
This is the only reason I look forward to leg day, I buy one of these to treat myself after squats

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Post gut

so you can treat yourself some some low quality faggot brand ice cream? you don't actually go buy quality custard?

20 mcnuggets,3 mcdoubles. no soda no fries. this used to cost me 8$ and change but since they raped the value menu in 2018 it’s 13 and change so i rarely indulge

My cheat is either monster zero, whatever they have at the sushi restaurant, or eggs/rice with ketchup

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>rewarding yourself with food
>especially when it comes to Feminist & SJW's
never gonna make it

Any that weren't posted last year?

Reward yourself like the fucking Mutt you are

>buying bibi and jewie's
Worse than eating ice cream, eating jew ice cream. NGMI

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Fat fucker

is there any Benjamin & Jewis that actually tastes good?

I found a brand of high protein low calory dairy ice cream that comes in similair buckets. 350 calories total. Pretty based.

Problem is they only have 2 dairy flavors, the others are vegan soi shit.



cool, I can get it close to me, will try it out, some flavors sound awesome

peanut butter & cookie, it's vegan but it is fucking golden. Was very sceptical but PB convinced me. Now my gf and I are addicted.

B&J is high quality you fucking third worlder

>muh ben's jewgenda
what about talenti?

>treating yourself

what a concept.

I could use a little fuel myself
and we could all use a little C H A N G E

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Ew Breyer's is way low quality

>run by literal jew fags

imagine looking forward to eating sugar

literally can't

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>i look forward to reversing my gains by eating literal jewfood
look at this dude

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It's not even real ice cream. Look at the picture, the tub says 'frozen dessert' because its ingredients don't meet the minimum legal requirements to label it as ice cream. Enjoy your tub of söybean oil, corn syrup, and miscellaneous additives, OP.

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>Implying that wasn't obvious already by the enormous "NON-DAIRY" label

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Protein powder + milk is the last thing i have before i sleep :-)

This has to be bait


6 tins of fish all at once

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