What kind of girls do and don't cheat on you?

Compiling two categories.

Types of girl that will likely cheat on you:
>Art hoes
>Mentally ill girls
>Older women
>Girls who want to 'keep distance'

Types of girls that are unlikely to cheat on you

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>Types of girls that are unlikely to cheat on you

[blank space here]

I'm so fucking depressed I don't even care if she cheats on me. I just want to meet a fembot and fall in love. FML.

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Add stacy types.Gym rat girls.Over confident fat women.Black women in general.Latinas too.

types of girls that are unlikely to cheat on you
>insecure tranoids
>insecure autistic self-loathing girls who think they can't do better
>anorexic self-loathing girls
>christian, orthodox, religious women
>women with seeable disabilities (?)

you should be asking what kind of guy do I have to be to not get cheated on. Or rather, "what kind of guy should I be?"

The relationship goes both ways.

as a trainoid i gotta say, ur wrong, all semi attractive trannies are nihilistic lying whores

How about we stop the hate on women? They are our sisters after all. What does hating them achieve? Blame society for leading them astray with social media and other addictive bs.
It's proven women are super unhappy in modern times. Let's be men and actually show them some love.

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what kind of men are likely to cheat
>all of them

holy shit that's such a black and white way of perceiving it. A relationship is not a partnership of equals.

So guys shouldn't consider whether or not a girl will cheat on them while dating them? I'd rather be black and white than a castrated cocksucker like you

thats why i said 'insecure' you stupid faggot. Im a tranoid aswell and believe me i know some stupid insecure broken retards. Luckily i dont have those issues.

Im the castrated cocksucker, when you're the one always so insecure about your woman cheating on oyu. lol ok

You can never predict who will cheat and who won't. Applies to both men and women.

yes you can. by simly being a confident man who's commited and cares about the relationship. the reason why people cheat is because they're not satisfied with their current relationship.

if she breathes, OP...

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There have been people who were satisfied with their relationship and still cheated.

>Types of girl that will likely cheat on you:
Nearly all.
Women are evolved to only act on biological imperatives. The minute a better, rich, resourceful man comes along, she'll leave you because biologically it's a better trade deal in order to pass on genes.

>be user
>be depressed
>want a gf, any girl will do as long as she loves me
>find 4/10 girl mentally ill enough to date me
>says she loves me about a week into the relationship
>we go on dates, she never really seems interested, but it's okay because i love her and she loves me
>she makes me pay for everything but that's not a problem
>she leaves the house every day, doesn't tell me where she goes, comes back at midnight and goes straight to bed
>later found out she was fucking 3 other guys
>i forgive her because i love her ans she loves me
>become a cuck
>she doesn't have sex with me at all but that's okay
>the gifts and dates end up draining my wallet
>she leaves me for being too depressed, for being poor and for not satisfying her in bed
>be more depressed than ever
>end up killing myself

Good luck with that user

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Any insecure chick is likely to cheat