Good looks matter on a ma-

>good looks matter on a ma-

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Who is that

That's his sister

thats how slavic relationships work, and thats why western guys cant keep a slavic girl for long

looks suspiciously like masha

They're slavs. That's how 99% of slav dudes look, the women aren't spoilt for choice.

They both look so cute. I would fuck them both.

>thot was in CP
Yeah nah.

He's not a perfect 10, but I don't see what the issue is. Other than a handful of zits he looks decent.

Because we aren't as ugly? This isn't true. I know many women think East European guys are aesthetic and there are many. The one thing I am jelly about the Slav lads over is that culturally they have retained their dignity and masculinity.

i don't think it's her, she's an instagram whore and looks like a fucking alien now

>mongols injected their genes centuries ago
>projecting sexual repression by attacking the gays

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post her insta

You do understand that even slavs laugh at guys like in your op pic? Maybe you believe in snow, vodka, bears and balalaika too?

Dude that's Siberian mouse.

>talking about gene injections
Oh the irony.

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No, you're diverting from the fact that they don't put up with degenerate shit anymore. And they do have cultural expectations, their women don't get as fat even if the men choose to not give a fuck about appearance. It is enviable.

woah really? i totally didn't know that and that's totally not the subject of the conversation you're responding to, thanks for the hot tip my dude!

>i don't think it's her
Ivan go home drink some vodka.

How the fuck do slave dudes stay ugly and the chicks hot? Like surely the ugly dudes would dilute the hotness with the half ugly offspring?

He's fugly according to le lookism experts that clog their dicks with cheeto dust on a daily basis. Why wouldn't you trust this people that have many irl experiences with (((females))) even tho they have enough time to raid whole threads 24/7, user? Let's be real. Those guys are coinfident and nice to woman and they're right for calling them sluts and wanting to start sharia light. I mean which real pagan 1488 woman would deny such well mannered, coinfident men? Why do people that obviously don't love or respect themselves or others no love or respect? Take le BBP, user. We must secure the existence of our mutt genepool and redpill average looking guys that are in genuine relationships that only by MEWING and shit you can get women - as long as yoiäu're not a 6'2 manlet.

I'm glad that your image corresponds with your own diagnosis eurasian tiger

Because it's a strawman. That's what modern slavs look like.

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That's his sister famous Russian incest family bery good 10 yearsago if u know what I man

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She did child pornography with her brother when she was a child and had sex with old men if you get my drift

All of them are not white.

post proof

She was raped as a child and videotaped having sex with men as a child in an underground child pornography ring if you get what I'm saying

>shit posture
>shit physiognomy
>niggerpilled fashion
What exactly are you trying to prove here?

slavic men are attractive but then really need to be built fat and ogremaxx.

as a slav I can tell u that slav faces aren't masculine
most slavs have round face with really thick neck
shitty diet and alcohol fucked up their testosterone


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