How much lifting do i have to do to compensate for having aspergers

how much lifting do i have to do to compensate for having aspergers

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Aspergers and autism is not real. Just get over yourself and stop being a retard.

all of it

This so much

This. I was clinically diagnosed with stage 5 autism and terminal aspergers at a young age and was bullied all throughout grade school and uni. It wasn't until I was in my late 20's that it clicked in my mind to just stop acting like a retard and from then on I have lived a normal life. Unfortunately at this point I am 30 and now too old to go to the gym and will never truly make it, so instead I give advice on a fitness section of an anime image board in hopes that others can learn from my mistakes.

>too old

Nigga what?!
The best body I ever had was around my 30'th birthday.

Making it isn't about having a 6pack. It's a fucking state of mind

Came here to post this. Also Facepulls

Just get started, you can be ottermode by 32
I agree on autism being something you can handle though, I think it was like 80% of kids diagnosed with autism no longer have a lot of the issues as adults, and can live pretty normal lives (with maybe a bit of sperginess)

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Autist here
I wish my parents had just told me to not be such a little sperg, but I had to realize that on my own at age 20

This. Bleach cures all.

>tfw every girl that approaches me loses interest as soon as I open my mouth

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Chef Ramsey been fucking hittin' it lately

Fuck i get that too

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If you have height|face|frame, autism doesn't matter

what is this picture lolol

you're not too old just start now, at worst do TRT

I’m low on the spectrum, but one thing my parents and friends in sports emphasized is to have something that you’re focused/compassionate about. When you have autism, you can grab onto something and just go to with it for decades, so as I grew up, I took on 3 things. Art, theism, and exercise. I love art from Jack Kirby to Caravaggio ,I ask my pastor many questions about the Bible and try to meditate daily, and I lift twice a week and work at a warehouse every other day.I used to be very sad and thought that my autism was a setback, but now it’s something that I barely acknowledge like every 2 weeks or if it’s mentioned somewhere . Do the work and overcome those shackles man

the boys, and how they're back, in town

good old elliott

>gril actually approaches me a few weeks ago
>After 5 minutes tells me I have a "heavy smoker's" voice and never talks to me again
>Week later, gril tells me I sound like a serial killer
>Yesterday, gril tells me I sound like a 15 year old

I don't understand.

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we're still trying to find out ;_:
>jack kirby and carvaggio
i wanna see your art user

Thanks i'm finally not autistic anymore

About tree-fiddy

>I'm too old I'm 30!
You never would have made it, you have the mindset of a loser

autistic = annoying and antisocial. so it is not real.