/sig/ - self improvement general:

Level yourself up Edition

This thread endorses both physical and mental fitness in order to promote healthy living for everyone.

/sig/ Basics:
>YOU are 100% responsible for the way you experience life. Not your parents, not your surroundings, not your ex, not your bully, not your future spouse. YOU. Complete, sincere acceptance of this is the most fundamental step to bettering yourself, and it is by far the hardest thing you'll ever do.
>Work your way to becoming the best YOU you can be - one step at a time.
>Set realistic Goals and have a Plan. Use short-term Goals to keep yourself going.
>Learn helpful and effective daily/weekly/etc. routines, including mundane ones.
>Have a steady sleeping rhythm - one that works for you, so long as you keep to it. Get 6-11 hours of sleep. More Info: pastebin.com/h4CDDtKu
>Learn Mindfulnes Meditation. More Info: pastebin.com/0NMDEUNh
>Learn to be Brutally Honest with yourself. Stop being a slave to your Ego.
>Think critically.
>If you need to put others down to feel good about yourself, you are putting yourself in a position where you are dependent on the people you look down on.
>Focus on the essentials. If you try to do everything at once, you’ll burnout.

>newarcitea.neocities.org/ - Overall Guide
>thework.com/ - "Simple" Mental Health self-help resource. You get out what you put in.

discord.gg/YJQQSQf *Everyone* is welcome

>s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=22578279902195591270 - Mortimer J. Adler, Charles Van Doren - How to Read a Book
>s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=01374239493824328035 - Sam Harris - Waking Up
>misc.equanimity.info/downloads/mindfulness_in_plain_english.pdf - Henepola Gunaratana - Mindfulness in Plain English
>s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=93057425205857796418 - Dale Carnegie - How to Win Friends and Influence People
>Tsultrim Allione - Feeding your Demons

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Other urls found in this thread:


based frogdog

what's the fastest way to make social gains and get better at talking to people (especially females)?
I've gotten a lot better but I'm still a miserable shy introverted sack of shit

Peaceful, calm and confident mind. Once you have achieved peace and confidence, nothing can take it away from you. Not even failure and social pressure can shake your peaceful mind.

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Try, try, keep trying, note what goes bad and well. Then do less of bad and more of good.
Also, generally, respect yourself and others will to some degree.

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how do I get there though
my mind is still full of negative shit but I've been pushing back lately

I agree that this is important but it really doesn't answer his question. He wants to know how to improve his social skills, not how to be fine with them being shitty.

This is going to be the most beta shit trouble I'm having, but

I'm in a new town for a new job. Currently 21, last year of college. /fit for 4 years for my job. The place i'm at is right next two 3 or 4 colleges, highly female dominated, like 4-1 female to male ratio.

So I go out to try and meet some new people. I goto a coffee shop, parks ect. and then I decide to goto a beach. (I'm cringing thinking about what to write next)

The college beach here is a thot paradise. There are dozens and dozens of college girls, no hamplanets or anything, in the tightest and hottest bikinis that ive seen (No this isn't california or flordia). The number of guys there you can count on one hand, but I was by far the most /fit guy there. I don't have trouble talking to girls, but I guess I've really never experienced. I guess I have a low libido. I found myself real flustered. I don't want to sound like some humble brag faggot but just walking across the beach got me constant winks, and some 'oh shit.....' from girls. (I'm not a virgin but I'm still bad at talking and making friends, and no I won't give my energy to beach thots) The thing is I won't hook up and I ignore thots. I've gone back to that beach for the past 3 days for the high and have seen more ass than I've seen in probably the last year of watching porn. Also am losing count of the number of times some thot playfully rips off her friend's bikini / thots skinny dipping or whatever it's called.

(Im gonna continue this next comment. This stuff is important)

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Your social skills are bad because you are not confident with who you are and thus you are not calm and relaxed. If you were calm and confident enough to talk to women the way you talk to your parents or friends then you would have no trouble (assuming you can talk to them in a more calm and confident manner)

Read about Stoicism.

