How old is too old for getting in really good shape? I'll be 37 in a few months and feel like shit

how old is too old for getting in really good shape? I'll be 37 in a few months and feel like shit.

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Real talk
How old is too old for Jow Forums?

Its never too old to be fit. Just know you are more limited on how much you can gain.


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thanks, anons. any tips in how to get around that?

My father is 44 and he is fit, gets a shit ton of mires

post pic.

my idea is to be in shape when i'm 40. :\

just work the same way everyone else does, you won't get the same beginner gains as a teenager would but you'll still get gains

>tfw 31yo bommer still shit posting here

I would start with getting a consistent diet. Start with some calisthenics and if you are not fat do some aerobic exercises as well.

keep in mind aerobic exercises are too intense for chunky people.It will demoralize you and make you quit if you don't have a personal trainer to motivate you.

Depends on the board. Most boards are fine to post on as a 30 year old boomer but shit like /b/ or /v/ I'd say the maximum age is maybe 17 or 18.

Strenght and muscle building gains are ok but keeping a low bodyfat is hell

Just set goals for yourself and don't compare yourself to Arnold in his twenties. Literally any improvement is better than what you look and feel like now while sitting on your ass all day.

>but keeping a low bodyfat is hell
You are just a lazy bommer

Read the sticky

Im diligent af. Crazy willpower too - single-handedly dragged myself out of drug and alcohol addiction.

I'm a 31 year old boomer lawyer with a wife, kid, and a home I own. I started on /b/ when I was like 20. Started on Jow Forums little after that, been coming here for like 10 years

Guess what? Most people don't become addicted in the first place.

But thats not because they have more willpower than me

My father is 57 and turned his life around two years ago. He looks great for his age. Dropped 50+ lbs. Just eat right and exercise.

Of course that is why. Don't you think everyone wants to be wasted 24/7? Normal people just have the will power and common sense to say no to that. You weakling had to fuck up and hit rock bottom first to realize what a dumb idea that was. Your willpower had to be build on a foundation on shame and disgrace. But at least you aren't as pathetic as you used to be so good for you.

It's not? What's your explanation?

There's no too late lad
I'm 26 and I feel like a fucking geriatric on Jow Forums most of the time

Since we probably all started to hang out here ten years ago I really wonder what happened to the late twenties/early thirties boomers from back then. Are they still here, lurking in the shadows? Did they finally manage to stop shitposting and live happy normal lifes now? Will we be here forever?

Also 31, been here on and off for years. Image boards keep me sane during the work week.

37? that's too old to get in better shape, i'm afraid. you should just feel like shit for the rest of you life and die early instead.

I trained with a guy who had a client that was in his 60s, motherfucker had a hunchback, he helped him fix that shit and got him lifting
Never too late

Yeah it's been about ten years for me too. I know at least two people in our age bracket who used to lurk, and others I suspect just from things they say. One is a food critic now, so essentially he found a way to shitpost for money. The other is my manager, we were talking about chanology the other day. They both have good lives, we can make it too

Just do it now. The older you get the harder it gets. You won't be able to make gains like a teenager, but it's much easier now than when you're 60.


Im 21 and been here since highschool and honestly I dont enjoy it as much as I used too but anyone over 25 needs to rethink life choices

After about age 45 if you don't work out and eat right you will feel like you are 80 and if you do work out and eat right you will feel like you are 30.

See you in 4 years dude

I'm 38, and fit as fuck. 12% BF, decent definition, 160 lbs. 3 years ago I was 60 lbs heavier and total shit condition. Never too late.
I've been here since you were a sperm lad
>t. literal grandpa