What happens when a fembot gets laid
What happens when a fembot gets laid
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>""TRUE"""" fem """CEL""""""
>still posts about them having sex
Women are not even self aware, it's would be hilarious if it wasn't frightening that they are seen as equals.
>one of comments talks down on one night stands and how it isn't liberating in any sense
Shame she's probably obese
The guy is an asshole but he is waaaay more attractive than her.
A man in the level of that woman wouldn't even dream of fucking a woman on the level of that man.
So once again, women can't be robots.
>getting laid
this proves women can't be incels
>ashamed of fucking an uggo
>post it online for all to see
for what reason
I'm so fucking done with these "femcels/fembots" (which don't even exist btw)
They can't even create their own unique community they recycle all the lingo from the original male incel community, you would think it was a parody subreddit if they didn't immediately ban anyone telling them they are spoiled stuck up cunts who only want chad
>woman attracts man far better looking than her
>has sex with him
>surprised when he's ashamed of fucking her disgusting, haggard ass
good thing self improvement is for men only
wouldn't want women to lift a finger
>One of the comments, "Pushing 80 years in jail when I frame him for mass murder after watching this"
Like always, the roastie turns towards framing innocent dudes of crimes they have not committed in order to get back at them.
lmfao those femcel comments, god damn someone take pity on those cows, god damnit those are hilarious
He's not a model for sure, but he really isn't that bad looking. I dunno why they're being so critical of him. Yeah, he's a being a dick, but that doesn't mean he's ugly. Just call him a dick, don't pull random stuff out of thin air.
>gets used as a fleshlight and then publicly mocked
I'd be pretty mad if a girl did that to me, so I can see why she'd get mad at him.
That board is a joke. Like 90 percent of the girls in that site have bfs or been in a relationship and had sex. And the ones who have not are under 20.
Only a rare minority are actual "femcels"
Normie hamster wheel running on overdrive. To normalfags, attention and validation from strangers online is like cocaine
you'd be mad, sure, but she made the conscious decision to be a fleshlight for this man purely on how much better looking he is than her
neither of them should be proud of themselves
Absolutely based.
Altho seeing people on other websites, particularly on reddit, and particularly women, using terms like Chad, Stacy and other words that I normally use on Jow Forums as part of their lingo is kind of unsettling.
>At this point, if you're going to end up being pumped and dumped, it may as well only be with Chad
lmao, the lack of self awareness is astounding. it really is just like female r9k. Just admit that you only ever wanted to fuck Chad and would be happy for him to use you sexually. also lol at how unoriginal they are, they are incapable of creating their own ideas so they just stole everything from incels and added a fem prefix. Calling alphas chad came straight from here, at least get your own memes.
but it didnt count because she still *feels* like a virgin
this is what dating a femcel is actually like
Yeah, you really have a point there. It's a dick move for him to make fun of her, but she can't really complain about getting pumped and dumped if a one night stand is all she signed up for. That's why I don't want to have casual sex. I don't want to be someone's fucktoy for a night, I want a relationship.
damn you are turbo gay dude
incel is a word that a woman created/made popular
are you a boy or a girl? most relationships start with casual sex, or you can be friends first and take the slow route but then you'll risk the chance of being friendzoned, its better to state your intent right away, IE like if you want kids or if youre in for a quick fix. but since you clearly stated that you got the second half you have to understand that you have to make your move on the first half, love at first sight is a real thing user
Are you stupid? The term incels was created BY incels. You do not even know where they come from Lmao
nah it was that dumb journalist. you are reddit-tier and incels need to gtfo
>are you a boy or a girl?
Male. Sorry to disappoint you, I guess.
>most relationships start with casual sex
Yeah, but I don't want casual sex.
>love at first sight is a real thing user
Not really, that's just infatuation, and usually based on appearance. It can lead to real love, but most of the time it doesn't. You need to get to know someone before you can love them.
>the amount of women in the thread calling him ugly
How fucking ridiculous women are, jesus christ this made me so angry. The discrepancy between what a good looking man and what a good looking woman is has never been wider. Literally every women is perceived as at least average looking, if not beautiful. While only the top tier of Chad is ever considered actually good looking.
