Oneitis talking about guy she finds cute

>oneitis talking about guy she finds cute

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maybe if you lost some weight
she'd learn to appreciate you too

Im 5'8 and 66kg. I think I dont need to lose any more weight

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>girl talking about guy she finds cute
>girl taking about who she fucked
>girls giggling while talking about boys
Kill me now, boys. I can't take it no more

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you could stop listening for a start

I cannot fathom the "oneitis" or orbiting 3D women memes. At least the 2D worshipers admire virtuous women.

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It was over since the beginning.
I thought that , "no no" theres still a chance , theres still hope . maybe this time . maybe this time will work .
Poor me , i guess , i shouldve known better.

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Are you me? This is fucking torture.

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this is literally every time I talk to a cute girl

I know the feeling. I can't accept the fact that I have 0 chance yet. I keep overanalysing situations and replaying them back into my head, to see if she likes me or doesn't. And I still cannot get a clear answer

why didn't you ask her then and there what she thinks about you and if she wants to date you?
no big deal if she says no because the friendzone thing is pathetic and you need to get out
perfect way to do it too

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I cant. I cant take rejection. Its bad for my self esteem. Last time I got rejected I stopped talking to women for a year

Happened twice I'm afraid to talk now

My oneitis called me a laughing stock behind my back

>oneitis makes fun of you in front of people
>oneitis doesnt even talk to you in groups

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>tfw happy again after losing interest on my oneitis

she has really old guys as beta orbiters. also god knows how many more thirsty guys she has on social media and the guys she texts. fuck that shit impossible to have long term relationships with women.

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Its so fucking hard. Its so goddamn fucking hard to get a gf when you're not chad. Its literally impossible made if you're a 5'8 manlet. The effort you have to put and the comprimises you have to make. Its just not worth it man. Getting infatuated is fucking depressing. I wish I was Asexual

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>no in denial closet homosexual robot to fuck his sissyboicunt

Maybe things would've been easier if I was gay

Is it really that hard to not give a fuck about girls? To me it seems that getting a girlfriend in your eyes will complete your lives, that it will solve your problems and is the biggest thing to strive for in life, if not the only thing to strive for. Is it that hard to not dedicate your time to something else like a sport, a hobby or perhaps some sort of creative endeavor? I'm not trying to sound arrogant or condescending, I am just genuinely interested in what you have to say about this

>e-girl is sad that we do not talk much and says we should catch up
>talk to her
>completely carry the conversation
>she gives lame one word responses
>randomly goes on about how much sex she is having with some guy
>only thing she seems to be able to talk about
>ghost her
>she gets upset
>block her
Why are women like this?

she want the hot guy for sex and you for companionship/emotional intimacy. a lot of girls do this because they want to best of both worlds. it's a raw deal for you

She was trying to see if you get jealous, by mentioning how much sex she has she wanted to observe your reaction. You did good

That is what normally seems to be the case though before this girl ever had sex she kept calling me cute
Yeah, she seemed confused as to why I ghosted but I never told her. The other weird thing I have seen is girls lie to me about their virginity or say they were raped when I say I will only date a virgin girl.

kek I had something similar I guess:
>talk to some girl on Discord over the span of a few weeks
>one day she tells me that she's going back to college
>"I hope my ex is proud of me!"
>I just ask her why she still cares about his opinion
>turns out she still loves him
>ask why they broke up
>"he cheated on me"
>just say lol and block her
Reminder that Chad can cheat on his gf, beat her, steal from her, it all doesn't matter because he's Chad. She may break up with him and go no contact for a couple weeks or months, but she will ALWAYS crawl back to him eventually.

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Words of truth
Did she let one that she was into you? I learned that it is fun to find the most retarded girls on discord and fuck with them. Those girls are always drooling for validation.

She messaged first a lot of the time, so I guess there was at least some level of interest.
And call me a beta, but I don't really enjoy playing with people's emotions no matter how dumb they might be, I know a few people who do this all the time but I don't think I'm sociopathic enough for it.