That kid thread

>That black muscular kid who tore his girlfriends pussy open during sex by accident
>That kid who performed anime attacks in a legit fist fight.
>Those autistic kids who were caught sucking each others dicks in the school bathroom
>That ghetto hispanic kid who hung out with all the weebs all of the time.

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>That kid who smelled like shit all the time
>That kid who liked to throw pencils and paper balls out of the bus.
>Those kids who still played with bakugan in highschool.

>that kid who drowned in the public pool

>that kid who wanted to kill himself with a shotgun but only ended up blowing his face off and wandered out into the streets for about an hour until he finally died
>that kid who warped his 2001 Toyota around a light pole where the front and back end were touching
>that kid who sold weed to a cop at school

>that kid who said he had a threesome with two hot sisters in a hot tub
>that kid who smoked weed for the first time and greened out at recess and had to have an ambulance called
>that kid with the punisher shirt and rainbow bracelets who goes to raves

>that kid who's parents pulled him out to be homeschooled
>that same kid who everyone says died
>that kid who fell asleep in class regularly
>that autistic kid who pissed himself in class

>That kid who literally thought he was a cowboy because he owned the boots
>that kid who ate six gallons of paste and got his stomach pumped resulting in the paste being banned from the county schools
>that kid who stuck her tongue into an electrical socket, got horribly burnt, then tried to blame other kids even though she was alone in the computer lab.

>that one kid that threw a desk across the room and literally ran all the way home without stopping to walk because they called his mom ugly
>that one kid that came to class high everyday(me)
>that one kid that could rap pretty good and got offered a record deal but said no and could never finish his EP(me)
>that one kid who scream he's gonna fuck his teachers wife because he was angry
>that one kid who told everyone off on graduation day because he was fucking annoyed and pissed off and he had to take a nasty shit(me)

>that kid who wore a furry head to school
>that kid that brought a gun to school
>that kid that roller blades in the halls

>that kid who failed a debate because he was tripping balls
That was today. I did that

I bet you were on DXM. Fag

Lsd. I'm not a fucking fag

>that kid who woke up from a nap and started punching the wall

>the weeb kid who never fucking showered and had some absurd physical features about him

>That fat kid who passed out and shat himself after doing a half-lap on the track

>that kid that was obsessed with knives and carried a switchblade
>that special ed student who looked totally normal and was a bro
>that kid who's dad died and cried when his dads favorite song played during prom
>that girl that everyone hated for no reason
>that shy girl that never had a friend and would awkwardly stand in random spots during lunch

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>that girl who would hunt you down and interrogate you no matter where you were if she heard you might have insulted her

>>that kid who wore a furry head to school
>>that kid that brought a gun to school

Those were the same kid at my school

>that gay foreign student who would pass every free moment to practice his dance skills-- he was actually pretty good.
>that autistic girl who had the biggest tits I've ever seen
>that foreign girl who was married to an older man in her home country

>That kid who killed himself over the long weekend
>That one rich kid no one liked
>That autistic kid who sat at the girl table because they felt sorry for him
>That other autistic kid who wore a blue fox tail and paws to school
>That one kid who had to change schools because his dad Was a registered sex offender
>That same kid who's dad was also the history teacher for a number of years
>That kid who sued the school for shutting down the conservative club
>That girl who got drunk on the marching band trip

>that kid who would spend $70 that he was supposed to pay for his karate lessons with on titloads of chips and candies and share it with everyone in class
>that one kid who had over 10 nicknames
>that stacy who stunk up the entire bus with her sandwich on a school trip
>that kid who would threaten to have you beat up by his older friends
>that kid with the biggest fucking mole on his face
>that kid who smoked paper
>that kid who would film everything

>that kid who doesn't respond to anyone's posts and makes what is basically a blog thread

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