Your butchering of the English language is not "cute"
Words that bring your blood to a boil
snoots and boops, puppers and floofs
bro / brother
fucking hate it when maoris or lebs say that, especially when I have never met them before
What's lebs?
There's far too many more obnoxious words.
*boops your snoot* OwO why are you so mad user-kun
I have more.
>be you
>be bloomer onions-guzzler
>love reddit
>can't carry conversations and get mad when people don't know how to react to your awootism
I have more
ITT: no fun allowed
since he said maori i think lebs means lebanese in this context
>low iq
I have more
>words that make your blood boil
>autistic, faggot, $oy
back you go, little buddy
Fuck that shit, man.
Its clear .
You really hate people you cynical son of a bitch .
You belong heah.
Go where? Tell me.
I don't browse reddit. I don't use social media, not even discord.
I don't watch tv shows, movies, anime or porn. I don't play video games. Where do you want me to go exactly?
wholesome, lol, lel, m8, yikes, lmfao, i can't even, lmao, literally
totally fucking original
Man, that's gotta suck. I imagine just even being around women would send you into a rage if that's what triggers you.
You aren't allowed to criticize "snoot". It's against the rules.
Remember to pat
Those words describe you pretty accurately, you retard.
I have more
What more would a person need, honestly
OWO does boof want smacko?!
It makes me want to punch them
it's a stupid word and is lazy by nature and implication. adored by low effort corporate shills and generally those of weak constitution
You must be great fun at parties
Unfortunately, I disagree, because, unfortunately, my dog died yesterday.
This post is so reddit holy shit
I rarely use any of those words. Things like Succ, mongoloid or doggo. But a sentence like makes me giggle. It's mine now.
god this reminds me that i accidentally said zoomer in a real life discussion about millenials and genz today, forgetting that zoomer isn't a real word
Y'all when a non-black and non-southern American says it or even worse when they are European.
originallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll comment
>He protec
>He atac
this one's okay, though.
It's Lebanese. Australia and New Zealand are full of them and everyone hates them.
I have more
furries are cute OP,dont try to fight it
mongoloid is a great word you uncultured swine
>uncultured swine
Was about to post this one.
glad i could help you out senpai
it should really be husby instead
"Bae" is the fucking worst. So obnoxious
>tfw a boomer that still doesn't know exactly what it means
fucking hate this shit
>how so
always jolts me
Before anyone else
B a e
Basically anything that Zoomers come up is incredibly obnoxious
>inb4 loL wAsNt mAdE bY zOoMeRs yOu aUtIstIc fUck
life must be hard when you get triggered by little things like this
Im not triggered, you aren't literate
"tho" as a substitute for "though", typically because it's preceded with something obnoxiously normie.
loL wAsNt mAdE bY zOoMeRs yOu aUtIstIc fUck
literally all of these make me want to strangle a newborn
What the fuck does this even mean?
all actual words