There are things that you can and cant control. You should only focus on the ones you can control because the other ones are not up to you. You cannot expect to control other people and the outcome of your conversations. Nobody can. Accept that there will be failure, rejection and insults. If you decide that you cannot be harmed then you will remain unharmed. Rejection or an insult can only hurt you if you let them hurt you.

Opinions of others does not matter. Not even my opinion matters to anyone else but me. And nobody else cares about my opinions.

Life is painful and imperfect, just as it should be. Your life has negative and positive outcomes and you are the sum of them. Not only the positive and wanted outcomes matter. Accept everything that happens but dont let negative things disturb you. Let them be.

It's not about being a sociapath or not caring. It's about dealing with things in a more calm and logical way. Getting disturbed and stressed does not benefit you and the rejected is a matter of perception. Your life is short and what others think or say is not important. Thoughts and words deal as much damage as you let them deal.

>Your social skills are bad because you are not confident with who you are and thus you are not calm and relaxed. If you were calm and confident enough to talk to women the way you talk to your parents or friends then you would have no trouble (assuming you can talk to them in a more calm and confident manner)
What a load of shit. Being confident doesn't magically make you good at anything. If you lock a human in a cell from its birth and bring him out after 20 years his social skills will be miserable even if he is confident.

It's not like I go over just to gawk. I genuinely put down a towel and enjoy chilling there. If I'm being hoenst with myself though, 15% of the reason is to chill and 85% is to get my test-boost of some slut giving me some casual conversation or glancing at ass as girls walk past. Again no I do not sit there gawking or start staring or anything like that

My issue is that I can't get the thought of that beach out of my head because I am constantly obsessing with it, just like porn additiction. If PMO is smoking then I feel like going to this thot beach is heroine. I feel like a 13 year old discovering porn all over again. After the 3 days of going I'm getting less and less interested in genuinely good girls I know that I used to be romantically interested in. This beach is like 5 minutes away and every time it's warm out I just think 'If i went right now I could see dozens upon dozens of asses and tits'. I can feel my heart beat at the thought and start getting light headed. Even whacking off isn't helping it. I have literally whacked off 27 times in the past 5 days from the test-boost of this.

If I go, I sacrifice my gym time, as in I completely miss my workout. I love the test-boost, but it's getting to overwhelming I can barely focus on work, and even my last exercise was utter shit because I can't get the thot-paradise out of my head and just get stuck thinking 'If i were there right now instead of this I could see so much ass and tits, and get my test-boost from thots'.

Do I need to just force myself not to go anymore? It's hurting my gains and my head

(Yes, I cringed hard writing this all out and admitting it)

Nice. You found a rare location known as "poosy paradise" (coined by rooshv).

Where the numbers/quality of females uttery outweigh that of men and you get first pick. These places are rare as fuuark

What place are you referring to haha

Not exactly fitness related, but I've set up some funds to save money in, for each their purpose - one for my nephews and nieces' confirmations and one for myself, all getting paid into monthly the day I get my paycheck. I've also drawn up a floor plan for my new house, and will have my builder go through them to see if they'll work out.
Once that goes through, I'll get in touch with some breeders to see about buying a dachshund - I've been long contemplating getting a companion, and I think that having someone (something?) to care for would be good for me.
Sorry for ranting about non-fitness-related stuff, but it feels like getting my life on track, and I'm really happy about that and wanted to share it with you.

sig heil bros, i'm too tired for this shit

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Good job user, extend that budgeting to other areas as well. Is your retirement coming along nicely?

Question for the rest of you brahs, has anyone dealt with lots of facial water weight? What helps with decreasing water weight? I’ve lost about 30lbs (180 to 150) and while my body is lean, my face looks pretty much the same as before. Should I just keep cutting?

