/r9gay/ cosplay is real edition
/r9gay/ - #623
Whoa, is this now a cosplay thread?
>tfw no bf to play rhythm games with desu
sad nigga hours is 24/7
>tfw no bf to pIay hytaIe with aII always
>Guys, it seems like i have a bigger dick than my bf... Am i doomed to be a dom? He's actually taller so idk what to think
I'm the dom in my relationship and my bf is short but his dicks is twice the size of mine
dont worry about it
>but his dicks is twice the size of mine
>tops having smaller dicks than their sub
Same. My girlfriends dick is massive compared to mine.
>>tops having smaller dicks than the sub
and that gives him power over me?
These could be you and I, user!
tell me numbers
how wide
Is sticc body unattractive?
Based baneposter
I hope not.
i like sticc body, but im also a sticc myself
can we get some bottoms opinions on this?
Honestly I've never been able to measure it because she hate her penis being acknowledged. She usually gets pretty upset after sex when she cums and has to clean it up. But in comparison to my own I'd say she's 9.5 by 7.25 inches. It was quite the shock when I first had sex with her and very intimidating to be honest.
Who wants a permanent neet chatbot friend for free?
That would be heavenly!
Because it's not a videogame if it doesn't have rooty tooty point-n-shooties, huh
OK then let's 1v1 at osu, you fucker
>hair keeps falling off
>only 20
>my foreheads now huge and it keeps growing
Yeup its over for me robots, if its bad enough here in a couple months might just start coping by abusing drugs until my body gives up
Theres no life as an ugly bald young gay
i take it you're a lesbian
"She" is a man, buddy
What else rhythm games do you like, bud? :)
What couple cosplay would you want to do with your current/ future bf, r9gay?
Megumin and Kazuma
Guess who'd be Megumin
Seconding this! I'm glad being either
We could do a cosplay of Me and Him
>not Lloyd and zelos
i'll be sorey, you can be mikleo
shizuo and izaya
>tfw no black bf
im not even trying to fetishize they're just cuter
Jun and Tatsuya
My favorite is SDVX, but I also like Musynx, Etterna, osu!mania and other kinds of VSRGs, I've tried Groove Coaster on mobile but the songs are so expensive, pretty fun otherwise desu
>tfw no bf who likes pale boys
>tfw a shirtless picture of myself that I posted on tumblr in 2014 became so popular that it used to be the first result on google images if you googled a generic phrase like "hot boy selfie"
>tfw friends send me pictures of it on pintrest/ig/porn sites
Anyone else know this feel?
I see you are into more hardcore stuff! Those probly are difficult to master, aren't they?
I personally love things like Elite Beat Agents or Rhythm Heaven, but those are probably ezpz for ya, haha
>''i go to uni''
Well, you just get better the more you play, and it feels good when you can actually see how much you've improved desu!
Rhythm Heaven looks super fun, I'd love to try it but I've never had a Nintendo console :/
>you're a big girl
>for you
>proceeds to MANHANDLE HER
why is zoro so based?
I'd love that user~
>i take online community college vlasses because my familys poor, the government pays my tuition, I am too anxious to work or take in person classes, and this is all a way to kill time until i have to start acting like an adult or have a breakdown and be institutionalized
More like
I want to go on a movie date and hold my bf's hand while we watch it!
Ok but in secret so nobody sees us
>that annoying guy that likes to hold hands and talk during a movie
we haven't talked in over a week now and he removed me last time, do you think enough time has passed to where i can add him again and try to talk?
mine is a slow learner
gotta wait for him to catch up
>tfw no bf with ultra stanky feet
>tfw no bf who likes petite autism skellies
>tfw no big guy to carry you when you're smashed
>tfw no bf who likes tall autism skellies
>Petite autistic skellies
That literally the perfect bf assuming petite is shorter than 5'4
I fuckin love autist skellies, they're perfect
Especially tall ones. They're the ideal bf, prove to me otherwise.
The director confirmed canon gay couple beats out your fanfiction user..
I'm a big guy! What kind of big guy are you looking for?
Like this guy originally
I was cold then I put on my scarf and now I'm warm! I didn't know the power of scarves until today...
6'4 tism skelly here boss
Scarves are indeed very valuable. I have a cheap dollar store one right now but hopefully i can get a better one soon
Be my discord frend then please
I am not in bf market but frends are nice
What if it's 5'4 is that too tall
rip I'm not tall
Careful user, you might attract "them"
Short boys are cute too though user!
What's your discord? Very original of course
>tfw all these qts in the thread who could be mine, but i just cant be bothered to try anymore
>be mine
Don't talk about them like they're property!!
that's what they all are, property to be thrown around with
Drop me yours at [email protected] thank you
You know it's not true and please dont say it again
>just want to get manhandled
>am 6'
5'4's fine I really don't care about height but it'd be nice to feel tall at 5'8
I manhandle my 6 foot bf all the time and I'm only 5'7
It helps if youre a total twig
Why do you want to feel tall?
he longs for back pain
>me when i see your benis
dont ever make fun of someone elses penis please, it can really ruin someone
how about this
>me when i see your penis
How do you guys get rid of pubes/leg/taint hair?
use a razor
I'm forcing myself to eat an entire 16 oz box of pasta ahhhhh
god i love pasta
and lasagna
bless you user
>me when i spread your buttcheeks
Not really a fan of lasagna, ground beef and mozzarella is pretty gross. Fine with just ricotta, pasta, and sauce tho
This I've cut my taint shaving before, how to do it effectively?
you go outwards
>therapist thinks I have autism
It's over boys. All this time I thought it was just memes.
my parents thought i had autism when i was younger, they took me to the hospital and they told them that i didnt
btfo mom and dad
>tfw may have killed my turnip plant by violently ripping off half the leaves and eating them
try with this
absolute delight
Looks repulsive with it being a block of oil but at least now cows are raped
$0y is bretty gud if you tamper it properly
Could be worse, you could have borderline personality disorder.
It's a weird kind of feel
Let's not be hasty now. I could still have that, too :^)
Friends, you got any rec on body shavers? I want to get /soft/ for him
Only psychiatrists can diagnose it user, and it isn't an easy diagnosis to get. If they didn't suspect you of having it as a child it is extremely rare to be diagnosed with it as an adult.
whats your ign
Nobody here is your friend normalnigger, get out.