>has sex
Wow, so this is the amazing fembot and femcel. How fucking sad and difficult their lives are, getting fucked and loved for at least one night. Yikes, femanons are such complete whores.
good point user,maybe i fall inlove too easily
From what I gather, a "femcel" is a female who isn't having as much sex as attractive women, nor do they get showered with gifts.
>he thinks ugly girls are average looking
I was in that place once. It's ok, it happens to me still sometimes. You just have to be cognizant of the fact that it's not real love if you don't actually know the other person.
stop making me feel things
he's ugly as fuck though. granted, the girl is like 2/10 but he isn't much better looking than her. way below average, just like her.
Is this how Nippon men see white women? Top kek.
Moot should have nuked the servers on his way out.
I'm sorry, user. Doesn't it feel nice to feel things sometimes, though? I think it's nice, in a bittersweet sort of way.
Eh, he seems higher than that. It could be that the image OP posted is a still from a video, so it's not the best image.
he doesn't seem higher.
then if he looks better irl than in the video so does the girl.
You could be right, I dunno.
She probably does too. She's not too bad to begin with. I haven't seen them irl, I meant they both look better in the actual video than they do in the blurry image taken from it.
Holy fuck, reddit is awful. What do you call it when a group knowingly lies to eachother, and everyone pretends to believe the lie in order to virtue signal?
If there is no word for it, there needs to be.
A circle jerk.?
Thats pretty much all subreddits though
Thats what robot community used to be like, fortunately weve gotten more diverse
why does shit like this have to happen and make everyone angry at each other
all i want is a gf to play animal crossing with
real talk user. people whined about the change of community and some of those complaints were legitimate, but in my opinion the true appeal of Jow Forums is the lack of any filter or over-moderation on who can post and what they are allowed to post. its a real free for all and there will always be someone to call you on your bullshit. maybe its an abomination or a cesspit or whatever, but at least Jow Forums is not a hugbox circle jerk
About to reply with this.
Place your bets on how long it will be before mods remove it, and ban me.
Shadowbanned by a filter.
I upvoted you, my fellow Redditor.
>trying to fight reddit censorship
>expecting not just redditors, but FEMALE redditors to see reason
exercise in futility, user.
>he's ugly as fuck
>he has no room to talk
>tfw they still fuck him
>tfw you're nowhere near as attractive as him, yet he's still somehow ugly
Thankyou, m'nigger.
Why did he fuck her then. If the excuse is he was drunk or something then he needs to be gassed. We dont need these retards taking up space.
Their leader has spoken!
good taste my neegrow
>I hate all men
>All men are like this
>Thanks for seeing yourself in him
It's all so tiring.
In this specific case shes 100% right
If men are so ashamed of fucking disgusting fat ass then maybe they shouldnt do it.
This is exactly why us being able to get sex easily isn't in any way validating or positive like you all think it is. That poor girl probably has no self esteem as it is to be honest. But men will stick their dicks in anyone and not even be able to treat them with any kind of human decency after.
>mfw when that robot cringed at the end
the amount of toast in that thread is hilarious.
>The first online community to use the term "incel" was started in 1993 when a Canadian college student known only by her first name, Alana, created a website in order to discuss her sexual inactivity with others.[12][19][20][21] The website, titled "Alana's Involuntary Celibacy Project",[12] was used by people of all genders to share their thoughts and experiences. In 1997, she started a mailing list on the topic that used the abbreviation INVCEL, which was later shortened to "incel", where it was defined as "anybody of any gender who was lonely, had never had sex or who hadn't had a relationship in a long time".[22] During her college career and after, she realized she was queer, and became more comfortable with her identity. She later gave the site to a stranger.[20] When speaking about the website in 2018, Alana said, "It definitely wasn't a bunch of guys blaming women for their problems. That's a pretty sad version of this phenomenon that's happening today. Things have changed in the last 20 years."[22]
Male incels btfo
Last time a link to that place was posted, I saw some post of a girl claiming her grandmother (who had sex and reproduced) was a "femcel."
They clearly don't quite understand.
Also, the comments are all calling the guy far below average when even two seconds of the girl with half her fave covered were enough to show she was less attractive than him.