Huh, I haven't heard the term before. I wonder how much poon I'd get if I brought my Havanese puppy there (Joking though, no thots are taking my energy)

I just thought about it, but this might be a redpill.
What's keeping people down more than social media, or Jow Forums, more than vidya, or sinking hours at a time into watching youtube videos.
It's memes. Meme culture is cancer. Just think how much of a significance images made by strangers on the internet have in your life. How much of your memory and concentration they take up, and i'm not talking space on your phone or computer. How conditioned you have become to react to things in memes. It erodes our potential, it erodes our priorities. You remember the right pepe for the occasion but you don't remember things you'll need for an exam, someone's birthday, a movie you enjoyed (the parts you remember have probably been turned to memes by the fandom).
How dumb normie memes are, and how much memes that are barely outside the normie cutoff play a part when talking to people you probably relate to. I've always exchanged meme with girls i've dated, but that should not be a good thing. We could have shared something of more substance (we often did, but we could have shared more of it). I can't imagine dating a girl who's into normie memes for the lowest common denominator, and that should be alarming. I almost view this exchange of memes as a sort of intimate act.
This needs to be dialed down, because quitting cold turkey would probably lead to more problems because you'd be alienated from the sort of people you associate with.

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this is a zoomer problem that i fortunately don't have
just wanted to let u know that i want to impregnate the tomboy in ur pic

>we should...
says who?

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No, the final redpill is that anons like you keep writing this kind of nonsense because they can't keep a thought to themselves long enough to analyse it without presenting it to someone.

Tomboy loving men of culture are always welcome
I'm a late millenial/ close to gen Z, my younger friends are basically full fledged zoomers. But most normies my age don't really meme, or those memes are a shitty knockoff of "classical art memes", not even 9gag tier shitty.

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Good post.

Anyone tried archery? I remembered i shot from a bow and a crossbow once and i was pretty good for my eyesight

I think I'm finally a bloomer.

yeah me and a good friend do archery it only cost about 300 dollars to get started. I'd recommend a re-curve bow with 25 pound draw limbs you can always work your way up when you get better.

Recommend books pls

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I am thinking of quitting adderall and adhd meds... I've always weighed 120 lbs due to never eating, how do I gain weight and such.

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thanks bro

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>memes are more important culturally now than ever, and I don't like that.
>I sometimes think less of people that like shit memes, and I don't like that.
>Meme culture is vacous and not as good as sharing other kinds of thoughts.
What's so stupid about it user? I agree that the part about memes filling your mind and having no more space for other things is kinda retarded, but other than that?
>classical art memes
You mean shit like pic related?

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Link to meditations by aurelius?

Wrong one

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I'm about to finish the picture of dorian gray, I picked it up because it was short and famous and I just started reading again since middle school.
The story is interesting, there is a character who doesn't say anything other than redpills all the time, and it shows the path to degeneracy through being narcissistic.
Although there was a chapter in the middle of the book that did nothing but describe fancy objects, but even then so, I thought the prose on those parts was interesting enough to read it.

What are some good exercises for indented waist. It looks like an hourglass bros, shits brutal.

Are you fat? If so then lose weight, love handles fuck your silhouette up.

not fat just weird proportions like pic

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heres same dude after. How do I get this?

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who's this boner condoner

How not to be a degenerate?

Tolstoy is similar, usually the men in his books are degenerates and it leads to all kinds of pain. I found so many aspects of his books described my previous fuck boi life. Was a good wake up call and reaffirmation to stay more pure.

Inner calm and presence of mind is just high T

>dieting for girls

Make your traps bigger, for more v shape. Work on your obliques so it’s more of a square. Otherwise just deal with it. Pic related still looks great to normies.

Why don't YOU tell US how you think you could get there and we can critique it.

We're not your personal army you fagatron9000

*make lats bigger, not traps

That's because there's no such thing as "gerenal confidence". You can be a good lifter and be confident about lifting heavy weights, or be a experienced developer and be confident about accepting a new project on your own.

