Bored supplement store employee

bored supplement store employee
ask your answers

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Hey man, I'm looking to put on some muscle you know. So do I need like protein or what? I also heard that aloe stuff you eat is really good for toning up.

What's good for walking around with a half-chub all day.

What is the shitiest kind of costumer you have?

I want to get nice and toned, what should I buy?

Do you sell clenbuterol behind the counter ?

why do yall keep hounding me from the moment I step foot inside the door to the moment I leave? I don't even need to ask what chain you work at because every chain does it

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Is this GNC? How do they make any money? I barely see anyone going in there

not here (EU)

Viagra if you’re old. Test booster if you’re young.
I’m assuming these are ironic, but something like a CLA or an L-carnitine supplement could help you out with that.
Customers who are in to “kill time” and not buying anything. For paying customers, indians. They come in packs, and will always call another guy on the phone. You could show them anything but all they buy is mutant mass and gold standard whey. They seem to think we give out free shit with every purchase.
GNC will be bankrupt within at most 5 years
Because you’ve been walking around the store for 15 minutes looking at labels and we both know you don’t understand 95% of the shit on it. Buy something or gtfo

Hey me too, working at a vitamin shoppe while going to school

Do you sell anything under the counter?


which store?

Do you ever feel bad about scamming old people and morons?

No wonder GNC is dying. If someone know what they're looking for, then they're going to buy something online for cheaper. If they come into the store without doing research, they don't know wtf to buy besides the obvious things like protein, in which case even uninformed masses know Amazon is cheaper.

It doesn't help that they place their stores randomly and not in gentrified areas next to vega/organic restaurants.

Not OP but no

How come people just looking at stuff bothers you? You're not one of those faggot zoomers who live in their phone at work are you user

which whey do you think is best? brand and/or flavor

The upcharge the fuck out of everything

That last part especially. I live in Honolulu and there's a GNC inside a financial office. Like wtf

Do fat burners work? Im already exercising 5 days a week and eating at a caloric deficit. But im willing to buy some if they will help reach my goal weight a little faster.

Only people who get scammed are typically broscience indians who confuse themselves, so no
thisfat burners work as long as you have everything else in your diet on lock, so in your case id say yes.
depends on what ur using it for. ON gold standard rocky road is god tier flavor tho

no nigger, but i have work to do and when theres some faggot fingering himself in my store to “kill time” i have to watch his bloated ass instead of being productive

>depends on what ur using it for. ON gold standard rocky road is god tier flavor tho

using it as supplement for lifting / cutting

Have you ever powdered your dick with one of the supplements then put it back on the shelf?

Go up to him, ask if he wants any help. If he says no, ignore him until he comes up to you or the counter. Stop being an edgy manchild, you're letting this weeb site get to your head and I'd be suprised if any customer find you pleasant or even competent.

The only "scam" at GNC is the fact that people still willingly shop at brick and mortar retailers in 2019. You're paying for mall rent and having an employee sit in an empty store for half the day. GNC's margins probably aren't much better than Amazon's.

What do you think when someone's buying lecithin and zinc?

you only using it after workout or as a meal on its own?
No but somedays I’d like to
Quit being butthurt not everyone thinks you’re gods gift to mankind when you want to spend money in their store you fucking boomer. Buy something and fuck off, retard
I genuinely don’t care and won’t remember

>you only using it after workout or as a meal on its own?

I use it with quark, skyr or buttermilk, post workout, for breakfast or for dinner, but never really "alone" (drink some in water from time to time)

A big reason is loss prevention, everything is small, expensive and easy to steal so corporate usually wants you to engage customers as soon as they walk in so they know they're being watched. Also most people dont know what exactly theyre looking for or where it is in the store and if left alone they may just walk out without buying anything. Generally at the vitamin shoppe I work at I'll ask if they need help finding anything and if not I'll just fuck off until they look lost or are ready to buy

What would you recommend to speed up recovery

Is there a test booster that actually works?

