smith machine squats
Excerises that make you go YIKES
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Nothing makes me go “yikes” and I have never even said the word nor felt the need to.
>indian wearing a polo comes in
>stretches for 15 mins
>puts 20lb on the smith machine
>does 2 sets of 5 rep half rom
Based and leg day pilled
Smith machine anything. It's such a rigid movement that you're bound to injure yourself. Is there any benefit at all to it over a free bar?
>That form
I thought it was just my gym
Would the smith machine be good if your stiff as shit and force your mobility after using it for a while?
We don’t have indians, but we do have a few asian people who I always see on the leg extension / leg curl machine
Mobility exercises are good if you’re stiff as shit. Smith machine isn’t bad it’s just horrible for squats, i’m sure someone will post that instagram thot that got put in a wheelchair for squatting on a smith machine
Smith machine deadlifts.
big oof
>That Indian that curls the 10kg bar every week
It isolates your legs more. Smith machine squats are really beneficial if you’re a bodybuilder. It’s obviously a retarded waste of time though if you’re a power lifter.
I get way more of a pump/workout in my legs doing smith machine squats or hack squats as opposed to free bar squats. And yes, I do use full rom and good form on free bar squats. This just seems like a hard reality for some people to accept. Machines have more of an ability to isolate muscles more. And the more isolated a muscle is the better it grows.
post body
>that Indian who spends 30 minutes doing nothing but curl variations
lets see that body pic, chubby
DB front raises
That exercise where you hold up a plate infront of you and pretend it's a steering wheel
Deadlifts with less than 135lb
Anything women do
This shit never fails to amaze me.
Pretty much everything that involves weights and rigid movements. Go sprint hills or sand at the beach. Full body requires more base strength than body part split routines
It's a exercise created by the british to practice for their muslim overlords.
>that fucking position
Then you fall on your ass and the weight snaps your spine.
Many such cases!
we need pajeet free gyms
This made me lose it for no reason.
>indian comes in
>racks some weight in the squat rack
>stands around talking to his wife on the phone
>just stands in the squat rack talking for like 20 minutes
>leaves the rack and goes to the punching bag
>does some tai chi type slow punching on the bag
You mean thot wheels?
I thought the bus driving was a good prevention exercise to minimize the risk of injury in your rotator cuff ?
>anything a woman does
Saw a lady at my gym put a bench under the smith machine, lay down, and begin leg pressing the bar
Tbh every exercise looks really goofy except the ones we see a lot on media like push ups or bench presses
Good mornings and “front rows”. I can’t help but go out of my way to tell people to choose an alternative when I see it happen in my gym. I try to keep to myself most of the time, but you gotta draw a line at some point and save some people.
I have no idea why we have them at all.
>Standing cable flyes but the cables are at the bottom.
This is literally not doing anything.
>indian woman wearing full body dress comes in
>stinks of curry
>does nothing inside of the gym
>instead is the leader of the "yoga" class
>proceeds to get in everybody's way because no gym etiquette
Poo in loo
By Allah, you will taste my shoe
Women doing fucking anything. Thots take up valuable equipment while lines form, do one rep of retarded crossfit nonsense, rest for 10 minutes while texting and repeat for the next hour
>dude just ask to work in XD
Nobody who has ever spoken to a female with a clear existing lack of self awareness or common courtesy would ever suggest this
Lol this has to be bait
Do you have an upper chest/front delts?
>religious man praying to allah before ramadan.jpg
Post body
whats wrong with smith machine squat? You not supposed to jerk the bar around.
>indian wearing a polo comes in
seriously, why the FUCK don't they have any gym clothes?
>Smith machine isn’t bad it’s just horrible for squats
Forgive my ignorance, but what is it actually good for then?
In my gym, people only seem to use it for bench press, which I'm fairly sure isn't a good idea.
Haven’t done that many good mornings but I do see some dudes do them. What’s wrong with them?
You forget
>gets a phone call
Upright rows and catback deadlifts.
faggots are arguing its more easier to injure yourself with meme videos. idiots will always injure themselves not being aware of their strength.
You realize you can adjust the height of those things, right? Just look at the picture.
>I can’t help but go out of my way to tell people to choose an alternative when I see it happen in my gym.
Make this thread somewhat worthwhile and actually post some good alternatives.
>T_D telling anyone to go back
Oh the irony
Smith machine shrugs for huge traps is legit though...
Wait what's wrong with front raises
Straight leg deadlifts, I just can't comprehend.
They're okay for calf raises, at least personally I can't do them with a normal barbell due to balance
Your back is put in a ridiculously risky position. Good idea. For good-mornings, I think the best overall alternative is the Romanian Deadlift. The position of the bar makes this lift infinitely safer, and it works the same muscles (mostly hamstrings with lower back). To actually target the lower back some more, glute/hamstring raises (aka back hyperextensions) are a good choice. The heaviest lift you can do that specially targets mostly the lower back is the rack pull. TLDR: RDL, glute/hamstring raises, rack pulls.
For “front rows”, just stick to the OHP. Your front delts get a murdering on that exercise. Flat and incline bench press will also hit them pretty hard.
It works your upper chest you dingbat
Calf raises are ok with smith machine.
Good lad
I've hated that shit from the beginning of times, even when I was dyel
Whats wrong with the smith machine?
>t. DYEL
Really bad range of motion and weight balance, doesn't train stabilizers etc. It's okay for some exercises but shouldn't be used as a replacement for existing ones
I do calf raises on the smith machine, its good for that
Alright, good to know, thanks. I normally don't use it but occasionally there are people doing weird shit in the power cage for like 30 minutes so I just use the smith machine then. But I'll try to avoid that from now on.
Yeah personally I'd just do some accessories while waiting
Fat women doing anything but cardio.
Oh, the cables are moving on their own then?
What's wrong with upright rows?
what's wrong with Monkey Cable Flys?