Why are women so fucking gay...

Why are women so fucking gay? Even nominally straight women all talk about watching lesbian porn and which women they want to fuck.

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It's cause they're social creatures who think alike and feel for eachother.

Lesbian porn is generally a lot less aggressive than straight porn, women of porn are (usually) better looking than the men of porn, and women are more familiar and comfortable with each other.
>t. straight girl
Trap on female is better

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sure thing dyke

Women are not that attracted to men. Sorry that you had to learn it this way.

Why do white people say girls can't be gay but at the same time say they're all bi

Also white people have studied like almost every women likes beastiality

I know everyone knows women are degenerate no shit but like why is it so hard to realize how truly sub human they are? Treating their sexuality like it's a tumblr meme is just...oh wait that's why...I think...

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>Why do white people
shut up gook

Do you want to know how I know you're a nigger user?

Women don't have disgust towards other women naked bodies because they're sexual beings in every sense. Women are thrash.

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Are people supposed to be disgusted at other people's bodies?

I strongly suspect you may have chosen a biased sample, there. I went to the corner store and the girl there didn't mention fucking other girls even ONCE.

She may be gross and greasy but she gets my dick hard.

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Men are disgusted by other men's bodies because they're not sexual beings all around. Men have a sexual life different from other aspects of his life while women only have the sexual life. Read Otto Weininger's Sex and character and get redpilled.

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because, let's face it, men are kind of gross.
If I was a woman (Gee I wish) I would never even think about trying dick.

I saved a bunch of gifs of this bitch 6 years ago. She has nice really nice honkers.

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I wish I actually was lesbian tbqh

lesbians watch more porn cause their brains are wired closer to men. women are not visual creatures.

Because being bi is better than being straight.

Birth control pills make their brains more male. Look it up, it's nuts.

Most women are more secure in their sexuality
most men aren't so they get scared of appearing gay

And yet doctors will never, ever tell them this and readily advise women to not only get on the pill constantly, saying there are infinite benefits and no downsides, but they'll strongly recommend they get those implants that pump that shit into their system constantly.
Maybe there's too much money in it. Maybe there's something far more sinister behind it all. Who knows.