My sister is a coal burner and might be planning on keeping the kid after getting knocked up by her nog.
What are some points I can tell her not to keep it ?
Also this is a real black pill for me , I thought it was just a meme but even my own stupid sister got jooed into liking black guys via social media. It's totally true , plus hanging around them and starting to act like one.
What can I do or say to stop this mistake , can't believe the only kid in our family would be a mud mutt.
I can see how people are up in arms about white birth rates and us having our numbers lowered on purpose. Even my own sister is a mud shark and the only girl is ruining our bloodline by having this mixed kid. She put Sept 9th 2019 in her IG bio and its not a good sign... Why must she do this to us ? The only girl and we told her growing up never to bring one home and now she is knocked up by one and he has another kid by some Latina or something idk. The kid is mixed as well.
Are all black guys like this ? Trying to get as many white women to have their kids ? How is this happening? Is it really them being brainwashed by social media?
My sister is a coal burner and might be planning on keeping the kid after getting knocked up by her nog
There's nothing you can do to stop her, user. Just cut her off. Don't talk to her, don't go to the wedding, nothing. Don't associate with her ever again. She's a disgrace to your family and whites everywhere.
You think too highly of this coal burning thot.
They have been off and on for awhile. You really think they'd be married. Lol
And I agree she is a disappointment to my family. We told her for so long never to do this, she even has this Latina friend that is dating a Mexican dude but likes blacks more when even her family told her not to. She actively didn't take white guys she liked because her family wanted her to bring one home.
The state of western women is shocking.
I live with her so I can't just cut her off but I am just stocked she is actually letting this happen
God, that sounds horrendous. I don't even want to think about living with a thot who brought niggers home. You should move out if you can. If you haven't already, distance yourself emotionally from her so it won't affect you when she pays the inevitable toll.
This user is right. Just completely disown her, she's no longer your sister, and don't be there to help her pick up the pieces when she inevitably comes face to face with what a mistake she's made.
>we told her growing up never to bring one home and now she is knocked up by one
Low IQ. Telling them this only increases the taboo and creates a desire in them to do it.
>it's a people actually take this seriously and don't realize it's some mutt baiting episode
White men racemix more than white women. It's all your fault user, maybe you shouldn't have made it okay.
The future of humanity isnt white, black, asian etc.. its mixed. Hopefully we evolve into one definitive race so we can get rid of this stupid racism.
Tell her you can make cuter babies with her and the rape her
>ywn have rough sex with Jordan
Why even live?
>American whites are killing themselves at record rates
>still blames black people for it
>unironically believe genocide is the answer
>tfw all they have to do is stop being right wing whiners being afraid of having their white boy toys taken from them and fuck their own women
This just further confirms that white Americans are the shit tiers of Europeans.
And why are y'all so obsessed with black dick?
Maybe if you had knocked her up first she wouldn't have ended in this situation.
Sadly it isn't bait , it's the truth.
She knows how I feel about blacks and other shit skins , she just wanted someone in her IQ range.
Just shocked that she is going to be a single mom
This is bait, unless you're really this much of a cucklord
I don't know what you're talking about. Our women have been jooed into race mixing. Its obvious.
you sound dumb so maybe your sister is low iq too and gets along with nigs better
How can one "sound" dumb via text only ?
And she does have a low IQ so you're right about that , bud.
>Our women have been jooed into race mixing
Wrong retard. White men support racemixing far more than white women do. It's all your fault. Maybe if you didn't masturbate to JAV or Bleached or whatever the fuck so much your sister wouldn't have indulged herself in nonwhite races.
Based Andrew Yang wants to save the white race, he's got my vote
yang's an obama guy who only wants to oversee the decline of the white population and prevent any violent outbreaks. he also wants to go to war with russia
I'm not opposed to UBI though honestly I might vote for him lol
>She put Sept 9th 2019 in her IG bio
What does this mean I don't get it, is it when the niglet would be born?
If Asians are smart enough they'll tag along with whites and control the rest of the world.
I don't agree on going to war with Russia and also would never fight a fellow white.
We live in a clown world
Yea I liked his interview on the JRE
>If Asians are smart enough they'll tag along with whites and control the rest of the world.
dude let's team up i'm down for that
I've been there user. My sister was a huge slut during her teen years, and had a hard on for low IQ shitskins. It's all about social status, first she started to hang out with them because they were the cool guys and then fucked with a few of them. She even shared some of those experiences with me, and to this day I can't believe she did that. Thankfully she wasn't retarded enough to get pregnant.
Today she is in a formal relationship with some good guy who treates her like a queen (most of the time anyway)
white deaths outnumber births in only 14 states and theyre often states young people either leave or old people move to. It's more just about general population movement rather than anything else
If Asians are smart enough they'll remove whites and control the rest of the world.