Hey boys anybody wanna talk?
Doomer looking for a friend
Yeah, how can i get in contact with you? you wont ghost me, right?
Sure, what do you want to talk about user?
Try having that face when a girl is sucking the cum out of your dick
I can talk. I think it is necessary to both give and recieve help for the soul.
Nah, not looking to talk with men. I have enough male e-cquaintances.
Boys my snap is kal69521 hit me up we will all start a group chat
hello user
fellow doomer reporting in
Whats the point in ghosting eachother?
How's everyone doing? I should go to bed because I have to be up early for my sisters birthday tomorrow but fuck it
Doomers add me let's talk on snap
I'd be willing to talk on discord if you don't mind me being 19.
my discord is Dr. Jasper#1050 if anyone wants to add me
prepper doomer here. I don't see it getting better until it gets violently worse.
I'm a black pilled prepper. It is 04 AM in my timezone. I have food, 250L water and nongun weapons as guns are illegal in my country.
I am slowly building up my stock having been blackpilled just a while ago. I have knives, a survival kit, few multitools like axes and shovels, and I'm working on getting food and water atm.
Bros just hit snap we got two boys on there already
>discord link
calling all doomers
Doomers are retards with no concept of technological/scientific trends.
You guys are living in a fantasy. Like every dipshit with claims about the coming apocalypse. You want it to happen because your lives are so fucking boring and you think it'll be fun, for some fucked up reason.
If you live in Vegas I would be 100% down to meet you IRL and get food or something tomorrow
Hey doomer janitor here, am i hate my life and wosh i was dead
>starts thread asking for conversation
>doesn't reply to anyone
Fuck you OP.
if u have a kik we can talk
kik: weaslethorpe
Nig nog sure, ill talk in text
Actually fuck you user, ive got no time
Fellow 24 year old doomer reporting in. I can be your friend if youd like. I have no oe
You mean for when everything goes to shit? Is this a normal thing that people do?
Bois I'm here I've been talking to doomers on snap
>Going on snapchat
Great, another normalfag who thinks he's a
[ ] Robot
[ ] Depressed
[x] Doomer
[ ] NEET