I think the easiness of obtaining sex is part of the reason why women cannot truly grasp the concept of "average."
He's much better looking than her, but I still wouldn't want to look like him.
>and how it isn't liberating in any sense
Which means she tried a few times and wasn't treated like a magical princess.
>and not even be able to treat them with any kind of human decency after.
You need to make yourself worth of decency.
And one night stands aren't what a decent person does.
>then maybe they shouldnt do it.
have you not heard of beer goggles? The fool was obviously black out drunk and took that beast back to his house for a fuck
>I can get sex whenever I want but it doesn't count since if I eat 3k calories a day for years and never wash myself I'll be ugly and men will mock me
I hate when people blame everything on alcohol. He would have at least somewhat known what he was doing.
yeah? thats what I said isn't it.. I said it isn't a positive thing that a man will fuck you but not date or respect you. Yet you all throw it around like its some great achievement.
Not my fault you didn't understand that desu
>I said it isn't a positive thing that a man will fuck you but not date or respect you
It's still more than incels get, you know that right? Incels have to pay for the same privilege, and even then some get turned down.
Yes I realise that but. thats meaningless anyway. at the same time they all think it can magically fix everything instead of just leaving us feeling cheap and empty and ultimately worse (I haven't even done it myself because I know this will be the case) you can all get prostitutes sure, but would it soothe the crippling loneliness? its insane to hate women for a world that men created.
>a world that men created
>when feminism is the primary reason for the world's current state
The only way that statement makes sense is if by "men" you mean "jews".
men created it by putting so much value on getting their fucking dicks wet. look at every womans tinder inbox. Nobody is making these desperate guys swipe yes on every single woman in the hope of maximising his chances. I can understand being jealous of something you can't get but to turn it to resentment.. I don't understand that
>men created it by putting so much value on getting their fucking dicks wet
Nope, wrong. Fundamental misunderstanding of men.
>Nobody is making these desperate guys swipe yes on every single woman in the hope of maximising his chances
Nobody except the entire system owned by Mr Shekelstein which brainwashed him from birth to think that self-worth is derived through sex. This is a relatively recent phenomenon. People were still horny and fucked in the past of course, but the oversexualized obsession our culture has is quite new and quite artificial.
>I can understand being jealous of something you can't get
I'm not actually an incel.
to desensitize our dick so we last longer
girls actually don't need any skill to have sex. just lay there and take it. meanwhile, a guy can prematurely ejaculate. to stop this, you need to get your penis used to being inserted into pussies
t. premature ejaculator
>we don't find him attractive
Put him in designer jeans and a blazer, and 99.3% of these """"femcels"""" will be tearing each other's throats out for a piece of him
you're retarded, all of them get as much sex as they want it's about not getting chad if it's about anything.
If he was a woman, he would've claimed rape instead.
>he fell for the pasta
How new are you?
she's right, you know. in a very original way she's right.
He's an asshole, but she's fat. They deserve each other.
That's why I have to know the person before arranging something like this. I'd feel more guilty with leaving her in that kind of a complicated situation, rather than just politely declining. It sucks, but there's more to dating than just saying "yes."
>"And other than STD risk, this is why I'm >against the suggestion of one night stands >being liberating. In my experience the men >who dedicated their lives to having ONS were >assholes, straight up misogynists. How you >are liberated by having sex with people who >despise you. I've been there as they bitch >about even the hot ones they've fucked >behind their back, they call all women they've >had sex with whores and sluts and think it's >funny, they point out women they've "almost" >had sex with.
>I'm not talking about fwb guys, guys you fuck >on the first date about then cancel the second >date with, I'm talking guys like the above. The >ones say things like "Im going out to the Club >to get laid tonight" every weekend."
Say what you will about the femcel community, but this is so true.
The femcels are really upset about this dude and calling ugly and shit its just so funny to me. i think that guy have a bad time last night with this chick . I wish I know the hole story.
>all the comments saying he is ugly and she's his looksmatch
80/20 meme is real.
>girl exercises poor judgment concerning who she sleeps with
I'm shocked.
>if you're going to get pumped and dumped, it may as well be with Chad.
