
>draw an x on the mirror in shaving cream
>stab wall with box cutter
>he reports me to RA, then leaves
>try to sleep
>realize I am in deep shit when RA calls campus police
>handcuffed, sent to campus hospital mental ward for overnight stay
>prescribed antipsychotic, told to GTFO
>banned for life

kek, you were an art student, should've told them it was performance art and that they're stifling your free expression.

I hate people who say boys and girls should be raised the same.