Why are trannies always roleplaying with little girl anime characters and not full grown women? I thought they were trying to "become" a woman, not a little child
Why are trannies always roleplaying with little girl anime characters and not full grown women...
Because what I've noticed about most trannies (in terms of the current retarded gender craze) Their perception of what a women is more or less what they've seen in anime. So what we get is poatoes in outfits intended for 12 year olds.
Deep down we all wish to become the little girl
cos we missed out on having the childhood we wanted and, consciously or not, will spend a lifetime trying to fill that hole
most of us have daddy issues too
also this most trains are sad lonely weebs that never had many friends
surprise surprise they are severely mentally ill
As a little girl all I wanted was to become an adult, being a child is the worst especially if you are a little different. Adulthood is so much better, much less horrible, idk why you'd idealize it unless you have serious grass-is-greener syndrome or are failing at adulthood
Most people aren't satisfied with the childhood they had, things could've always gone better or differently. Sounds unproductive to focus on what you missed out on, why not forge a new future
shut up mentally ill old hag lover
I concluded that my childhood was shit but everyones else was more or less same shit.
So its ok, we are not supposed to have a happy childhood and thats ok. We can make the futur better, like you said
>As a little girl all I wanted was to become an adult, being a child is the worst especially if you are a little different.
I thought so too when I was a kid, but now I'm an adult male (not a tr*nnoid) and boy do I fucking want to go back
Shit is so much harder now and it will only get worse when I graduate the fucking college, I don't know how can you enjoy adulthood unless you're a NEET on welfare
>it's either old hag or little girl
pedo detected
>Most people aren't satisfied with the childhood they had
LEL, in what kind of shithole you were living?
In my place, everyone liked their childhood.
i mean yeah, the most productive thing to do is to not have a mental illness, its kinda hard to just decide to stop having a mental illness tho.
It's ok, user, we don't really expect a woman to have the tiniest semblance of empathy.
We do expect them to show some tits, though.
Kind of sucks for trannies too since the current mental health guidelines recommend treating it by transitioning them instead of like.... helping them accept themselves as they are. That's transphobic somehow
yeah i often wonder what my life would have been like if i hadn't transitioned and went to therapy instead or something. shit sucks. i have a lot of mental problems centered around body image etc outside of anything man/woman related though so i think i would still be miserable most likely
maybe they knew what was best and i chose the right thing, maybe not. either way, i doubt anyone who experiences enough discomfort with themselves to truly want such a major change is ever going to be happy and sane.
most other trannies ive met are also depressed drug addicts. people love to quote the suicide statistics like their transitions caused them to want to die, but those who attempted suicide that i know personally tried to kill themselves before they even started taking hormones or anything.
I took my hormones from 19-23 for a guy who who left me for a real girl. Now I'm a deformed chimera creature that no one could ever love.
Gay dudes don't want me cause I have tits, straight dudes/women obviously don't want me, and chasers don't want me because I present male. I'm probably going to die alone.
Obviously because they are manchildren.
Similar body shapes
ahaha thats what you get for taking the pills onions boy
Because 35 year old "strong womyn" don't have any sort of appeal to anyone, people like the cuteness that girls have and "women" lose the cuteness of their youth.
Plus, a lot of them probably watch an abundance of girly anime and take some of their rolemodels or ideas from there too.
lol u fucked up bro. commit or don't, idg why you would do that to impress some fuckboy. if u rly have no intention of finding a way to get rid of the tits just stay on the hormones
maybe present a little more androgynous? i have a bf, girls hit on me too, i just keep close shaved and dress sort of like a lesbian (baggy tops, joggers, ball caps, only noticeable makeup is mascara and subtle liner if i even wear any, still have long hair/bangs tho)
not androgynous like tumblr but androgynous like butch black girls in basketball shorts type vibe. i get about equal sirs/mams but in general am not treated like a freak since i adopted this method.
That's basically what I do now, I don't have the money to get them removed. I just feel disgusted by myself and my body.
Why would you do this?
If you've gone halfway you should at least go all the way, you can't go backwards.
This is why people need to really genuinely think hard about taking hormones and making long term decisions like that.
same, but i felt that way before too. i'm guessing you did also if you felt like growing tiddies would make your bf stay.
I have borderline personality disorder, I don't think in the long term and I genuinely believed that was what I wanted at the time.
Also if the changes from HRT have made me miserable why the fuck would I go all the way through with everything else?
>trusting some mentally ill normalfag wannabe orbiter
>taking pills and presenting male
Sounds like you have a case of the retarded.
Because like you said you're some kind of weird non girl, non boy chimera right now.
If you were full tranny, you'd admittedly have more of those characteristics you don't like but actually be able to present as one of two genders, if you have some sort of way back via hormone therapy or something you could try that too, I don't know if that even works honestly.
You really fucked yourself man, sorry that happened to you. Staying as you are though seems to be causing you pain, you should at least look into ways to detransition if you don't want to go all the way. That sounds awful, sorry.
Full tranny would be way more work/money and wouldn't really reflect who I am. I don't buy into the whole trans thing anymore, I don't think "I'm a girl on the inside" or that liking feminine things makes me a girl. I just want someone to like me, the real me, a mentally fucked up boy who took hrt to get someone to like me, not some character I pretend to be for them.
How did you get like that?
Because I'm almost the exact opposite of you.
I kind of felt like it fit me and suited me and didn't feel like being masculine or male did, but I never bought into the meme and was always wary of it and now I honestly am not sure if I regret that or not.
Being able to change that would be nice, though I have the feeling it just doesn't work that way and I'm stuck feeling like this.
Cus the only people who like trannies are weeaboo incels so they roleplay Loli
Honestly, I made friends with a "TERF" after my breakup and found myself agreeing with most things that she said. The main thing that bothered me was that I couldn't really define what a "girl" was or why I wanted to be one.
Almost all trannies are fake ~
They pretend to be caricatures of pedophile fantasies :3 ,*flounces you*
Being around them in any context like a discord or forum gives me fucking cancer!!!
Teeee heee like girls are soooo kawaiiii888iiiiiiii
Seriously they make me sick and their fake ass socially retarded assburgers mentally ill crossdresser dragface bullshit is transphobic and the leading cause of the murders and persecution of actual trans women
OwO is there something wrong, user?
*pounces on your bulge*
Does evewyone need to be super sewious all the time, user?
Do you not like that? *licks your peepee*
uwu user pleawse killwh youselww s-silly.... u-uwu......... y-you s-seem v-vewy b-buth-hwultwh.
I mean if you don't want to be seen as mentally and socially retarded, yes.
The most important part of being a woman is your social intelligence and going around baby talking is EXTREMELY CRINGE.
In the men's scenario they'd call you a fucking faggot and threaten to beat the shit out of you.
If you pull this autistic tranvstite shit with women they'll smile at you and say something nice, while thinking what a fucking retard in their head. they will ruin you behind your back, sabotage you, and alienate you from every social circle and you'll be some mentally ill outcast that nobody will interact with.
Then you're not trans.
It's a simple question with a simple answer that you'd defend to the death.
Don't transition.