For thousands of years, the white man baked bread

>For thousands of years, the white man baked bread
>Last couple of decades, some fat amerilards got gluten intolerant
>Suddenly, gluten has become the #1 public enemy in everyone's diet and everyone should stop eating bread
What the fuck happened?

Attached: Bread_Group_Shot.jpg (2160x1933, 1.79M)

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Eat raw meat you domesticated sheep wheat is for slaves/peasants this shit has been slowly killing the white men

I'm gluten and tolerant and I dislike this thread


Americans are not known for their intelligence or respect for reality

Grains are pleb sustainance. That said, that bread looks fucking delicious

I say eat a lot of meat and butter, but dont be afraid of some bread.
The reason why so many people got gluten intolerant is because they did eat whole corn bread and/or bread without animal fat like sausage and butter. The fat neutralizes the gluten and then gluten is healthy protein. Its good for your body and gut then, just dont be a retard and eat whole bread with (only) raw vegetables like people in recent decades. This antinutrient composition destroyed peoples health. The white man is adapted to bread, it didint kill him, he just needs animal fat to disgest it. Also in bread most antinutrients from the grains are already killed through the procession.

Mutts would blame everything on the planet before admitting their own shortcomings.

>cannot spell sustenance
>thinks he is not a pleb

Jesus fucking fuck, fuck this thread. It always tempting to write a wall of text about how horribly wrong OP is even on the basic premises in a thread like this but after a few times you have done that you just figure out it's useless because the same fucking thread will pop up the next thread.