That's the same when it comes to social interaction, you gotta have the confidence to do it. How do you get it? Well, in a ideal environment you should already have that, since it's our most valuable evolutionary improvement that put us as a dominant species. But we all know that many of us had traumas and other things in our lives that lead us to not having that confidence. So, what's to do about that? Just fucking try, talk to your female work colleagues about job stuff and other common things, talk with your female class mates about the subjects and other related stuff. With enough time you'll be able to hit on women without even thinking about it.

Also, you must learn to deal with failure and reject, not because of women but because you're an adult. lol

Fuck off incel

ok. So ill start working on all around core workouts plus lats. Does this sound good?

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I Refuse to fuck off.
I Deny being an incel(I State im not poor)
Furthermore,i Mock your worship of girls.


I reject this post!
girls are full of pus,bilis,pee and poop.
read an anatomy book

srs these cunt lickers are the reason females ego is all the way in fucking orbit. If these cucks all dropped dead imagine the all the women who feed of their attention and even live of it eg. instahoes

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Unironically: have sex.

Dating a coworker a bad idea /seg/ ? Was chatting up a qt at the job the other night and she asked me if I was interested in her and I walked away like a beta male, thinking that I misheard her. Any way to salvage this ? She won't look at me now.

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>Dating a coworker a bad idea?
Have you ever heard the phrase, "never shit where you eat"

I was thinking the same thing, she's very pretty though. I'm finally getting mires after hitting 1/2/3/4 though so I don't wanna lose all my oppurtunities.

lmao im not going to shit on her you degenerate

My guess is you should prioritize delts, lats and obliques.

fucking cannibals

why not?
are you gay?

Hello /sig/, first time poster.
Video games and anime are all I know. I'm growing tired of them for the most part. Any suggestions? I like the idea of hiking/camping/fishing/hunting but do not know where to start in the good old state of PA. Any tips?

I'm already doing starting strength so help my body, and at this point I need my mind and hobbies to follow suit.

It's a delicate balancing act to dip your pen in company ink. If you're going to one piece of advice: things are a lot less messy if you don't have an operational link. Do not, under any circumstances sleep with a subordinate. This will get you in a world of shit.

Thanks bro, I appreciate any guidance I can get.

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if you can think of a girl, woman, or just a male friend in your past that you found easy to converse with, channel that energy with every girl you talk to. With enough experience you will get to a point where you will learn that sometimes it’s the girl that lacks the social skills

will I get those lines and abs if i do dragon flags and fast?

>what's the fastest way to make social gains and get better at talking to people (especially females)?
Honestly, one thing that helped me was going to a female barber. Barber shops bring the banter out. Another thing is if you encounter a qt while about your business, ie getting a sandwich etc., throw in a line of friendly meaningless conversation. Just take baby steps and eventually talking to a woman won't be an event in your head, it'll just be somewhat normal.

How the fuck do I stop overanalysing everything in my head? I think almost all my problems come from the fact that I overthink everything and cause myself a massive amount of anxiety over it, usually stupid shit that doesn't matter but gets built up the longer it bounces around in my broke brain.

Please help.

Self awareness is one of the most valuable things one can have. I hate not being aware of why I'm doing the things I'm doing. Also, I like Jow Forums


Exercise purges surface-level anxiety, it's good. For deeper shit, as much of a meme as it is, try sitting down and focusing on your breath. No schedules, no time goals. Just make it a part of your day where you find tranquility. I think i'd have killed myself by now if I hadn't found stillness like that.

to a degree I have the same problem, but I got to a point where the pain of regret caused by inaction became greater than the thought of failing

Using Phenibut as a crutch so that you, at least, know what it should look like when you're social. Don't abuse or use more than once a week, just take it when going into a NEW situation (say a bar, or a dance class or even walking about town to talk) and you'll be extra social. Later on all you need to do is try to copy and recapture the way you were while clean.

I quit smoking and im eating 2 times a day instead of 4.
im surrounded by lefitst stooges so maybe thats why im "anti social"

should I ask my doctor for any benzos? or any thing that alters my mind?

