ITT girls you've impregnated

ITT girls you've impregnated

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Do you only post when it's relative to getting people pregnant lol

The absolute state of r9k
Normies get the fuck out

I know all about makin babies. yah yah yah yah.

you can suck me taint boyo

R9k belongs to the norms
Our ancestors are smiling at us sperg. Can you say the same?

impregnate her some more why don't you

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Go get your Nobel prize since you are the first to impregnate a male

Here you go. Just like you, it happened in my imagination.

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how dare you save her photos for reupload. I am contacting the cyber police

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she got an abortion thi

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I haven't impregnated a girl.
I want to impregnate a fembot.

nah m8 I actually did it.

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yikes have fun with that

its actually been great

just got off the phone with the cyber crime division and they are sending out a van right now

>tfw she made a baby just for me

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Bite me fat man, If your wife wasn't in love with such a big chubby man then I would totes be behind that goth milf myself

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if "if"s and "but"s were candy and nuts...

She looks like a man, seriously.

Boy or girl my dude?

Here she is at 19.
She and I now have 5 kids

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she gave me a son

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god damn she's ugly.

>be fatman
>live with fatwife
>knock her up
>take blurry pictures of her and your son to share with namibian numbercrunching board
>pray son does not grow up to be fatson
what a life

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imagine being so unhappy that you have to dump loads of pictures of your wife on an anonymous imageboard to feel better.

imagine being so insecure you are forced to assume other people are unhappy to justify things that upset you

Fuck off fatman,you are the most retarded,boring and disgusting tripfag we ever had.Literally worse than brooke,at least she was hot and talked about her tits and feet every once in a while.Nobody wants to see your cow of a wife or your soon to be fat spawn.

You may just need to calm down

>>tfw she made a baby just for me
Who's the father?

Imagine you're trying to bang this clown and she keeps pulling the silliest faces to put you off. This is a new boner for me.

Lmao this is originally the truth. Fuck off faggot, nobody cares about your pig of a wife. Also I feel extremely bad for your autistic child

Oh, I remember this guy. I still think your wife's really attractive.

Not according to these fine gentlemen up here

lol she looks like Marilyn Manson

And you look like a donkey fucked an otter

Sure, donkey's what they call me but your mother was slack as fuck for an otter.

>tfw no sexy latina wife
hows it going, fatman? I see you're still triggering the fuck out of the incels on here

Why do boomer normies insist on posting on r9k? You literally have no place here mate, back to facebook trash with you

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one cybercrime arrest isnt enough today?

>posts pictures of his wife on Jow Forums
>somehow didn't expect people to save every picture to post later

how does it feel turning your wife into an e-thot btw?

stop it at once young man

C/mon, man, show us her nipples

naw dawg
you can use your imagination

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So the soft porn pimping of your wife is more than enough?

you lads have a funny way of seeing things


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sure you did, lad

How to get a wife pls respond.

sdfgeherhntjytiaefgsd dgsdgre

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you get a gf you can stand and you learn the secret of the one thing every woman craves

This is not helpful and you are a bad person

Stop being a nigger to get a gf haha

Fuck off cuck of cucks

Haha stop being so angry your age is showing

What's the secret, Dave?

I went on a road trip with my buddies a few years ago and had sex with a girl I met on Tinder. I used a condom but slipped it off during sex and came in her. The next day my buddies and I left the city. Here is to my son that lives somewhere in the American midwest!

How I can meet girl that I can impregnate?
Also what the fuck are you doing here then?