>tfw third year of film school
>already anxious, deflated and sure i won't be able to make it in the industry from everybody around me saying how difficult it is
>just want to shut my eyes, lay in bed and listen to the smashing pumpkins all day and wallow
It feels like it's too late for me, lads. I just don't know anymore.
Tfw third year of film school
okay, then do that for a few days, a few weeks, you'll get bored eventually
he takes, da gun, he's on, da run! yeah yeah yah! hella fun in the cali sun, yeah, and this user, you know, he is number one! i'm sure you can do it buddy, just remember to B.E. yourself !!!
>third year of film school
But why?
Because he wants to make a living off something he kinda cares about.
Why don't you make a movie about it, fag
>lib arts degree
>believe my parents and their "you should pursue whatever makes you truly happy" shtick
>grew up pretty poor anyway and don't really give a shit about being financially wealthy, just having enough to live a moderate life is fine with me anyway
should've been a fucking engineer or some shit lol
Sometimes I'm glad that I dropped out of school when I did and never went to film school. Allowed me to try and teach myself on my own, without worrying about grades or other shit. I can actually learn.
I do wonder whaf my life would be like if I had done that though. Maybe I'd actually have a job in the industry by now.
Honestly you may as well just drop out. That is not a realistic career unless you happen to be related to someone famous.
a lot of your peers probably feel that way, if you want to succeed you need to drop this anxious wallowing self pity shit and cultivate the drive to at least try, because you'll already be a step ahead of all the quitters
but yes generally speaking you would need to get better at networking, it's a business before the art
Is Rebel Without A Crew as popular in film schools as it is on the independent filmmaker market, with kids that don't have much formal training?
It's been my bible since I was able to find a copy, but I wonder how people who are actually getting trained to do it feel about it.
YoU cAn Be WhAtEvEr YoU wAnT wHeN yOu GrOw Up! you just gotta
Adapt and overcome your head is in the right place
Is there any actual advantage to finishing film school?
>get to write on piece of paper you finished film school
Yeah, you're right, user. I just don't know how to drag myself out of this hole. I'm autistic as fuck, and 'networking' is like dragging fingernails down a chalkboard to me. I just want to sit in a dark room for 10 hours a day and cut someone's movie, is that so much to ask?
Some parts of the industry are pretty easy and you can make a great living. For example, commercials are in general not that hard to get into. You can make an entire career just out of directing commercials. Plus when people say the industry is hard they're usually talking about features and television. Hope this helps.
It depends. If you have no idea about movies then you will learn a lot. But if you're like OP and are a faggot then probably no.
>Going to film school to get into the industry
Well there's your first mistake
What kind of fucking retard goes to film school if youre not already rich enough to support yourself for the foreseeable future? You deserve the shit thats comjng to you user for picking such a volatile and chance based career path.
>going to film school
>not honing your writing abilities and rubbing elbows with whoever you possibly can in the industry
Do you have a YouTube channel, op? What kinds of movies do you make/review
Yes, I do, but I don't want to share it with r9k. I have about 1,000,000 accumulative views and have been editing for around ten years now. I'm on a set right now, we're doing a coming of age drama that I wrote the script for & am editing and grading.
Ultimately, I just want to edit other people's movies/music videos/commercials/shows/whatever, I'll even edit porn if it comes to that.
This is helpful, thanks lad.
>not avoiding all human contact with professionals that don't give a fuck about you and have people just like you approaching them every single week for as long as possible by paying tens of thousands of dollars for a piece of paper that says you can make a la movie
>be me
>drop out of film school because drinking problem
>Work in restaurants
>do a few production gigs for fun
>made connections in the industry
>Get to work on a few feature films
>even do a little acting here and there
>Mfw I ended up going further in the industry than my classmates who graduated
You don't think I could do both? Should I just drop out? Why did your classmates ultimately fail, whilst you succeeded?
even if you wanted to make movies, if you were actually an engineer imagine all the insane scenes and stunts you could create if you knew engineering.
or if you did physics, you would understand lenses and light better than anyone from film school, and you could create something thats actually original in how you film something.
but i understand why film schools exist, they are businesses too, and if someone will buy their inferior product (film studies) vs say something in STEM then why not?
i mean its not like 99% of people are talented to make something good anyway, why not sell them something before they realise? it gives teachers a job
I wouldn't say they really failed as most didn't really pursue a career in film and ended up doing something else.
Why did I do better than the ones that tried? %100 complete luck. I just happened to make friends with the right people at the right time and that's it. I volunteered on random low budget indie projects looking for help on Craigslist. One made it into a few festivals and things took off from there. You should definitely stay in school. I wish I had.