I actually got banned from GNC because I kept asking the manager to leave me alone and his response was "you don't look like you know anything". I said "based on how we both look, I think I have a broader understanding of this then a twig fedora tipper". Hell even before that he kept calling women M'lady and I actually cracked a laugh

Whey isolate/concentrate mix, drinking isolate on its own as a meal replacement is gonna spike your insulin, and end up storing some of that stuff in fat. An isolate/concentrate mix used as a meal replacement will take longer to digest, keeping you full for longer, and avoiding the insulin spike. Alternatively just get an isolate and meal replacement seperately.
Whey Isolate/Concentrate mix:
Rival Whey by Rivalus
- quality
- tastes good
- inexpensive for a protein
Jym Whey Protein
- high quality
- casein instead of concentrate, keeps you fuller
- expensive
Meal Replacement:
BSN Syntha-6
- macros of a meal (fats, carbs, etc)
- great taste
- inexpensize
Promasil by Rivalus
-straight protein, low carbs and fat
-8 different protein sources
MRE by Redcon1
- animal protein
- whole foods
- expensive
Whey Isolate:
anything, these niggers are pretty much all the same. anything that says hydrosolate is pretty much already digested

Aside from protein after workout, glutamine, collagen, pre workout with beta alanine, stretching
Yes, TestHD by Muscletech

>Yes, TestHD by Muscletech
Regular, or the black onyx or whatever else shit


Is that you again Raymond?

afraid not

does fat burners fuck up your heart rate or someshit my nigger?

no you didn't

Thermogenics can, depending on your caffeine tolerance. If you’re worried just stick to a CLA or L-carnitine. Also
Thermogenic: sweat more, burning extra calories
CLA/L carnitine: assists fat metabolism

Whats the best and least bullshit “mass gainer” supplement?

That's called 'your job' you gigantic fucking whiney faggot.
Please fuck off back to plebbit if you want to do AMAs, we don't need you.

Most of the high quality ones tend to be informed choice/sport, if not make sure it has whole foods, and that dextrose isn’t a major ingredient. Pay attention to the serving size on the macros aswell.
Cry more faggot

i follow this. is there anything better for increasing sensitivity, load volume, or edging effectiveness?

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>They come in packs, and will always call another guy on the phone.

hahaha wtf

>N-n-no you
Absolutely pathetic.

Looks good to me. How’s it been working for you?
There’s been times where they straight up give me the phone to talk to their buddy. Indians are fucking weird man.
>tfw getting paid to talk to u
>tfw ur doing this for free

I've heard the only supps that work are roids, protein, and somewhat creatine. Is this true?

>How’s it been working for you?
honestly bretty gud

i try to edge every day in some way, and my wife likes to tease. it tends to result in large loads that blank my mind.

but always interested in achieving something more powerful, or the same results with fewer pills or for less money.

Depends on what you’re going for. In terms of muscle gain, all that and glutamine are probably your best bet.
We have a few supplements for similar purposes, but none with all those ingredients. You oughta bottle it up and try to make a profit.


>Went to GNC the other day for some simple C4 pre workout
>Employee kept trying to convince me to buy a more expensive pre workout
>Visibly irritated at his recommendations yet he kept persisting
>Walked out without buying anything
Why the fuck?

I like caffeine, synephrine, and n-acetyl-l-tyrosine

They’re commission based. Find a local place that price matches or just buy from Amazon

Which products will make one fail a WADA/USADA test? I want them all.


Banned substances are banned for a reason, they work.

You're pretty much on the money. I'd also say preworkout is worth it. C4 nowadays is absolute shit, I have a hard time believing they have anything close to the amount of caffeine they claim is in the standard top selling one. Ghost and ON have the best ones in my experience.

Look up whatever company Yoel Romero just won a lawsuit off of. Six star I think?

Gold star, I got gifted their creatine for Christmas and it tasted like ass and was completely average. I want super unleaded.

Desperate for that commission, go to a vitamin shoppe if you have one near you. They price match a lot of online prices and dont work for commission, though they do get a bonus if they're over sales plan.

Can’t forget redline

Yeah that's it, I buy their protein and I think it works pretty good. I definitely noticed a difference between when I take it versus when I don't. I only take one scoop per day mixed with peanut butter and milk though.

