*leg sweeps you and puts his foot on your chest*

>*leg sweeps you and puts his foot on your chest*
>"heheheh. Sorry, kid but i have to satiate my blood lust every month or so or else i get...crazy. You just happened to be that unlucky fellow who crossed paths with me. *opens kitana with thumb* i'll make this quick."

wot do?

Attached: heh.jpg (450x532, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>pshh..... Just my luck. Another poser trying to test me......
>*kicks your other leg out from under you, rolls to safety and gets to his feet*
>don't worry, buddy.... *I'LL* make this quick.
>*unsheathes nodachi*

Attached: katananod.jpg (367x500, 19K)

Why don't I just leave this here?

Attached: babymop1.jpg (480x329, 85K)

>"UH!, I, I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS YOU! Please, spare me! I thought you were a stranger!"

Attached: Neckbeard fedora.png (594x422, 377K)

Mac put the sword away we all know guns are better protection

>"mother won't let me own a gun, plus. Why would i want to use western crap."

Attached: 1550182959980.jpg (1952x3264, 1.11M)

>*third person jumps down from nearby tree*
>while you mortals were having fun fighting, I've been lurking in the shadows, studying the blade.
>*unsheathes multiple katana's*
>when you meet death, tell him that I send him my regards...

Attached: finalform.png (486x422, 306K)

what the fuck is with those canted glasses LOL

>Heh... sorry, loser...
>draws gun
>But Ive got more important business to attend to...
>cocks hammer
>Well, at least you gave it your best shot. Now heres mine!
>points gun

Attached: BC59A239-0E60-41B8-9F2A-B64095842D9A.jpg (500x534, 81K)

This entire fucking thread is blessed.

Attached: 68355616-6948-41B6-B7E0-03D918E77DCC.jpg (575x446, 131K)

>pulls wakizashi from side
>deflects katana
>nice try punk now lets get down to buisness
>kicks chest and impales leg with wakizashi
>im not going to kill you instead i will extend and invitation to join me together we will conquer nihon

Attached: 510.jpg (367x500, 19K)

>now, now gentlemen I'm sure we can all come to an agreement...that you're all amateurs...none of you dual wield, as I do. this gives a clear tactical advantage, allow me to demonstrate...
>*spins wildly around creating a tornado made of razor wind that consumes everyone present*

Attached: 1509299312982.jpg (900x619, 113K)

Holy shit a flintlock has got to be at LEAST 2x more fedora than a kitana. Jesus that is gay.

>heh... you call THAT a katana?
>*gigakatana teleports into hand*
>sorry kid, looks like you're out of your depth

Attached: 1537912938994.jpg (1032x774, 165K)

>*pulls out dual hi points*
>"aught I ain't playin no more...y'all niggas finna get clapped...BUMBACLOT"

Attached: teleports behind u.jpg (480x721, 34K)

Fuck off mass-replying faggot

>*unsheathes balls*

Attached: 53AA5622-4F5E-49F1-995F-19FF738D2C6D.jpg (540x529, 31K)

t. seething Katanatard

>when you meet death, tell him that I send him my regards...

Attached: 1384803633132.jpg (345x383, 76K)

Pull out my phone and call the cops so I can give my statement and go home.

>tfw have that shirt
No please, no. Delete this.

>any type of weapon launching objects at high speeds ever being more fedora than a melee weapon
- Fedora is measured in realistic effectiveness-style ratio

You can shoot a home invader with a flintlock, but if sees you with a katana he will force your boipucci on his BBC.

Are these men serious or is it a joke?
I have to believe it's a joke

>*unzipps dicc*

No, it's totally serious, retard. At least have the decency to not out yourself as a newfag that hard and let us give you the benefit of a doubt

>ankle gun
good think I'm a paranoid motherfucker hahahahaha

"G-guys, how do I get a cool sword like yours?"

Attached: _20190217_113907.jpg (2200x3920, 1.52M)