Would you sniff latina booty?

would you sniff latina booty?

Attached: latinabutt16.jpg (4032x3024, 1.77M)

>tfw no one to sniff my booty

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if you're a girl I'll happily sniff yours

Attached: latinabutt15.jpg (1440x1213, 740K)

I want a Latina goddess to suffocate me with her ass so badly

Attached: latinabutt14.jpg (575x383, 36K)

ok maybe
post your discord or something?
Where are you from?

Latinas are god's greatest gift to white men

Attached: latinabutt10.jpg (640x512, 49K)

but what if she farted?

New York, what about you?

I don't have a discord, what should I do?

it's collateral damage

Latina feet sure
Not ass no

>tfw no latinas in australia

why feet and not ass?

Attached: latinafeet.jpg (720x960, 241K)

Because ass smells like ass
And at most feet smells like sweat

yeah but both sound amazing

Ass doesn't smell good user
Sweat can be a turn on to some people though

but ass also smells like sweat

time to filter the word latina. you've become a nuisance

>Chilli Cheese Fritos

Attached: WUrYdgd9_400x400.jpg (400x400, 19K)

imagine the smell tho senpai

it would smell fucking amazing, dude

Same. Feels kind of odd that I have the filter the term of my own ethnicity, though.