Under what circumstances is it warranted for someone to kill themselves? I'm contemplating it

Under what circumstances is it warranted for someone to kill themselves? I'm contemplating it.

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there's no line, only an individual can determine whether it's warranted or unwarranted as they have sovereignty over their life (and death) but there are many factors at play for you to determine how warranted it is, OP. I've tried to kill myself and failed so I've been there.

What's up, what's missing from your life?

you do you boo
literally, its up to the person

>What's up
Miserable for seven years now, nothing I've attempted has changed it and I've done everything. Over the last several months I've realized I'm probably gay which disgusts me (don't lecture me on how it's okay) and it seems immutable. In debt from college. Repulse everyone I'm around.

>when is suicide warranted
whenever you want it to be, last thing people can do is decide what you do with your life.
that said people reconsider

Depends on the situation I guess. I read a story a while ago about a rock climber that killed himself after his girlfriend died in an avalanche he survived. In the article it said his parents respected his decision.

Only when you know for an absolute fact that things are NOT going to get better. That's the point when it is realistic to end it. If there is even a shred of hope things can improve keep living.

Do you reckon your misery or depression is clinical or environmental? Like, do you think there's a chemical issue in your brain or your surroundings/life have just been shitty this past 7 years? What have you attempted to change?

How do you repulse those around you, and how do you know they're actually repulsed? Could it just be paranoia?

You got the gay. I know that feel this last week I feel it infecting me too. Same as you it repulses me.

Depression being caused by a "chemical I'm balance" is a meme without scientific evidence supporting it. My environment's changed over the past seven years so I doubt that's it. There's nothing external that's especially bad.

>What have you attempted to change?
To name a few, I've exercised regularly, changed my diet, had a job, joined clubs at my college, done nofap and noporn, tried antidepressants, drank more water, picked up hobbies, tried to become more religious, tried to gain the approval of others, tried anything and everything.

It's not paranoia. It manifests itself in different ways, usually it's explicit disgust with my points of view or telling me I'm a pest for one reason or another.

Ah you're in college? Do you give a fuck about what you're studying or nah? You'll never be happy just doing shit to gain other people's approval if it's not shit you're actually passionate enough- that just breaks us down and makes us feel like a fake on a subconscious level. I also don't know how plausible it is to push religion onto yourself, that depends on how willing your mind is to accept self-afflicted deceit and you honestly sound a bit too self-aware for that.

Anyone in your life you actually like?

Anyway OP, my internet's been cutting in and out all day because of a storm but if you ever want to chat just email me here [email protected]

Well fuck hanging around people who call you a pest. Do you voice points of view that normies would hate often?

There are some people I talked to on Discord I did.


It's not a matter of that. I tend to be pessimistic and sometimes play devil's advocate for the sake of not having a circlejerky discussion.

Oh, yeah I've got a friend like that but he's honest that he likes to bait and play devil's advocate which makes him easier to understand and tolerate. Still talk to those people on discord or nah? It honestly sounds like you're surrounded by people that you half-like or simply tolerate and you try to keep them to stave off loneliness. Better course would be to find legit 1 or 2 people that you actually like. Sounds like you're young, you got time. Sound like a smart guy too, too much potential to anhero.

I know you're likely just saying I'm smart to make me feel better. All the people I really liked but one or two told me to fuck off, and the early circumstances under which I started talking to one as well as the general behavior of the other have me raising my eyebrows that the reason they out up with me isn't exactly honest.

It's up to you. It's your life, unless there are people whose existence you're responsible for and are directly relying upon you, in other words, children. It's up to you unless you've decided to go ahead and have children, but the chances of that are extremely small.

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Sounds strange man- why'd they lie or be deceitful? Or would you rather be vague because they're robots? I'm not saying you seem smart to make you feel better, don't deflect compliments so easily. True that I don't know you from anyone, but just judging from your writing style, the way you interpret the questions I'm asking and the depth of your answers, you don't seem like an idiot. It's pretty easy to pick an idiot out from the way they type.

Close to your family or not so much?

>Close to your family or not so much?
I talk to my parents regularly I suppose.

Alright, so not distant but not close- close enough that they'd be devastated if you died I'm sure. Do you give a shit about what you're studying and the future that might come from whatever that is?Personally, I reckon the core reason as to why I was depressed to the point of attempting suicide in university was due to my soul-crushing, shit-tier degree that I felt like I had to take because it's 'difficult' and 'competitive'.

I care about what I am studying somewhat. But I was depressed years before starting college.

All circumstances, the best thing about suicide is lack of accountability

if youre on life support maybe MAYBE otherwise its pretty immoral tbhwy op

Can you PayPal me some money big boss?

If you're born into a life like mine, I think it warrants heavy daily contemplation.

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