I think its black bots since they do so well with white women and black women wont look at anyone else. Wbu?
Which race of bot has it easiest getting laid?
Probably white or Arab but I couldn't tell ya.
white chads then black chads then every other race Indians and Asians are usually most beta
t. observed many college campuses
its indian. white women adore us
t. indian
did you say bot? Well black bots since black women are easy to get with
It's why black chads can fuck so many white stacies when they have black gf practice
I believe you 100% without doubt
I can also confirm this is absolutely true
Black guys defo have it easiest. Blackbots dont exist
fucking cope, black robots have it 10x harder than whites due to the BBC expectation. if you're white just go to asia
You do realise that although black women actually give a fuck about black men they only care about the fucking 2 braincelled Tyrones, who will leave them before the baby is born, rather than a scrawny, lanky sun starved shut-ins.
If you consider yourself a -bot then you are probably fucked no matter what race you are
Why do you say stupid shit? Are you a babby? Welcome to the internet.
im right here man
>be white
>can go to asia and get worshipped by the local women
>blacks are universally hated and are viewed with contempt everywhere
dumb post, user
As an arab dood i agree i can just go to my mom and she can find me a wife when I'm old enough but fuck that i rather be angry and lonely
This. Robots are outliers in the first place, so it doesn't make sense to quantify them this way.
The only race that has it harder is orientals due to that being the only race that goes with other races often enough for it to make a difference.
Stop this shit spam already. Races tend to fuck themselves, unless you're a black woman or an oriental man then stop bitching and moaning.
>all these people saying that blacks can get laid easily
>be me
>still virgin
So when exactly do I start swimming in the pussy?
when you stop BEING a pussy
i've been wondering the same for a while now.
White women love black men. Youre on tutorial mode for getting pussy
white women love black chads and tyrones.
if you aren't chad tier no woman is going to go for a black person
Amen. I just fucked my white bitch in the ass.
Statistically white women prefer white men, as do asian women and black women. Sorry. A fit, confident white man can fuck any ethnicity with relative ease.
Are you lads fat?
this comment is not original
Decent looking? Like a 6/10 at least?
i really wouldn't know but doubt it since girls look at me with disgust
Yeah its gotta be black guys without a shadow
Whites have it easiest
Asians and Indians are hardest
God tier:
Indian men
- power gap -
Top tier:
Asian men
Mid tier:
Arabs, Latinos
- power gap -
Low tier:
Black men
Trash tier:
White men
Indian men for sure.
Sorry for late reply.
I'm very skinny actually
You retards. White women like white men the most. It's in their blood.
Whites of course
White men... I'm bean and 5'7"...
>Be bot
>Be white
>Go to third world
>Doesn't matter if bot, women still want you because white
Not a Chad at all but got easy action it's crazy
Based and redpilled, confirmed with double dubs of truth to confirm.
We're all outcasts that can't get gfs. None of us can get laid, and the color of our skin doesn't change that.
these type of pictures make me real sad. must be a fucking experience
I agree. All of my white female friends and relatives always say indians are so attractive, especially their physique, mannerisms and non-disgusting smell.
Why do you cucks post this shit all the time when every poll shows that women find blacks to be the least attractive race, hell even black women dont want them
Eastern Europe, friendo
Eastern europe here. See pic related.
Poo here. No one likes us.
fuck off dude i am black failed normie. BTW we are not BLACK we are different shades of brown dude.
White > Native American > Latino > Asian > black > Indian
Native Americans slay a lot on dating apps. It's fucking insane.
Lol yes they are. Even 0/10 black men can get 10/10 stacy's without effort, that they prefer Tyrone is irrelevant.
Why would you possibly want to know this?
that is objectively not the case a sperg with down syndrome isn't going to get a fucking 10/10 goddess because of their fucking skin colour.
If you consider yourself a robot then it doesn't really matter what race you are.
You aren't getting any pussy.
Hm, couldn't tell you either way without a pic. Can you fake that "fly as fuck" black dude thing? Chicks go nuts for that. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you're not the outgoing funny type?
Same questions to you. You decent looking and/or funny?
But they are. As long as you're black you're essentially the equivalent of a Chad for white women, regardless of how good you look. They'd prefer you be Tyrone, sure, but ultimately they'll settle for less because they love the BBC meme so much.
wow some of you guys are so far gone.
>black guys can get so much white pussy its unfair
the only places you here that shit is on Jow Forums seriously most white women aren't interested in dating outside of their race just because some instagram whore or some tinder bitch is bragging about their first for a black cock does not mean ANY black cock the moment someone under 6/10 (which for robots is where we fall into) they don't give a fuck.
I feel like you have to much confirmation bias when it comes this topic as you ignore every white on white relationship and only look for the outliers so you can state how common it is and how the white race is being destroyed. Take a step back and realise that no single factor about anyone immediately means they are going to be swimming in pussy especially something as broad as the colour of your skin.
there are many ways a person can look and many different personalities a person can have whilst sharing the same skin colour.
Blacks have it the easiest because it's easier for us to look cool around white people. We can't pretend to be Tyrones around blacks because they'll notice but white people dont really know the difference.
There are plenty of stacy tier girls in relationships with average to below average looking black guys. With their white equivalents, none.
Your own problem if you mistakenly believe that women, especially white women, have any degree of consistency to them. They're mindless whores and will fuck anyone if they are "exotic" enough, black guys just happen to fill their lustful desires the most of out all the races, hence they flock to them. Not necessarily your fault of course, since its entirely on their actions. Just telling it like it is.
Non trash whites (aka: whites from the first world and middle/upper class).
No contest.
sad blackcel larp
I'm pretty sure I already know my issue: I have no self-confidence
>he thinks college campuses are the real world