What are your goals in life?

What are your goals in life?

I want start my own academic commune / cult / PMC

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And immorality.

That sounds cool. Would be cool if there were a cult that was also a militia that had loads of military grade gear kinds like Aum Shinrikyo.
This would be cool especially with the ability to shapeshift

To master explosion magic. Just explosion magic.

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write a book and be a writer

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I wanna complete some video games I guess.

winning from euro jackpot and not dying before bio-sculpting becomes a thing.

fly an a-10 warthog
become a history teacher
call a seagull a fag

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Actually fulfill the great leader's plan.

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I want to die and go back to non existence, but I dont want to meet that cunt Jesus on the other side.

Become a naval officer and fire a rail gun.

Get a Gf
Become astrophysicist (tho that one's impossible at this point)

Get my GED.
Get to N1 Japanese level.
Get good at drawing and animation.
Attempt to carve out a career as an inbetweener or key animator in Japan.

Impossible, I know. But there's nothing else I really want to do, and I've tried various different things.

Also, finish losing weight until I hit 115. I'm currently 135. Then start building muscle from there. I'm 6ft.

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Get my degree and land a job at NASA or DARPA.

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My goals change on a weekly basis. A month ago I wanted to be a paratrooper, no Im dead set on royal marines.

first: get a music career and a following
second: piss everyone off and provoke the shit out of people untill i'll end up killing myself

join ISIS, Megu

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I don't know. I've never really had any kind of concrete goal in life, and I've never been able to find one.
Your post did remind me of something with that note about PMCs. It sucks that the good old days when PMCs took anyone they could and you could make shitloads of cash running caravans along highways into Baghdad or other cool shit. These days they only take former Special Forces, and the pay is only slightly better than military pay in the US and UK. On top of that, they don't do much cool and exciting stuff anymore, it's usually just guarding some compound in buttfuck nowhere or maybe some rich guy's place. The glory days are long gone, I guess.
If you ever do start that PMC, OP, can you not be like the other guys these days? Take in some guys like you and me, not guys who had to spend years being Zog's elite to even have a chance at getting in. You'd probably have a much larger pool of candidates as well, making for a larger force. The guys these days just get a few guys who were trained in the top shit and stick with that. But I figure that getting some of those guys and using them to train others instead would be a lot more efficient. That way, you'd have ex special forces guys training your regular troops, and what would that say of your own special divisions, if you have them? You'd basically have the best guys out of men already better than the average grunt of the world's most powerful military.

I wanna be a total waste of space but I also like eating and living in a house.

These goals are at constant odds with eachother.

Any future where I have a family (wife and preferably male kids) and an adequate amount of wealth and power is fine by me. Other careers include: Climbing the ranks of the army, something in the financial sector, something in the diplomatic service, something to do with law, something to do with business/economics, something to do with history, or if things go south; becoming an hero via mass shooting.

115 is absolute skeleton tier, wtf?

You really dont know how complex and extensive military training is until you actually have done it. The cost PMCs would have to front just to train civilian guys to average grunt level would be huge. They save a LOT of money by only taking ex-grunts, even moreso ex-SF.

You say that, but I've gotten to 117 before and I felt and looked fine. I'm not sure what it is, but maybe it's the way my body distributes my weight? Can't really explain it. I know that 117 for my height is significantly below a healthy BMI, but I managed it and felt healthy, actually.

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