>Dude I take steroids and then just tell everyone I got this strong using my products, buy more AthleanX® stuff!
Dude I take steroids and then just tell everyone I got this strong using my products, buy more AthleanX® stuff!
Remember anons, no matter how shit your life may seem, at least you will never have to live the life OP has
Enter every single fitness jewtuber
t. Jeff
S'truth, tho.
he's right about facepulls though, people don't realise how important they are until they JUST their shoulders
> big
> lean
> natural
you can pick 2. Jeff has apparently chosen lean and natural, although I believe he's probably on some kind of TRT. Seems like a fair amount of men over 40 are these days.
I do them at the end of my workouts twice per week. I don't know how/if they're supposed to prevent injuries or help with mobility, but they have really helped bring up my rear delts, so I'm thankful for that.
I'm want to get my dad to start taking TRT. He's the epitome of boomer and I'd love to see him more high test and vital. How should I try and convince him?
This strong.
Citation needed
This board's standards for what's achievable naturally are embarrassing.