23 year old KHV robot that just got over years of depression and alcoholism. How long do you think it will take to lose weight and fix my self up? 6 months?
23 year old KHV robot that just got over years of depression and alcoholism...
Hang in there, lad, hang in there!
Well if you never try it'll never happen.
>reverse image search
>find nothing related to pic above
Poor thing is gonna die alone, I really hope it's not you in the pic user
You're a living fucking original meme
Good luck, user. The path to your best self takes discipline and endurance
If you keep off the booze, you can lose weight and your face will stop swelling. Your jaw line might come through. If that's not the case, grow a beard and shave your head.
That's assuming you can get to that stage
Are you sure you're 23? You look older than 50
6 decades senpai, if you go back in time 6 decades and stop your mum from giving birth to you.
just stop eating fatty
I refuse to believe this man is 23.
Lately I've been thinking about changing my life and I imagine what I could achieve in three years, so I guess realistically speaking three years is a nice goal for lifting weights and saving some money
shoot up some gym roasties or something
Hey man. Great job getting over the alcoholism. What is your program for losing weight? Lifting weights will help your mental health and help you feel better too. 6 months can make a huge difference in your life. With proper diet and exercise you could lose a lot of weight in that time, and in 12-18 months you could be fitter than 90% of people you see every day. But it takes hard work and dedication. It's fun once you start!
Anyway, what's your program? If you don't have one I have some recommendations.
Also, shave your head and see if you can grow out a beard.
I'd say you can lose like 60 pounds in 6 months if you're really focused.
If this is actually you, shave your head, lose weight, and do steroids. This is the only way.
Immediately stop eating and don't eat until your regularly scheduled mealtime 48 hours later. Only eat one meal a day. Try to drink 3 liters of water day based on activity. Make 7 cups of the green tea with no sugar. Do this everyday. Take 1 tbsp of olive oil and two tbsp of coconut oil a day. Get a 1.5 mm derma roller and go over your scalp once a week. You may use numbing cream if it is too irritating for you. With every meal, eat an uncooked red onion. I dice mine up add it to a salad so it's more palatable. Take a cold shower every morning. You don't have to bathe under a cold shower, but try to at least stay under the cold water for five minutes. Time yourself. If you have any skin condition whether it be acne, striae, eczema, keratosis pilaris, etc. Use coconut oil after a warm shower to clear it up. Most of all, you need to build discipline. The best way to do that is rucking. Have a friend or family member drop you off miles away from home and force yourself to walk home. If you need more motivation, put something valuable in the bag like a laptop and carry no money or phone. This will build your resolve very quickly and you will also lose weight fast and gain a higher tolerance for pain. you will eventually be able to perform feats like our grandparents did and walk for miles with ease just like how soldiers are conditioned.
Rucking and walking home is based.
This user knows what's up
Focus on losing weight first then go from there
if thats you its hard to tell what you would look like because your face is so fat i cant see the bone structure
you could be pretty decent if you shaved your head and lost a lot of weight. also the camera angle is doing no favors to anyone
You will need an exercise and diet plan though. But you can make a big difference in 6 months
You are better off spending that 6 months transitioning if you are only 23 and that fat you will fail, be someones sub boiwife and let them make you and keep you on track to become a bottom sissy
I was dating a toxic girl and long story short put on weight due to drinking so much dealing with her. I was fat and even had multiple comments about it from family and friends, which I thought was rude but anyway
It took me month to not looking fat and two I was average. I watched carefully what I ate. No butter, dressing sauces. I like bland food so it was simple. That was it lol. I still drank but swapped from Guinness and heavy beers to Michelob ultra, the boomer beer lol. If I hadnt lost weight I wouldve done on the treadmill or bike. Its so easy to put some music on and think while doing that.
Overall its pretty easy. My biggest suggestion is to put major effort into eating better and then major effort into cardio. If you half ass it you wont see results and give up. If you put in effort and never cheat yourself, youll see results in 3 weeks and itll motivate you to keep going.
When no one asks for a time stamp cause who would lie about being you
dude come on, why be that mean.
ill be friends with you OP. you got a snapchat? discord?
>literally offering friendship out of pity
I think this is worse than giving it straight to OP user.
You are worthless the only hope you have is to lock your boiclit in chastity and be a Grindr bottom
Just remember OP bois can make good slam pigs too :)
That depends how good you look in a cute skirt, you need to be a 26 to pull it off but as long as you take 8===D you'll make it
>no fat feminine sissy gf (male) to creamoie when I want and get boipregnant
>i stopped doing the bad things
>now the good times will come
this is the biggest ruse i ever fell for
i've been a heavy drinker, drinked myself to death, never had a job and wasted my days drinking on Jow Forums, watching anime and playing vidya
i stopped drinking 2 years ago, got a job, exercise and somewhat keep a nice diet and you know what user?
i am still the same miserably pile of secrets i was before, minus the fun nights i had drunk shitposting on Jow Forums and watching anime till i fell in a drunken coma.
forcing change isn't the answer, it won't automatically make you happy or even make you want to get friends, a gf and like people. i still hate everyone and just want to die but here i am alive just for the usual sentimental bullshit, my mom.
i have become a machine, i am just here wasting time until my battery has run out.
>you are so sad so i'll be your friend
adding insult to injury
even worse, why do you think that someone wants to be your friend, thinking too highly of yourself?
kill yourself averagefag
Would you let a bull male titty fuck you? How big is your feminine penis?
>no slampig boipussy to sexually abuse
Hahhahahahahahahaha look at its head
fatass looks like ass
I miss rucking. Can't believe I could just ruck 140 lbs for miles and miles. And I would run the whole time.
How did you get over the depression?
you are better off not existing
sometimes people just need other people to talk to. if he was depressed, id like to be there for him
>Jow Forums fag here
Epic original broscience man
how would you rate OP from 0 to 10?