Parents set u up on a blind date

>parents set u up on a blind date
>see this at the table

what do u do?

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Jokes on you I like all girls

If your parents set you up with a married women who is 90% makeup, they hate you.

Buy her a toilet as an apology for being too t*xic to want to date non white people.

race mixing is not worth the cost.

its like using platinum to turn iron into silver.

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wrong its absolutely based

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I heard you like them medium rare

*unzips dick*

no, its not. you are using a bar of platinum to turn a bar of iron to a bar of steel. platinum is more valuable than the other two bars, many times over.

all bars have their uses.

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my use is to pump my hot seed inside big black booties

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I wouldn't trust anything my parent (singular) set up, it will be some sort of malicious trap designed to fuck me over in some way.

>jizz my pants
>Run away
Wasn't even on a blind date and I did this to some bitch

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Sperg out and fuck the whole thing up because she's really pretty.

no, shes not. shes not hideous, but that doesnt make her pretty, far from it.

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I don't think so, her eyes are nice.


she is pretti cute

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lool no theyre not nice. theyre brown.

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shes not hideous.

>theyre brown.
What's wrong with that?

nothing. but brown eyes are not pretty, particularly dark brown. lighter brown/amber eyes could be prettier than dark brown eyes.

At least its actually a girl

Well they look pretty to me.

Do my best to puddins.

Brown eyes are pretty much on par with blue eyes, majority look shit but there's the occasional one that doesn't look like it belongs to a dead fish although this is probably because one of the girls I was infatuated with had large brown eyes that seemed really warm. Green eyes win by default.

nice stretch. yeah ok


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Hey, she's really pretty too. I'm not saying that op's pic is the only good looking girl on earth or anything.

Improve the african genome

Embarrassed that my fucking parents set me up on a blind date but happy they have good taste.

You ever think about how if we all get black gfs, eventually there'll be no more black women?

>parents set u up on a blind date
>what do u do?

Ask her what it's like to be able to communicate with the dead.

Apologise for being so late she saw fit to order without me.

Instead there'll be beautiful mixed chocolate women, which is a-ok with me.

My social anxiety would just be too much to handle for a blind date

Also my parents wouldn't set me up with a negress

I'm a white guy that fucks black women. Black women are fun and great fucks. Most younger girls today are bi, so I get to share my gfs college friends. My gf is a latina, but she has a couple of white and black fuck buddies. She taught me how to eat pussy real good and since then, her friends have no problem with me.

Enjoy the date a d try to be cordial .

what kind of analogy is that dude

White = platinum
non-white = iron
mixed race = silver

platinum > silver > iron for value, but iron is much more useful in building things.

why are white people platinum and non whites iron?

hard agree

plus mixed kids are more likely to have health issues, proven fact

t fat white lazy out of shape Dorito eating soda sipping butter bingeing slob

Platinum is more valuable and rare. Iron is common but useful.

either wake up in my bed or have a panic attack

nope, thats heckin racist bro. im a minority. respect me

so why would you want to preserve platinum if it is not useful. it's only valuable because it is rare

>its not useful

fuckin iron boi, dont embarass us

less useful

platinum is extremely valuable and useful. iron is very useful. silver is almost useless. unless youre hunting werewolves.

Hope that the only thing she steals is my heart.

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but then the analogy doesn't make sense

it makes complete sense. Platinum is more valuable than both silver and iron.

see this? thats platinum.

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but then iron is more useful than silver

So they can advocate against you more effectively? No thanks. Slaveowners not keeping it in their pants is how we got the civil rights movement.

exactly. lets not create more silver.

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how are mixed race people inferior to the non white parent?

OwO;; tell me what they are good for first, cus all i see from them are vehement non-platinum racism.

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I wouldn't marry her, but I wanna do her pretty badly

>muh platinum

Fucking lmao kys dumbass

i don't know what they're good for, depends on the non white parent i guess. but i dont get how they are silver

I'd call my mother and ask her if this is some kind of sick joke trying to get me to hook up with a curry nigger trans make-up experiment.

lmfao thats what it issss

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I used to not like black girls but now I'll fuck anything other than Indians and sand niggers
>Life's good

Dude this chick looks like shed act white but you go to her instagram videos and its straight up nigger shit fucking disgusting

you expect PLATINUM and get silver?

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If you had a choice between being mixed or fully black which would go for?

You sound like a disgusting manwhore Chad and not husband material at all. I can see why some black men hate bedwenches.

>have a blind date
>see this
>"hey user ready for a paintball match?"

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>continue with the date
>be generally awkward, quiet
>never speak to her again
>tell my parents we "didn't connect"
>possibly slip in the fact that i would never date a non-white person

>implying you have options

That's cute user

whats wrong with her nose? something is off about her face. is this a trap?

She's pretty cute.

I would continue the date.

I doubt that any of them like eastern european guys, so i'd apologize for ruining her evening and leave

Mush her face into that salad and stick it in her butt.

I'd try as hard as possible to charm you
>ywn gently nut inside you qt black wife as she whispers in you ear "fill me up whiteboi"
>ywn see the ecstatic look on her face when she finds out she's pregnant
God lads, I just want a black gf to make mutts with

"So... did you draw on those eyebrows or are they real?

>I'm a white guy

No you're not. No white guy says that they are a white guy. We just say "I'm a guy", and heck, we wouldn't even say that. We would just say "I fuck black women". Only minorities have to declare what they are.

Is that a fucking coleslaw in a washing up bowl? And the plastic fork? What the fuck?

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Tell her she can have the salad and order myself a steak

Aren't whites a minority on muttland

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Bang her in the toilet
Jk, get marries have kids get old die having sex

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Everyone in this thread is pretty based and ebony pilled

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Try to get to know her, she seems like a pretty good woman. Then if things succeed fuck fuck fuck like rabbits every night. Damn I'm super hard just from typing this.

>Too original for r9k/
We're gonna have to ask you to leave user

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be gone female, I must protect my virginity.

But most of the platinum on earth is in Africa

Leave. If she has some sassy shit to quip at you, hit her with "Niggers are disgusting animals."

My parents only tolerate black people. They would be visibly disgusted if I ever went out with a black girl.

why are you talking about bars and value you retard. I just want to fuck them u faggot


Man I want to shove my tongue deep into that girl's asshole, she looks so tasty.

>HAH, nice eyebrows
>turn 360 degrees and walk away

pic related. das wat

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Are you asian or strictly speaking from an american perspective?

and just think. if President Obama's father wasn't black he might have ended up as capable as you

At least she can't see how ugly I am.
That is what you mean by blind date, right?

>Ew a nigger
Leave table

>cites the most disasterous president in recent history

You mean Clinton?

no, cool Bill was alright. shocking, considering he was a dem.

>parents set u up on a blind date

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