Be honest: do robots/incels generally have an entitlement complex?

Be honest: do robots/incels generally have an entitlement complex?

Attached: Sakamoto.png (1280x720, 342K)

Please learn the difference between wishing to have something and thinking that you deserve it.

>waaah I deserve a gf gimme one
I wonder.

Not really.
Saying you desire something, like love or sex, isn't a demand that others provide it to you, or that you deserve it.

The people who can't draw that distinction are usually women, who are used to people scrambling to get or do things for them that they express a desire for, which has led them to think of expressing desire as a demand.

I think it's pretty unfair to be called entitled for wishing to be loved, specially since robots/incels usually have mental illnesses giving them an uneven playing field

No, we are some of the if not the most rational people on the planet. We understand why attractive women do not want us, but at the same time do not feel physical attraction to ugly women because, well, they're ugly. Our sense of self and our understanding of the workings of things may make us come off as pretentious, but the reality is we've spent the majority of our lives delved into our minds and the minds of others. We have taken the time to work out the construct. To build that clear image. Where as a normal could recite football player names, scores of games, highlights, and the best things that happened 10 seasons ago, a robot could break down the reasoning and purpose as to why said normal should be killed, chopped up, ground down to burger form and fed to the poor. And with that same logic we discern all women, deservedly, need to be treated like animals. It's an adaptive understanding of the nuances of everything. Now get the fuck off my board you normalnigger bitch.

Attached: Sakamoto.png (1280x720, 450K)

>The people who can't draw that distinction are usually women, who are used to people scrambling to get or do things for them that they express a desire for, which has led them to think of expressing desire as a demand.

when a woman says
>I want food
she means
>somebody get me food

to a woman, vocalising her desires is a demand that somebody fulfil them

I deserve it

Fuck anyone who says otherwise. They have a choice: Gimme a girlfriend or gimme free shit. They can toil away as wagies feeding and housing me sense I'm apparently unworthy of affection. Which is a handicap. So do my bidding. Capitalism wins again.

I wish i had a job.
Does that mean that i'm entitled to it?

People deserve only what they can get.
So take it.

I am a little.
I did the things I was told would make women like me.
I feel like I held up my end of the bargain and have been cheated.

But it is. Incels are like women.

Most of them have suffered social rejection their entire lives.
They're not used to their wants and desires being fulfilled, or even acknowledged.

This is the opposite of women's understanding of it.

Fuck them, they are genetic trash and deserve nothing but to suffer and be destroyed.
Kys you disgusting incel

>someone wanting something you could never understand going without is entitlement
Be honest: are women generally unempathetic?

How can they have experienced rejection when they have never asked a girl out?

I said social rejection, which covers all sorts of interactions, not just asking girls out.

Please learn the difference between being deserving and being entitled. They do not mean the same thing.
>Entitled: I am obliged to have X and if I don't then I have been wrong somehow
>Deserving: I have put in the work to qualify me for X
You can be deserving of a gf but not entitled to one.
The entitlement meme only became a thing because women saw men reacting negatively to them rejecting them. They interpret this as entitlement. In reality, when you get rejected thats akin to somebody telling you that you are not good enough for them. They have a right and a reason to get upset. The fact the these women say you shouldn't get upset because of rejection suggests they believe THEY are entitled to unconditional kindness, which they are not.

They haven't even experienced that, it's they who shut themselves out of society, nobody did it for them.

>zoomer normie doesn't understand at all
>zoomer normie grew up in an era where vidya and anime, especially vidya was more or less accepted.

A lot of incels are older men who have been socially rejected and isolated by normies, the zoomer incels should just kill themselves, they have the whole world ahead of them.

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>get rejected by all girls
>get bullied in school
Yes user i have chosen this

based and bIackpilled brother

Attached: 1537310505662.jpg (4030x4096, 1.32M)

>b-but you don't even ask girls out and expect one to magically come to you!
We've suffered through enough social rejection to realize that any attempt is futile so we stopped trying
We don't expect girls to come to us but our instincts still make us want one, hence our "entitlement"

I don't expect a gf or feel entitled to one.
I know I'm never going to have one, I've accepted it.

But, as a human with a human biological drive, it causes me a great deal of despair and misery to be alone like this.
I just want to express my pain to others who are going through the same thing, and maybe give each other some comfort and commiseration, to make it a little bit easier.