>Whey isolate/concentrate mix, drinking isolate on its own as a meal replacement is gonna spike your insulin
>An isolate/concentrate mix used as a meal replacement will take longer to digest, keeping you full for longer, and avoiding the insulin spike


As a GNC employee this is false
We sell useless shit to old people all the time, especially the shitty pro membership
I feel the worst about that last one since it's practically worthless

>former GNC manager
Its true, but as long they spend more than 100 im cool

I'm just confused why someone working for a supplement store who seems to know a lot about supplements (and maybe fitness?) is not doing your own thing instead of working for minimum wage. Maybe become a personal trainer?

You would not believe how pressured employees are by their managers to make sales and hit arbitrary numbers
GNC will be dead soon

Because it's hard and wagecucking is simple

Be honest - which supplements are a complete fucking waste of money?

Honestly I'd say fat burners, mostly because the fat fucks using them probably won't make the lifestyle changes needed to actually lose any weight

>You oughta bottle it up and try to make a profit.

Not sure there's much of a market for neet jizz?

The people in corporate want all employees to "engage" the customer. They expect all employees to try to sell as much as possible and get everyone to sign up to be a member. Its all for money. The employees who dont get lots of sales and lots of sign ups get talked to by managers. They are OBSESSED with numbers and sales. I used to think these jobs were to help people achieve goals but really its about how much money the store makes. Literally at work right now

This guy hit the nail on the head
It's all about arbitrary numbers
Fuck that shit


>ask your answers
Definitely n.o. explode.

>isolate on its own spikes insulin
>isolate/concentrate mix on its own does not
Brand doesn’t mean anything. Look for caffeine, citrulline, and beta alanine amounts. Regular C4 is the ultimate starter, so use that as a reference for dosage.
I don’t have the qualification or desire to become a PT
This is wrong, because very few things will work effectively if you’re a fat fuck with a shit diet. There’s no single complete snake oil supplement, it’s all about the dosages.
Not the jizz, the formula
All correct
its bretty good

youre joking right?
he means making your own zinc/magnesium/etc supplement and selling it as Cum Booster Xtreme
but obviously thats a lot of work

Why does most supplement store cashiers pretend to know more than others?

This is what I meant
What do you mean?

>wpi spiking insulin more than wpc

This makes no sense biochemically, sauce pls

Taking 30 grams of fast digesting protein not after a workout is too much for the body to absorb at once, so the excess protein is converted to glucose and stored
source: my fucking boss

>so the excess protein is converted to glucose and stored
You're missing the step where that glucose needs to get converted into fat, so it probably won't get stored as fat

Go ahead and take an isolate for breakfast then, don’t ask me why you’re hungry in an hour.

>its bretty good
That's not a question
How do you not even know how your own thread works?

*whats bretty good

What about yohimbine or eca stacks? Got anything or advice except then meme-carnite

And the numbers just keep getting higher, wages are stagnant, comissions have been reduced and part time hours have been cut

I don’t know much about yohimbine, but ECA stacks tend to be very effective. Before you do it, take a capsule of ephedrine and see how you feel. After that, ease into it, don’t give yourself a heart attack.

Nah dawg
^blood sugar = insulin release
Therefore wpc, with higher lactose content = faster rise in blood sugar level, therefore increased insulin secretion

I tried to find a study to support your claim with different types of whey tested but couldn't, if you can find one I'll accept it, but based on basic metabolic processes, higher direct carbohydrate intake (lactose) from wpc is gonna spike your insulin faster and more prominently than wpi

You are correct that whey protein stimulates beta cells to release insulin, and it probably has the biggest effect on insulin secretion because of this, but a combination of lactose in the whey would stand to multiply the effect due to the direct supply of sugar, by my understanding.

Tl;dr your boss is a fucking supplement store owner not a biochemist

Sauce: years of gruelling metabolism lectures

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Why would you be a try hard at a dead end job? Why wouldn't you just work hard enough not to get fired?

>I'm trying to be productive here. Buy something or gtfo
>lmao I am here not doing work and getting paid, I'm not a inconsistent larper
Put more effort into your larping next time

Why should I scare what some minimum wageslave has to say about anything?

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Wanna hear joke? GNC's stock price

>getting this mad over a simple wagecuck
loving every laugh
scaring words aint easy

>loving every laugh
That was pretty cute. Shouldn't you be trying to impress your boss at your dead end job though?