Skull outline thread

> You never realize how subhuman you are until you make an outline of your skull. Pic related, I'm peak gay alien skull. It's so over, lifting can't fix this.

I am here to prove user from few days ago how wrong he is. I got a bit shat upon cos I have a shit chin (which is true), but thots have makeup and weak chins have - beard.

Attached: 2019-02-21_14-19-09.png (918x1030, 62K)

I have decently strong chin but cant grow a full beard at age 22, is it over for me?

no. having the option to grow a beard would be nice but its often used to cover chinlets so youre fine

If you have a decently strong chin, then there is no need for a cover. I need beard cos, as someone said, I have a Michael Cera chin. It was a bad outline angling, but still a chinlet. You have nothing to worry about.

well I even have a 3d printed outline of my skull

Attached: 2019-02-21 14.50.35.jpg (847x920, 131K)

All over when she touches your face and realizes how subhuman you are

I like to think that the bullet hole on top is foreshadowing.

That is already the point of no return, so who the hell cares?

I'm actually quite happy with my body / face, but unhappy with everything about socialising

My upper jaw is recessed by 8mm its over for me desu

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LDAR or visit Gandy

>tfw bad skull outline

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how do you know the specific number?

you just outlined Wojak

You look just like the virgin... holy shit

Attached: The virgin anon.png (2518x1024, 458K)

i just took some profile pics, gonna outline them in paint or some shit
congrats for figuring that out user, surely you've been with us for many years and have a high intellect

Oral and maxillofacial surgeon told me, although you can also measure it using a ruler I think

fuck this took me longer than I wanted
you can't outline worth dick if you only use paint
photoshop's selection tools aren't perfect but hey, i'd get ass blasted in any case. My whole head is weird, and I have a bunch of hair. Left them in black for aesthetic, but thankfully they kind of mask my weird skull shape.

Attached: DSC_0008.png (853x1085, 17K)

Guys please I don't want this thread to die. Help bump

come on fags I'm not even OP, help me out
i want some good skull outlines, i don't care if you shitpost, i just want some discussion

I also have a full beard but I can't be fucked to draw it.

Attached: IMG.png (2704x4784, 31K)

Are you bald? Or how did you get this outline?

Bald. My started balding really bad and went away with the hair.

How did you get that outline though? That's smooth as fuck.
I did mine in photoshop and the edges are all jagged

Because I did it by hand. I outlined for like 2-3 minutes and got bored. I also start to cringe physically when I look at myself in photos/mirrors for more than 5 seconds at a time.

OP here... why? I just made it to make myself feel better about my shitchin.

Shucks, I don't have a pad to draw on. I tried in paint and I just fumbled everything lol.
I had to erase all my facial features to be able to get my pic done. I can't stand getting pictures of myself taken, or looking at them. I can sort of deal with mirrors when I move/talk/sing because I actually think I look pretty good in the mirror when I move. God forbid I take a video though. Some people say it's because I'm used to my mirror image but flipping it around in post doesn't help at all.
Why are we like this user, do you think neurotypicals have similar problems?

I have a recessed chin and can't grow a beard. Is it over?

Well, I have a good skull outline and can grow a thick, full beard. Does that make me a CHAD?

Bruv, just add a layer on top of the image and slowly outline it with the mouse.
Not standing yourself is an ego thing. My looks ego has degraded to this point over the years- things weren't like that when I was younger. Outside documents and this thing, I haven't taken a single photo of myself in the last 6-7 years- I'm literally unable to imagine what my face looks like without visual aid.
Normies have a zero-point ego generator that maintains at least a basic level of self-worth no matter the external/internal negative input. Considering yourself worthless looks-wise is inconceivable to the normie in any looks range.

>tfw chin is ok
>tfw beard is ok
>tfw 1.95 facial width-to-height ratio (apparently really good)
>tfw still a KHHV at 23

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Reposting my mog from your other thread
Also this jfl if not for my other features my warrior skull would've mogged everyone in the fucking continent.
I just need more projected zygos and that's it
my gonial angle mogs even pat tillman the robust god

Attached: profile gut.jpg (1293x697, 67K)

Can you post a picture of what it looks like?
although my gonion is 0 degrees and my ramus is very long I still think my mandible might be SLIGHTLY recessed

Literal Chad over here, get out of here Chad.
I tried but the mouse keeps slipping. It's a nightmare.
I've had this can't-stand-myself thing for as long as I can remember. I remember when I was like 8 I had to explain to the teacher that the reason I don't like looking at class photos is because I'd also have to look at myself.

And these face measurement attractiveness scores are a meme. You'd need somebody objective to measure you irl. Analyzing photos is bullshit because you can make them more or less flattering. Pic related is my result from that webapp that gets you to mark specific points on your face and then rates you based on that -- Obviously, I'm not at all attractive, you can just fuck with the pose long enough to have your desired measurements. (this same pic got like 4/10 on photofeeler)

Attached: firefox_2018-12-21_21-04-33.png (734x520, 440K)

good one keep coping I mog you to deaht and I'm still an incel
jfl at my life desu ngl
>You'd need somebody objective to measure you irl.
You're totally right but normies irl are bad at rating
you can judge yourself alone, just use measurements
eye area - check how many good features you have out of these: upper eyelid exposure, medial canthus length, good supraorbitals (brow ridge is prominent) eye color is legit irrelevant
jaw and maxilla - measure your maxillas angle, measure your gonial angle, so on
measure skull, forward growth, midface (no such thing as big nose btw, look at David Gandy, reminder my nose is big as sin its just accommodated by my jaw)

measurements and facial harmony are brutal
your 4/10 facial harmony mogs me

I dont get the shite here. I am ugly af, still I am not an incel...