/PLG/ - Powerlifting General

Approved Intermediate Programs for PLG

>Bro Tier (trying hard, having sex, loving life required)
5th Set (great for late intermediates)
5/3/1 (read the book bitch)
Westside for Skinny Bastards
Madcow Intermediate (great for early intermediates)
Destroy the Opposition (J. Lewis)
Cube Kingpin
The Cube (+ Predator)
Conjugate (max effort + dynamic + repetition)
Spotoshot (bench only)
Texas Method 4-day Split Model from PPST.
Juggernaut Method 2.0 (a more periodized 5/3/1)

>Nerd Tier (must have high IQ)
RTS Generalized Intermediate
RTS Emerging Strategies
Nuckols Average to Savage
Nuckols 28 Free
TSA 9 Week
HLM (Heavy Light Medium)
Blevins Skynet AI
Juggernaut AI

>Meme Tier (might work if you love memes)
*NEW* Hepburn x Sheiko Blend (pending testing)
Candito 6 Week
Texas Method 3-Day
Texas Method Trappy Version
Sheiko (great if you're in meet prep)
The Bridge
Smolov Jr.
Bulgarian/Bugenhagen Method
Slavic Swole
nSuns 5/3/1 (written by a 1200 lb totaling Redditor)
Hepburn "Power and Pump"
Programming 2 Win (by Jack Black)

>Voluntary Ever-Late-Beginner
Barbell Medicine

>Retard Cuck-Tier
PH3 (need a tourniquet to choke yourself, and it has a 100% injury rate)

*all of these programs work (except PH3), but the effort and attitude of the athlete is most important

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>have sex

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>no edition name
You're fucking retarded.

Posting pipe hobbit so figgy cant do it

Attached: hits joint before figgy.jpg (720x888, 165K)


>finishing frying up a big pile of pancakes
>feel a big poo poking out my asshole
>fuck you I'm not letting them cool down
I'm eating pancakes while on the shitter, call the cops I don't give a fuck

Don’t you mean a big Norman khan?


Fuck you don't @ me transcripple

>I ain’t no quitter
You quit (never started) powerlifting.

Just microwave them breh

thats a disgusting normalfag OP pic you deserve to die

Yeah for sure. Define how older tho

How's training going? Any thoughts on Richardson switching from PL to Strongman?

How many more years of bloat-grind do you have in you? When is your exit date?

You can't bloat forever.

>have sex, love life
get this fucking roastie logic off my fucking board. tired of how prolific this fucking degeneracy is all over our society and even Jow Forums. the day of the rope can't come soon enough.

All these triggered incels.

>You can't bloat forever
Heh, that's where you're wrong, kiddo.

Don't really care. I doubt it'll be a great career move if he already gets injured doing powerlifting but that's where the money is so why not go chase it?

I don't bloat my man. I stick at or under 105kg and have done for three years. I did my bloating.

I'm not sure if he was truly injured. Maybe he faked it for reasons.

my friends obesity infarct risk dysglemic
i recommend drink warm water eat vegetable

If Richardson will go head to head with strongman there is no way hes natty and you know it.

post yt link of your strongest squat

Imagine the horror if your wife had this attitude.

There is no rope in the jungle, homo.

this is why you look like SHIT after years of lifting

Whoah there twiggy


whatever i could fuck your gf because i look good and have abs

She's like 5'10". I told her if she ever wanted to compete she should be an 84. She carries her fat pretty well, so I'd probably be okay with it.

Maybe to people on Jow Forums with body dismoprphia.

you could fuck me too desu, I'd be into it

Brave man

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>tfw my gf is 5'11, 84kg and not even fat also almost have wider clavicles than me

Yup and it means I can stop caring about his lifts!

Why would he do that? Why wouldn't he win world's again and set world (jnr) records?

Okay thank friend for advices good.

Ahhh fuck me that was too many pancakes, I made 3000 caloriea of pancakes and couldn't finish them all. I left 6 for later because my tummy hurts now. I ate about 20 idk didn't count them before eating.

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Luke can be going after money how can you say you wont compete beacuse hip and proceed to deadlift 400 with straps on deadlift bar

Bad excuse

Settle down before you go shoot up a school or something

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What's the point of getting as fat as you fucking can while you are injured

Hip injury can stop squats and be fine for deadlifts.

She's definitely never going to though because she hates setbacks as is from just regular lifting, hates squats, and has a love/hate relationship with bench.

>hates squats
Trick her into loving them. Squats make a woman's body fucking awesome.

I'm not getting as fat as I fucking can, pancakes 3000 later I'll have chickne and milk 400 and 300 that's 3700 calories total so it's ok. My arms aren't injured and I'm making steady press and sick bench gains, and I'm doing lots of light leg press. I have finally started playing with cables so I'm gaining muslces.
Plus I'm already fat so all the calories go to my muscles and not fat you know, it's ok.


Gay faggot

can anyone help me figure out why

is fucking active


Go lick a saggy ass, virgin

licked your moms ass yesterday faggot

it's 2019, those words are no longer insults

Im going to do 5/3/1 without any accessories and there is no one to stop me

(okay I will do chin ups once in a while)

Why are russians superior lifters with such clean form?

Look at Belkins deadlift or Kiril's bench, meanwhile americans are huffing and screaming and shaking in their maxes.

I've tried, she's built like twinkalex and her legs are two different lengths from breaking her ankle on a growth plate when she was ~13. She has at least gotten up to more than 1pl8 for fahves

>Inb4 531 sucks I got weaker

Not bad. When in doubt, goblet squats or buglarian split squats.

Free steroids from state run laboratories and the promise that their families will die slowly in a gulag if they should fail

She does do goblet squats and belt squats but hates squatting with a barbell

I think if my wife hated squats I'd make her do BSS just so her paradigm gets adjusted to show her what hate really is

>steroids get your form better

How do you go from a 590 total to 830 in 2 years?

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Go up a weight class and figure out how eq works.

I injured my shoulder and this injury keeps me from doing bench and rows. I've been doing SL 5x5, and I can still do all of B-day(squat/ohp/dl). While I recover should I just focus on doing the lifts I can, or should I try changing things up? Any recommendations?

I do not have sex
What routine should i do

Talk to women xF


I do not have sex
What anime should I watch?

Jojo bizarre adventure

already watched 1-4 and wasnt planning on watching the italian fagboy

Its unironically best season

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Wait when are the WOrlds Competition




our guy the japanese bloatoard

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men open when

>rest day

I'm bored guys

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> 60% women 40% women so Gender Equality is working

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WSM june 13th-16th

how many will piss themselves deadlifting or squatting lol

>60% women 40% men*

naw, /ourguy/ is the monk in the -120s

>how many will piss themselves
They all will but don't worry they are prepared

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Die you degenerate Barneyfag

Can i be spotter, i will be laying on floor, lifter stance just outside of my ear span, and i will be the pisscatcher with my mouth haha

Let's all take a moment to thank beer for existing. Amen.

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45 years old when your natural test levels drop by decent amount

Some nerd will certainly reply to this post and say they don't drink but what is a life without beers

When do the open classes start at ipf worlds I don't wanna watch washed up losers

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Do some cardio.

>more woman are participating as men
So they let in transgenders afterall?

This reee

Nvm I looked it up myself. We get to the relevant classes on the 13th


13th is 105-120+?

Thank you frend.