>that guy who goes to the gym 5 days a week for 2.5 years but looks like a normal person who has never put any effort in and has absolutely shit lifts
oh wait thats me lol
That guy who goes to the gym 5 days a week for 2...
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stop eating shit food fatass
track your macros
follow a good routine
be consistent
you are welcome
but I eat chicken breast, broccoli and rice
oats for breakfast
sounds like you eat 1000 calories every day my man.
In what quantities do you eat them? Do you drink? How much effort do you put while you're at the gym?
low T my man
check out Christopher Walker and his anabolic diet protocol on youtube
essentially avoid:
processed oils, peanuts, almonds, flax seeds, legumes, beans.
Meat, potato, broth, organs, oysters, raisins, brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, pomegranate, mango, garlic, blueberries, kiwi, mushrooms, onion
Drink: Only water (I use santevia filter) Spring water is best.
Sleep 8-9 hours per night, cold showers in morning, sauna in the evening. don't masturbate
I know it's all bro-tier meme science and I have no proof to back it up but the dude's videos usually correlate to scientific findings and studies, check him out
Eat more you dumbass fuking tard
why should i do ppl 6 days a week and hit a muscle group only twice, when i could do full body routine 3 times a week and hit everything 3 times a week?