Based and redpilled. Femanons, don't settle for one night stands with below average men who'd rather be watching porn.
I don't know if I've stumbled onto a war between incels and femcels that I don't have any context of, but why does the fact that fat girls can get sex easier than men disqualify this guy from being a cunt?
I feel bad for this poor girl. My sister is heavy set too and I know she's encountered cunts in public before. It's easy to say they deserve it for chasing Chads or whatever, but how are we supposed to know these things? You're drawn to a person and you learn hard lessons, ultimately she'll grow from this but this guy is a total fuckwit.
I matched with a girl on Tinder one night and went to her house and she was considerably less attractive than her profile made her out to be, but when she started talking it was pretty clear that she had just rolled the dice and received low IQ, low motivation and a pretty gross face. She told me these stories about the fast food place she had recently been fired from (I stuck around because I bought weed off her) and I felt so bad that this poor girl had nothing really to gain in life, she had reached her miserable ceiling very early in life. Sure I could have fucked her then and there and if the fact that she was given a cunt makes her so much less entitled to misery than you then I can't change your mind, but man I saw how she was living and it was fucked. I would way rather be on Jow Forums all day.
Eventually I thanked her for the weed and just left and went home because fucking her would have been like taking advantage of a child man, the fact that I had a university degree had her in awe it would have been straight up manipulation. How could I begrudge her for taking a few well angled shots and trying to get some attention? The guy in this video is so desperate for sex that he's willing to lie to this poor woman and make her think he's ever going to give her the time of day.
You say women have it easier because they can get sex even if they're hogs but who the fuck deserves to be made an absolute joke of like this?
I had a one night stand and waking up was the most awkward shit in the universe. I NEVER want to do it again, ever.
It's just a joke dude, get over it. Virgins get made fun off all the time yet this isn't an issue.
So what's the real context? A post in the thread just says "it was found on another image board (not 4chins)" it other than that, could just be a fabrication or out of context joke.
they are literally admitting it. They are saying that sex doesnt matter if it only gets you disrespected and abused. I mean there is a point to be made about that but objectively some kind of sex is still better than nothing. A lot better.
>but objectively some kind of sex is still better than nothing. A lot better.
For a male yes, but not for a female, their sexuality is different, more emotional, less physical. For her a one night stand is like for a virgin fucking some top tier escort then being disappointed because there is no emotional connection, this is not something what most males who have one night stand feel, because while there is no emotional connection, there is ego stroking for getting a girl, for him it's an achievement, for her not so much unless she can keep him or something.
>Posts about getting laid
Are women capable of even the simplest logic?
To be fair, most incels I've talked to here don't want just sex either.
The male concept of "fun to ride but embarrassing to be seen with" is so weird to me. I'd never fuck a man I wasn't 100% attracted to emotionally and physically. I'd rather use my hand than get off with a fugly dude. Why do men have so little self respect as to compromise their standards for a moment of ejaculation? I just don't get it and never will. I get 'lowering your standards" to a certain point but if you are fucking somebody that you are embarrassed to be seen with I think that's almost like sex addiction
Regardless of that fact if you can get laid at all you shouldn't be using the suffix "cel" as it isn't applicable in any form whatsoever. They're bastardising terminology in order to equate themselves with their supposed male counterparts, the two however are not comparable.
Honestly she's not that bad he should have taken the time and gotten her to go to the gym that fat is hiding a pretty girl.
You have no idea how strong the urge to breed is for men.
>shouldn't be using the suffix "cel" as it isn't applicable in any form whatsoever
Celibate doesn't mean you are also a virgin. Technically speaking you can be a non-virgin and an incel.
>Regardless of that fact if you can get laid at all
99% of incels can get laid, the question is only how low do they have to push their standards. Not to mention that hookers do count as celibacy breach.
i hate women, but this is really gay. why would you embarrass someone like this even if it's just a woman.
i hope white knights dox this guy
It all comes down to "muh instinct" with you degenerates that sleep around and cheat. Gross
I was thinking the same thing. Reading through the comments in the post a few women were saying he was ugly and unattractive, which is funny coming from what's likely a bunch of fat slobs.
The irony is palpable.