What the fuck happened to Lucid Dreams threads? You guys would said it would solve all our problems and we'd get to live our fantasies but I need help for it.
What the fuck happened to Lucid Dreams threads...
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I too would like to know more on lucid dreaming.
I was just dreaming I'd meet this girl but then Been Stiller and his famous friends came in and started killing and torturing everybody on the premise. What the fuck is wrong with my dreams?
More like what the fuck is wrong with Ben Stiller
Lucid dreaming is rad. I usually ride wild rollercoasters in pretty landscapes in mine
lmao I know
How do I get to go back to sleep and have these rad lucid dreams and have this cutie.
Whenever I start to take control over the dream, it usually fades and I wake up. Anybody else has this problem? I often realise it's a dream and everything is fine and dandy as long as I don't try anything interesting (as in I can walk, talk and act and often even fly) but whenever I want to try something fun it breaks. Has been like that for years
I'm guessing its because there aren't any half decent resources anywhere on the internet for how to reliably lucid dream.
I looked into it years ago but never managed to pull it off. Over time i slowly gained knowledge on how to optimise it and why i have such a hard time with it (bad attention span and jittery imagination capacity)
I've beem thinking of doing an organized, detailed guide to sort this shit out, because all other sources are fucked and tainted by fucking idiots (reddit in particular), i just need a decent template website to host it on, likely using a Wikipedia lookalike.
Shoot me questions here though if you need anything, i can help
You wake up when you focus too much on something. I have the same problem when say I try to materialize something in front of me, that's why it's better to imagine you find what you want just out of view
I'll try to remember that for the next time this happens, but how would one go about 'teleporting' somewhere else? Imagine it's behind you and turning around? Because usually I'm in some shitty/boring place and wanna go somewhere else
what always works for me is to go to bed and get a good nights sleep, wake up then put on someone talking as background noise, and going back to sleep. works 9/10 times.
not like ASMR or hypno talking but people having conversations. the GameGrumps episode where they play Simpsons Hit and Run with the Oney Plays lads is my go-to
>shoot me questions here
Why do my dreams almost always make no sense? I mean, they're almost always ludicrous. I meet famous people and they do things like kill and murder or I meet all sorts of weird things like a Sci-Fi reality that everybody is forced to eat cheese or something. What makes the least sense are the intentions behind people's actions, they would be like "I need to burn the american flag to save the World" or some other crazy bullshit lmao. A lot of times there's also a mixture of games (I haven't played games for a long time, but I did constantly as a kid) and I'll meet some old famous philosopher and suddenly we're armored and have to kill monsters in a bar or something dressing armored plates and it's like this is usual and I don't find it strange at all whole I'm dreaming.
Namefagging for clarity now.
Most people wake up from sensory overload, but not from the dream senses.
When you become lucid, or do something intensive, you start to pay more attention to your senses. In dreams, this can fuck you up because you accidentally direct your attention to your IRL senses, which in turn wakes you up.
There are workarounds and fixes to this:
A: in waking life, try imagining all the senses, simulate feelings and get used to paying attention to those rather than real ones.
B: slowly and calmly stimulate your dream senses. Touch the ground, lick your hands, feel your balance. Do it with intent and focus on what you feel, so that they overpower your IRL senses completely.
Point A in general helps you tons in dreams for a lot of things, and B is the best way to stay dreaming and improving its quality.
Jow Forums is all "my bussy is ovulating owo vote bernie sanders fembot here join my discord" nowadays. This should just be renamed to /fag/ and we get a new Jow Forums
>Imagine it's behind you and turning around?
Sometimes that'll work, if you believe it enough. Often you'll have to imagine it's a little further ahead and gotta walk and work on believing in it. Once you get the hang of getting what you want it gets easier to believe. Shit can be frustrating if your mind isn't there and see yourself fail.
Before someone says that this conflicts with He isn't wrong, partially. Focusing too hard, forcing it in particular, can throw things off your rhythm, so to speak. Thats why taking it slow and easy is necessary, see your limits, and slowly improve them.
It depends on what feels like it would make sense to you. You can find a door, a mirror, or just dig into the ground.
The first thing that will come to your mind is most effective.
It depends on what you experience through the day, really. There's no way to say why they're weird unless you learn about your daily activities and things that are on your mind.
As for why they just "make sense" to you, it's best described like a bot (actual bots" making spam posts for ads. If you've seen them, you noticed that the words they use make sense grammatically (usually), but when you look at the whole post, it doesn't actually mean anything.
You pay no real attention at the bigger picture in dreams, which is why you don't notice inconsistencies unless you train yourself to spot it even when you're in brainlet mode
How do I make myself dream about a particular person?
Are there any drugs or substances that enhance my capacity for lucid dreaming?
Recently the only time when I can disconnect my mind from reality (my nightmare life) and live a virtual life is when I'm dreaming. I try so much to not wake up, keep dreaming or lead the dream how I want that I wake up with headaches.
I have had lucid dreams with actresses after being all day watching pictures or videos or reading about them. Try to think a lot about that person before you go to sleep, watch pictures of her, etc.
>How do I make myself dream about a particular person?
This applies to just about everything inside dreams, but your first best choice is whatever pops to your mind first and feels like it would work.
Dreams rely on your expectations, if you think that a method is going to work, if it feels like it "makes sense", it most likely will.
If you'd ask my method, I'd say ask ask dream characters around if they saw the person you want, and point you to where they are.
If no dream characters are around, you'll just need to look around places where you feel that person is. Your intention to find them will guide you to where you need to be.
