Who here single "voluntarily"? I will die alone, not because I can't fuck but because I literally hate everyone.
Volcel Thread
i could easily get laid but i don't want to. I dont see it as true happiness
same, i could get into a relationship if i tried but i love being alone and independent
lol ok
are you also volpoor and volugly?
how does anyone buy into this 9th grade assburger logic
Keep telling yourself that. Unless you're a roastie or have women constantly approach you, then you can't easily get laid.
pajeet with shitty teeth here. I have no choice but volcel or date an ugly indian chick
Its a bit paradox.
If you are a true volcel, soceiety will perceive you as a "lone wolf" which makes you attractive enough to get some random pussy which will try to trap you into a relationship.
True volcels are not single and people who call themself volcels just use it as an excuse for their lack of atractiveness...
I honestly don't even see the point of a relationship at this point. Adding humans to my life has only ever made it worse. I get lonely sometimes, but then I realize the alternative is to associate with some insufferable bimbo droning on about the latest reality tv or mafia series on tv or whatever nonsense humans drone on about, so I just go back to my studies and keep myself busy.
I am not a monk...exactly.
Nope, but my looks are totally irrelevant. I don't like anyone.
I'd like to introduce you to the gay community. I just got off a """dating""" website where some guy was like "I'm shy, but I fuck in public." This is fucking normal for fags. Your only options as a gay man are to die of AIDS or become a recluse. So I became a recluse.
Ever heard of buddhist monks, voluntarily fasting and living in poverty?
Your brain on Amerimutt logic
Ever heard of buddhist monks being donated to the monastery by their family when their small?
They want to fuck just as much as everybody else...
i have both women and man constantly approach me and i don't even go out of my house. Online faggots and whores, total loser orbiters go after me and frankly its more annoying than it seems when you're not attracted to any of them, luckily some of them are funny to fuck with or just interact.
also, same. I surely get lonely but i have the same issue as you friend.
I don't know if I'm incel or volcel.
I've already had several occasions to get a girl (at least ~3 a year) and I always decline them for I deem them not fit to be the mother of my children (fuck degeneracy, I want a pure relationship).
In the other way, I'm not celibate voluntarily because I've never found a decent woman who wasn't already in a relationship with someone else.
catholic priests do the same thing bc theyre closet gay
Even when I find someone with similar interests, I'm always on an entirely different level than them, so it's like incessantly being forced to watch reruns whenever I talk to anyone on any subject that interests me. And then there are all the faggots that get offended and try to hound you if you insinuate you might not be at their level, so I just divorced myself from humans. They're fucking annoying.
with that mentality you'll just end up forever alone, its not like you can go back to 1950s fella. With that mentality im 100% certain you won't get into a serious relationship untill youre 30+ and well, i don't think she'll be a 'pure virgin' as you dream of silly.
>with that mentality you'll just end up forever alone, its not like you can go back to 1950s fella.
I know, I'm not ignorant.
But better die alone than be with an inappropriate person.
i am partly voluntary, i know i could just go into different groups that have people who are kinda similar to me. i know that if i enjoyed being there i could get some notoriety with my antics, just like i got in Jow Forums. i know that notoriety could get me at least some woman's attention.
but i don't really want to. deep inside i know that i would only get bored in that lifestyle. i would get sick of all that steady stream of dishwashing, kid raising and occasional kisses. i would yearn for the ways of old and i would return to my NEET lifestyle.
this NEET lifestyle has that certain spice that normie lifestyle doesn't have. i like it when my life is filled with ups and downs, i like it when i can play vidya, shitpost on Jow Forums and fap to porn all day every day. of course my body and mind suffers in this lifestyle, but what can you do? it's not like normies live in a constant state of ecstasy either.
feel the same
women try to talk to me but I am a misogynist
Can't get friends because I think everyone around me is putting up a facade and aren't truely genuine. They seem fake and out to get me so I distance myself and isolate myself on purpose.
I don't know. What do you think?
I'm extremely anxious about everything since I was a kid. I'm terrified of women and intimacy. I got used to shutting out everything related to that because if I don't have it, I don't have to deal with it. Not like any girl ever wanted to do anything with me... So technically - since I have money and am above 18 - I could pay a prostitute but even the thought makes nauseous. Relationships are out of the question, I'm a broken man and this will never change. I could have sex but I'm unable to want it enough to do something about it.
Nothing like some simple truths to rile up incels.
You'll have to be more specific.
>b-b-b-but you can't be a volcel because only chad gets laid and it's impossible for everyone else! You're an incel like all of us!
Then you reject the random pussy you get in order to be a true volcel then.
I'm not a virgin. But I've given up some free sex before because I wanted it to feel deep and meaningful.
I half regret it now because I think they were into kinky things or were open to kinky things
Ahh, yes. You're right, incels are infinitely triggerable because they're infinitely self-deluded. Because they all are low IQ basic bitches, if they could have sex freely it's all they'd ever do.
Im not in a place where being in a relationship is practical. Being with someone is the end goal but to get where i need to be i have to do it single
I figure if i put in effort i could at least smash, but i really don't want to bear even the possibility of responsibility, even if it's just a short relationship.
Having friends is more than enough for me, the very idea of being very important to someone is very tiring.