Femanons, is this the kind of guys youre into

Femanons, is this the kind of guys youre into

Attached: B1oYV23IMAAFoh-.jpg (429x610, 52K)

No. I am into pale skellys with red hair.

he looks like a pale skinny with red hair...

absoIuteIy positively not

is he too sexy and attractive for you?

Yeah,40 years ago.

Yeah but the body hair is kinda gross. His hair style sucks, he has weird nipples, is not that pale, and his face is off. It reminds me of Tom Cruise and some dickheads from high school.

I don't find him attractive

>I don't find him attractive

you'd melt for him

so he's too hot for you, got it

No. He is slightly below average for me. He has a retarded chin as well.

he looks very regal, like royalty even

No thanks, I'm not into thieves

Attached: The Lizard King.jpg (1000x750, 284K)

>wahh he played the same note some old black guy plaid 100 years ago :(

Yes, I'd fuck old school Robert Plant in a second.

Understatement of the century innit?

He just stole some lyrics because he was lazy

not 'note' you stupid faggot, he stole whole chord progressions and credited himself like he came up which them and for years sued people on copyright basis for using old blues-y chord progressions that he stole you stupid dumb niggerfuck.
Copyright shouldnt be a thing desu i hope he dies a miserable death fucking stealing cunt. (Had some ok tracks though.)

shut the fuck up retard, robert plant mogs you in every area

boohoo blues is all stolen from each other. Even Sweet home Chicago is stolen

Eh, he's attractive but I don't really feel anything from looking at this picture.