Do you guys think the EU is gonna destroy or atleast censor the internet ?
Do you guys think the EU is gonna destroy or atleast censor the internet ?
>Europeans banned
>Racebait threads cease to exist
>No more interracial or BBC spam
>All trap and gay threads gone
>internet quality improves drastically
I can't wait desu
>net neutrality
>normies freak out because "the internet will die"
>it's fucking nothing
>normies freak out because "the internet will die"
>it's fucking nothing
>article 13
>normies freak out because "the internet will die"
>it's fucking nothing
>Jow Forums splitting into sfw and nsfw
>normies freak out because "the internet will die"
>it's fucking nothing
maybe the internet wont die but they still gonna ban memes und maybe censor us.
Define "memes". You cannot ban ideas.
memes with scenes from movies, shows etc.
everything with some copyrighted material.
>implying that the repeal of net neutrality was not indicative of a wider systematic insertion of legislature that shifts control over the internet from people to large corrupt conglomerates
>implying that the repeal of net neutrality does not at all indicate a new willingness of the public to sacrifice their rights for convenience, or to be completely apathetic of issues that they believe don't affect them because they're too short-sighted in general
>implying net neutrality repeal is "fucking nothing"
get a load of this guy
It's your own fault if you lack creativity to the point where you have to resort to copyright infringement to make a meme
should i just draw my memes or what ?
"you cant ban ideas"
I want it to happen just because I want to see how that article applies in reality, plus the obvious shitstorm and the memes it will spawn. I'm not sure how this would affect the rest of the world vs the EU
in germany atleast the "youtuber" and the young people go crazy constantly spaming politicans on twitter and also going in the streets, what is atypical for us.
You are one naive fucker my friend.
But I don't get it. How are the authorities going to monitor every single European user?
Like lets say some Euro user post something that is now illegal here. What's the procedure? It's up to the janny to delete and report thaat person to the competent authority? I just don't understand. Someone please fill me in
they sue the website that allowed the illegal opinion to go online. The website owners all have to install automated filtering software that only allows the correct content to go through
Do you think a software like the one they pretend is something possible to achieve? I don't think it is possible to implement that properly specially if there are people trying to find a way around it.
All of this just because of le evil right wing meem? This shows that the people in charge fear losing their current power positions.
It's also because of copyright holding corporations being some of the greediest fuckers on the planet. These are people who have unironically sued kindergardens for having the children sing copyrighted songs, they'll take any chance to claim money from people
it's possible, Google has some pretty hardcore detection software. I posted a clip of a twitch video on youtube and right after I uploaded it, apparently the music in it was copyrighted. Instantly demonetised lol. You can barely even hear the music at all, never even occurred to me that the video had music in it.
I do wonder what happens if the software lets it go through but some copyright holder still complains. You still have to take it down just because he complained? What if he's wrong and he's being an asshole, trying to take down somebody else's content and he's willing to sue you over it?
99% of people would rather not deal with it and just take it down. That's the problem here
This, it's entirely apolitical. It's purely for the sake of making money. Copyright is the worst thing to ever happen to humanity
ok lets not pretend that copyright is totally bad. Imagine you make a song and youtube just copies it and uses it to make millions, giving you nothing because too bad.
I can see advantages of copyright filters and protection. The problem is the corruption around it. I mean look at patent trolling. All that trolling will now come to ALL content ever created. Good freaking luck
Honestly I'd like to see this happen if it really gets rid of memes, although I very much doubt it would. Meme culture ruined the internet. I hate how every second post I see is some retarded gif/pepe/wojak/whatever meme is hot these days.