>coffee doesn't make me feel focused and alert anymore
>keep drinking it anyway because I get sweaty and anxious when Idon't
Coffee doesn't make me feel focused and alert anymore
>not graduating to monster
pleb detected
Relax, friend.
Here, have some coffee.
>no coffe drinking bottom robot to creampie
what the actual fuck is wrong with u dude??
c-can i keep drinking?
not op but i graduated to monster after coffee didnt do shit and now monster doesnt do shit anymore
>not graduating to Mt. Dew code red
Yes senpai you can make me eggs after I get you boipregnant
what did he mean by this
Not him but it would be cute to have a boiwife who drinks a early cup of coffee in the morning :)
and then take a coffee dump right after
and then take my penis right after :3
You will know when she misses her boiperiod
What I do is limit myself to 1-2 cups of coffee per day. Then I'll go for like 1-2 days without coffee so when I drink it again I'll feel the effects.
lamo this nigger gay hhahahaha
nothing will work anymore please help
>lamo this nigger gay hhahahaha
And fill her boipucci with cummies
Distract yourself with Grindr to much caffeine can be bad but it will help you be active during sex even if you are a bottom
Sweaty twinks are fun to fuck, rubbing your slippery bodies together it also helps friction on the bussy senpai
Oh come on! Don't act like you wouldn't fuck a sissy. 8=====D O:
of course not! girls ONLY :O
Modafinil > Stimulants > Coffee
Take the modfipill user
Drop your tolerance-inducing habit
how do i get modafinil