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I need a cute asian gf so fucking bad

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I'd work on killing that ego of yours that makes you think you're any different or perhaps better than leftist stooges. I'm not saying they're not dumb, I'm saying we all are. No pills are going to take life's suffering away. Best thing to do is to meditate it into you.

but leftists ARE inferior.

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Choose between
a cute non asian gf
a non cute asian gf

JFL at you. Fucking pathetic attempts at cucking other mens "e g o". Seriously shut the fuck up, he didnt ask for a neutering you utter cunt sniffing cuck.

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I dont think number ones even an option :(

Kek. Cheyenne is so sexy.

lord henry is a badass. i really like this book im gonna look up lord henry quotes

based "take initiative urself" poster

>almost at 1/2/3/4
>7 minute mile and dropping
>clean diet
>supportive friends
>Marxism Leninism
>going outdoors
>financially stable

feels good man

friendly reminder that no matter how hard you try, someone or something will come along and destroy everything you've accomplished

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>had horrible workout this morning
>failed pr attempt miserably
>couldn't even match my current pr
>got extremely pissed and punched barbell
>finished workout angry
>went to work
>had one of the most positive shifts I've had in a year
>feeling more mentally well than I have in a long time
I'm not sure if it's nofap since I've made it longer before without feeling like this or just letting all my stress out so early but it feels good bros


friendly reminder that life exists to test the foundation on which you've built yourself, whether you've worked on it or not. The effort you put forth will always give you stronger footing against the world.

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Why don't I want to truly change anons? If I did I would have taken action by now instead of allowing apathy and depression into my life and be haunted by my past/self-hate

help me change for the better and make it stick
Help me want it

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guys its friday night, I live in a big city and I unfucked myself and look pretty decent

what should I do? I don't really want to drink or eat because im still doing my diet but I do want to get a gf and have sex

>always been weird kid with not many friends, plenty of acquaintances but not many friends
>lose them in high school
>no social development in HS, carries into college, carries post college
>get angry and bitter which isolates me more over the years
>at least i was smart in HS, go to college, figure i'll do well, however do mediocrely due to misery of my life
>get a degree i needed to go to grad school to do well in, cant get into grad school due to mediocre performance and extremely competitive programs
>work a god awful pathetic job for years now that i was only supposed to be at for a year maybe 2 to prep for grad school
>literally no fucking idea what to do or where to go if i fail again this year, no idea what type of work to even attempt
>also very ugly
>now think about suicide daily, many times a day
>27 years old

i wish i could switch lives with a normal person for just a day to know what its like not living every waking moment in misery and anger. everything is just a never ending negative feedback loop. you have no friends/gf so you cant meet people so you stay alone. you have no sexual experience, very embarrassed about it so you avoid the situations so it goes on and on. have a terrible life, feel like shit every day, which in turn makes your life worse, which makes you feel more like shit. have never seen anyone overcome a life this bad, and i have no hope. its incomprehensible how i live this way.

Feynman , pretty much everything written by him

I'm a jobless, skilless, autistic uni student with a dysfunctional family and no direction or purpose.

I want to kill myself, what do i do?

sounds like me, this is what you have to look forward to

What is a good way to learn a language?

My teacher is leaving and the replacement teacher is absolute garbage. I need something else.

Ive just picked up pimsleur and its good and bad. Good in that its practical and gets you to speak but id prefer to see the sentence written out when learning a new word. I did a whole lesson and didnt have a clue what they were saying but when I did the exercise afterwards it made a whole lot more sense. I also find the lessons feel like a bit of a chore to do now

> don’t want to give up my energy to beach thots

You got that tism??? I mean what are you even fucking talking about ... stop reading incel shit and getting these ideas

You aren’t confidence because you don’t have experience, go and have those experiences, talk to those girls, fuck around with them, and you’re going to gain confidence

No amount of analyzing yourself and why you don’t talk to them is a substitute for action

Jow Forums is a miserable place.
You're going to make it. Ask someone for help. Be humble. It's not wrong to admit life is challenging. No one can do everything perfectly.

No Macтep и Mapгapитa? Whole list useless.