Legitimate question from someone who's never done any drugs in their life? Do drugs make you feel less alone...

Legitimate question from someone who's never done any drugs in their life? Do drugs make you feel less alone? I just wallow in loneliness all day

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They make you happy for 4h.
They make you feel depressed for the rest of the day.

The key for some people is to never stop.

Nice small pepe for ants

they do in the sense that they help distract you from it. It's easy to get distracted by something when you're high and just completely forget the pain for a few hours

t. pothead

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Lorazapam is a great drug man

stay pure user. don't fuck with drugs.

They don't really. They just make me too stupid to have multiple thoughts in my head at one time so I stop noticing that I'm lonely.

Drugs wont solve your problems. Meditation will.

uhh well as long as there affecting you you dont feel lonely

You won't feel any less alone.
You just won't feel bad about it anymore.
Everything will be all right.

depends how you use them. i've been a daily marijuana smoker for a year and a couple months and it's changed my life for the better. i used to be a fat fuck but it helped me see that i need to improve myself to make it in this world. i'd recommend shrooms if you're trying to discover something about yourself and feel better in the long run, or dxm if you want to feel completely disassociated from yourself and your problems for 8 hours

depends on what you take
weed makes you feel relaxed and removes anxiety so it should do the trick for you
never try psychadelics such as lsd when you're in a shitty mood though or you will have a bad trip
TL;DR weed good psychadelics bad

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nigga i did lsd in a bad mood, theres just a bigger risk of bad trip not actually 100%

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These. I use weed when I'm feeling very anxious or sad or lonely and it usually does the trick. I do want to quit though because I'm pretty dependent on it at this point

i know, but your chances are not good if you wanna risk it, especially if you're lonely like OP

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lsd makes u not lonely by making u social, its worth the risk if ur a loser

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yos but the problem is if OP has no friends which it seems like

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Alcohol is better

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nah alcohol only gets you addicted and costs too much money to maintain, and has a high risk of overdose if you abuse it
you can't overdose on weed and it's non addictive

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actual retardation, shut ur alcoholic fat ass up lmfao

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>Weed is non addictive
I wisht the addiction meme would die already, everything can be addictive, weed just isn't physically adictive, but using to escape your troubles will still make you dependent on it.

being dependant and addicted are different

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physical dependancy does not equal addiction
addictions are caused by addictive substances, which weed isnt

weed fucking cured my anxiety mang. i used to have too much social anxiety to go outside. i barely even have social anxiety anymore.

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I know dependency and addiction are different, but if you smoke everyday to "just relax bro!" eventually you won't be able to face your problems sober, which happened to me, that's why I'm telling you to be careful.

i totally understand that but as we said it is different and terms shouldnt be misused. and everything can cause dependence so why shouldnt people smoke weed lmfao

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Try ecstasy it will make you 100% happy for a while
weed is shit tier for me
alcohol is bad alone
Opioids are highly addictive so i reccomend you to leave them alone
You should also consider doing shrooms LSD and DMT
But i have no personal experience with thoose
> but in the long i think drugs won't solve your happiness but great interesting and joyful hobby imo

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i have experience with both xtc and lsd and desu lsd is better but riskier and also makes u see some stuff. I was laughing for hours on lsd and was happier than on xtc

where can you get pure dxm?

you don't know loneliness until you're hiding from your loved ones in the bathroom, doing something you promised them you wouldn't a thousand times.

have u ever tried shrooms?

no but friend has, shye says they arent as good as lsd

Try high meat. Gets you high but not the way normies do.


I smoked weed a few times two grams in total and literally didn't feel anything. I inhaled correctly and the weed was fine I expected to atlest laugh a bit as I was told sometimes the first time you just laugh but nope I just wasted almost 30$ on something that did absolutely nothing to me.

Dont do it, but:
Yes. Most drugs make you feel happy

Hench the addiction

Hey OP,;
i'll be as honest as possible.

It depends on what you take. Further it depends on how often you take it. The comedown on most of the drugs will at least double your depression. Overall i do NOT recommend to do drugs.

My Experiences;

You'll be happier as you could imagine in your current state of mental health. This will last for the time of an evening and will transform into ugly comedown. You'll probably be suicidal for at least 1 day after. I would never want to take this drug on a daily basis.

Will give you a "normie" feeling, thats what i'ld call it. You will be ok, kind of happy. Lasting 6-8 hours for one time user (amphetamine - meth will last longer) and around 2-4 hours for trained users. If you consider this drug, go for amphetamine. Meth was more addictive, expensive and destructive (at least for me). Took this on daily basis, integrated well in my daily life. The comedown makes you hungry and sleepy, maybe a little depressed but not more or less than you'ld be normally.

This is my personal favorite. I never had a bad trip, but it can happen tho. So this can also make things worse. But on my trips i experienced wonderful things. Things that made me happy for days after. Comedown on this drug is easy and chill. I dont even considered taking ANY drugs for a few days after a trip. You should'nt do lsd alone tho... so if u r a real loner - better back off.

Drugs wont make you less lonely. Anyone who says otherwise is flat out lying. Some drugs will temporarily make you care less about being lonely, other drugs will give you raw dopamine pleasure. No drugs are beneficial if you're taking them with the intention of escapism, you 'll only feel worse afterwards.

opiates and mdma will make you feel life is worth living. mdma will totally drain you though and opiates are extremely addictive.

some drugs don't do shit in term of your mood others make you happy others make you feel worse
i can honestly recommend codeine and PST for bad mood.
as said psychodelics are a big no no with a bad set of mind
speed and other uppers don't do much in my experience. the only exeption is mdma it will always make you feel great

Try some kratom, OP. It makes you feel better about yourself and more energized without caffeine gitter. It's also legal nearly everywhere and doesn't make you "high" so you're not constantly thinking about yourself which helps with any anxiety you may be feeling