Why do so many girls think they need cosmetic surgery?
Why do so many girls think they need cosmetic surgery?
because they're often ugly as fuck without it.
>tfw pointy nose
I guess I need to cut half of my nose off to look pretty.
That's definitely an improvement, but she wasn't exactly ugly to start with.
she looks great after, i feel jealous
>tells girls they're only good for their body
>surprised when they believe it
She looked adorable before. I'd prefer the left to the right if I knew she'd had surgery.
>reddit image
Ban yourselves.
l think she looks best in the middle picture.
I think makeup made more difference than any surgery.
Because women are vain as fuck.
I do too. In fact, I think all roasties look best with some mild bruising.
Because they want to hide their Jewishness by shaving off their giant noses.
she looked perfectly fine before she did that
I don't know why, but that pointy, thin, upturned nose that women go for with plastic surgery touches on some uncanny valley shit for me. It doesn't look natural and gives a "visibly-worked-on" look. Also the makeup and open eyes does a lot more for the second pic than the surgery.
why do so many women put on make up? why do so many women wear sexy and revealing clothing? why do so many women act slutty?
you want to know why? because it's not for YOU and neither for themselfs. it's to get most attractive partner
Nah, prominent noses can still be attractive if they fit the face well. I'm pretty sure most people would still consider the girl in the left picture attractive if she wasn't craning her neck like a hunchback for the 'before' picture. It's more personal preference, but for some reason, people assume smaller nose is always better as a universal rule even though it isn't always the case.
My actual nose bone is bent.
It makes 1 side of my face more attractive than the other side.
I'm almost 2 faced.
because in cases like your OP pic it makes them look 1000x better
well it can help a lot I guess they feel
Honestly, unless it's crazy exaggerated to the point that you have trouble breathing out of one side, you probably put far more stock into it than others. A lot of people don't notice things like that at a glance, and some even find it cute.
I actually cant breath through 1 nose hole unless I close the other one.
I'm the same way. Left side is like an 8 and right side is maybe a 5. I'm a guy tho.
Vanity, thy name is woman.
Make up can only do so much. Then as they get older they get lazy and uglier, requiring even more effort. Most have some money at this point and decide surgery will help them socially or some lame excuse. They probably crave attention and want more.
this photos are most likely to be manipulated, but OP's case is straight from 5 to 8
Literally. If you have such high standards for female beauty we will just find a way to work around them.
>expect guys to desire girls for their personalities
>girls don't develop interesting or attractive personalities
>physical sexual attraction has greater average presence in male mind
>just go for the easy low-hanging fruit and emphasize your body instead of your mind for greater chance of overall attraction
>surprised when every guy from deadbeat to dreamboat is constantly hitting on you and you can't differentiate between good ones and bad ones because they all want the same thing but it's the only thing you have going for you so you blame them
Honestly I don't even think it's either sex's fault. I think it's marketing media trying their best to pit us against each other in a market war fueled by sex. Make sexuality more common and everyday and un-sexualized for women so they don't even notice/think about it, make sexuality more important and desirable and just-out-of-reach for men so they can't ignore it, market products, services, and philosophies to each sex that affirm and support their "side", gain profit from demographic loyalty.