I've heard that certain vitamins, warm milk, and oranges help, allegedly. I think they're mostly placebo, their effects are going to be meager at best.
Drugs are a big no no, even alcohol will cause problems. You need a clear mind that can remember dreams, anything that causes imbalance will make it hard for you to remember dreams or have very weak ones.
>As for why they just "make sense" to you, it's best described like a bot (actual bots" making spam posts for ads. If you've seen them, you noticed that the words they use make sense grammatically (usually), but when you look at the whole post, it doesn't actually mean anything.
>You pay no real attention at the bigger picture in dreams, which is why you don't notice inconsistencies unless you train yourself to spot it even when you're in brainlet mode
Scuffed as fuck explanation. The real reason why you think everything in dreams makes sense, is because your critical thinking faculties are mostly asleep. The first step in getting into lucid dreaming is usually to train yourself to specifically awake this sense of scrutiny while you're sleeping, and a way to do this is with reality checks, where you tie a specific event or action to a specific thought.
Naps are really good for remembering your dreams, but I'd ditch the background noise strat.
This is very common, and it honestly just seems to be a case of excitement waking you up. Take it easy at first, and as time goes on, you'll get more used to the sensation of being in a dream, and you'll have more freedom. I remember the first few times I got lucid, I was very violently yanked from the dream, and woke up, but not too long ago, I had a lucid dream where I was actually scared of not waking up (this is more due to the fact that I've been out of it for a few months now, this should never really happen).
Sometimes dreams are just weird for no readily discernible reason; it's ok, user, you're not crazy.
>It depends on what feels like it would make sense to you. You can find a door, a mirror, or just dig into the ground.
To elaborate on this, symbols are EVERYTHING for the newb lucid dreamer. Want to fly? Find a potion with a label saying "flight potion"; want to turn night into day? Find a clock and turn the handles...
Even if there was a means to enhance lucid dreams, would you really want to tie this thing we can do absolutely anywhere we are to a physical constraint like that?
>I'm guessing its because there aren't any half decent resources anywhere on the internet for how to reliably lucid dream.
The dreamviews forums are great. Also, read pic related (it's easy to find a pdf); there's a reason why every method is derived from this book, and there's a reason why those which aren't are usually bullshit "lucid dream in 24 hours!" methods which don't really take you that far. I'd even say you don't need anything other than this book, and effort.
Lucid dreaming is a skill with a lot of things to understand, get used to, and master, and if you're looking for an easy way, you might as well quit now.
>but I'd ditch the background noise strat
eh, works for me. i have had far more success with it, than without it
Isn't there some overall downside to lucid dreaming? Couldn't it negativelt affect your sleeping? I find it hard to believe that it holds up to the hype.
It doesn't, no. When you sleep you have dreams either way, remembering and taking control of your dreams doesn't hinder sleep in any way.
>I find it hard to believe that it holds up to the hype.
It does, but you'll only know how much so if you try.
I think that you don't rest the same. I wake up more tired when I have strong lucid dreams.
Never happened to me, and I've had a point where I had about 3 LDs per night, give or take.
I would make medically induced coma threads for anons looking into escaping into lucid dreams forever, but no one ever posts.
>Lucid dreaming is a skill
God i wish I'd read that when i started off. This is pretty much what's missing from many guides you find online. Its why i want to make something conclusive so that no one has to go through the agony i did by browsing Jow Forumsluciddreaming.
Some people report feeling tired after lucid dreaming. It doesn't actually affect your sleep quality, but you might feel mentally exhausted if you wake up right at the end of the dream.
There's no special reason to it, you just focus your attention a lot during lucid dreaming. If you can somehow aim to end your dream a little earlier and let your mind wander aimlessly for the remaining time, you'll feel that refreshed state
Origihal origibal fuxkibg orifibial lemme post
Protip: you can order this online legally. en.m.wikipedia.org
Just practice, you lazy ass.
I had a lucid dream where I was a sheep herder. Whenever I shaved the sheep, the wool would fall off as a type of cherry corresponding to the colour of the wool. black wool gives you black cherries and white wool gives to maraschino cherries. Red wool gives you bings.
hey there, i've been making /ldg/ threads recently. I might be able to help with some of yours or others' questions. to put it briefly, lucid dreaming is fucking hard, and it takes time and patience. however it is something that gets easier with practice and consistency, even more so than with other things because when you make a concerted effort to make lucid dreaming a part of your life, it will inevitably occupy your subconscious, and dreaming is all in your subconscious. so at a certain point lucidity will start to make itself happen because your dreams involve things in your real life, and when it becomes natural to you to be conscious of your reality and be prepared to realize when you're dreaming, it will happen more often.
the most important thing, though, is DREAM RECALL. this is the main skill you need to develop and maintain. naturally you won't be able to recognize your dreams if you're not familiar with them and always forgetting them, so by recording them and bringing them into your conscious mind, your mind will start to associate the images, sounds, feelings etc. of your dreams with your *conscious intention* to recognize your dreams, and therefore you'll have more opportunities to do so as you continuously observe your unconscious mind's behavior and accumulate your memory of dreams. it's not as important to remember each and every dream every morning as it is to just get into the habit of remembering them. you'll have mornings where you don't remember dreams, but once you make remembering your dreams a natural part of your life, you'll often find for example that you'll remember parts of your dream later in the day, especially when you dreamed that night about something you were going to do the next day (this happens to me all the time now).
post was getting long but tl;dr make an effort to remember your dreams and question whether you're dreaming constantly, also the best reality check IMO is to pinch your nose and breathe through it