Post your experience with game after /fit
Game thread
I like splatoon 2
I've been trying ESO since WoW reward system fucked the game. It's pretty nice so far.
i feel more worthy to use the microphone to speak with my team on fps/pve games.
I have been replaying TW Rome 2 and played through Oblivion, that was pretty fun
I started enjoying the oldies goldies more, such as the original Doom, Morrowind etc., mostly stuff from the 90s and early 2000s.
I play R6 Siege. And a bit of Grim Dawn.
My n'wah. Only game I still play from time to time.
Yeah no shit, Papa Caius is Jow Forums body goals.
OP meant game as in reeling in women. Fucking nerds go back to /v/
League of legends only till the day I die
It pisses me off when jacked characters never step foot in a gym
I understood that, fuck this pua crap, I;d rather talk about games.
Overwatch currently because I have no other game
After losing weight and making some noob upper body gains grills check me out, but i'm not sure about how to approach and what to say.
Hell the other day a girl asked me how to reach a certain place and it was probably an excuse to approach me but i didn't know what to say.
What's your steam I have a bunch of games. To extort.
For proof shoe on head timestamp & steam user ID.
We know, we just don't give a shit.
This is a Jow Forumsvidya thread now.
I have to head into work but I'll check the archive after if you deliver gg no reee
a lot of fat chicks have started to hit on me, but i hate fat people so it makes me uncomfy
i love dark souls 3
pre ordered Sega genesis mini
Why do modern gaming suck ass? I remember two years ago we had amazing proje ts, now every AAA gane is just a garbage. Constant Early Access es, microtransactions, shit ton of bugs, wtf is this. No wonder remasters so popular
based user.
Ive always wanted to get into morrowind, but it just never caught me. Any tips to enjoy my experience more? am i just too retarded to figure out the quest clues?
I have came to the conclusion that it is because you learned how to play games. Hear me out.
When you were young you bought a game via friends having it or box art. Maybe a TV commercial.
You had mindless fuck dicking around in games not min maxing or trying to be efficient or having any real purpose.
Now that you have grown up though you research more about games so as it is an economic purchase you domt want to waste your money.
You learn all the combos, shortcuts, tricks, and exploits to save time to be the most effective and efficient player.
Games become less fun and more about stressing out to get XYZ. Or beat it.
>That may just be me though
Tldr games get worse because reality.