Have you ever had chest pain?

Have you ever had chest pain?

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I woke up once and my chest hurt like hell. Thought it was a heart attack so I lied down to accept my death but it only hurt when I moved so probably was injury from doing bench presses or something.

No because I'm not a sissy.
If you bench more maybe you'll be able to grow a pair of testicles.

imagine how good your life would be if you were as masculine in real life as your Jow Forums persona

yup, getting my heart monitored soon

Did those chest pains teach you another language?

I had a heart attack about 2 years ago and survived luckily. Scary part is that I was 390lbs then and I am 430lbs now. I cannot stop eating. i just love food too much. i've literally shouted in my doctors face because he started on me for making a cheesecake crust in his waiting room (i bought some biscuits and started smashing them into the bottom of a pan with butter i melted at home). i just did it because i was hungry and wanted fresh cheesecake and wanted to save time when i got home. i'm gonna die.

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How did you survive your heart attack lmao. What happened to your heart/brain? How old were you?

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i was 26. luckily it wasn't super powerful and they managed to stop me from getting any long term damage. well but i didn't listen.

I literally can't breathe deeply without pain

It is suffering

Did you have ischemia or neurological problems or something? What are you on right now? Aspirin and beta-blockers?

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You don't "just love food", youre addicted. Like a crack addict.

You're a beautiful human being user, and I hope you understand that there is a lot of love (in all forms) for you in the world. Please change yourself to a better you. You will not regret it. One small step, and a big heart is all it takes to start and finish!

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I get what feels like pain in my lungs so i quit smoking but they come back now and then. Don't know what it is as the internet says the lungs don't feel pain.

>making a cheesecake crust in his waiting room
According to traditional etiquette he should slaughter you on the spot.

I have hiatus hernia.
I literally had a hernia coming out of my chest when I was about 13, I didn't even know what it was so I just pushed it back in.
In hindsight, that was a fucking terrible idea because 19 years later I'm still fucked by it.

lol ok big guy

yeah, I was born with a coronary artery anomaly; had to be operated on when I was 10

>lol ok big guy
I am one, for you.

>boohoo my chest hurts
Who even does that but a pansy with a panic attack. Then having the audacity to post about it, a whole thread because you had heartburn from guzzling too much lite beer before bed?

Come on now. Eat a fucking tum and shut the fuck up, and stop shitting up the catalog.

I have them once a week on average. Doctor said it's because of my bad posture.

every day for the past 3-4 years after i accidentally injured myself. these past 2-3 days its started ot get worse

I'm almost certain I have something similar to this but I can't prove it. I'm a poorfag so the only medical treatment I can get is the local free clinic which sucks ass. So far I've done a barium swallow test and a CT test but they couldn't find anything. Of course we found out years later that they have no idea how to even read a CT when one of our family members got cancer and the CT image clearly showed a tumor, we only found out when they were able to go to a much better doctor and he showed her. So she was walking around with a tumor for like a year, more or less. How did the doctor find out you have a hiatus hernia? What tests did they do?

Yup. It fucking sucks and sometimes I wonder if I can live with it for much longer.

Yes. One time the neighbor gived me a few lines of cocainne when I was drunk. Coca ethylene man. After 3 lines I started feeling this pressure/pain in my chest and it persisted for the rest of the night. I went to sleep and was fine the following morning the pain stopped and everything.

How do you even live with that much weight? When I had a belly it frustrated me so much because it always got in the way of something.

>Have you ever had chest pain?
yeah when sluts tell me how many dudes they've fucked

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Holy shit where do you even live?

bumfuck oklahoma, USA

What the fuck? How can't a doctor read a CT scan? How is healthcare so fucked there? Isn't America a rich country? Even in my country healthcare and meds are free.

we can only afford to go to free clinics since we're native american. the doctors there are notoriously bad, just out of med school, diversity hires, low paid, take your pick. my sister (the one that got fucked over and is fighting for her life) is seeing other, better doctors in the city now since the indians are paying (the bare minimum) for her treatment to kind of compensate and deflect for how badly they fucked up.
>How is healthcare so fucked there?
the whole system is fucked mate, not just healthcare
>Isn't America a rich country?
no, only rich people are rich.

What does it have to do with being a native american? And americans boast about being a 1st world country huh. Is Obamacare not effective?

I've had chest pains for years. My current blood pressure medicine keeps that and my high pulse at bay. It's old as shit, and is a beta-blocker called propranolol. It is the tits.

Of course, I probably have crazy damage done by incredible amounts of caffeine and booze and ephedrine like 5+yrs ago; just mindblowing amounts of that so that I could fuel more hours awake, stressing like hell. And stressing for 8hrs, even while half-sedate, ain't fuckin good anyway. I was also unmedicated for hypertension at this time.

My family line doesn't live very long anyway. I'm 28, and 60 sounds good. After that it'll be a gift. Before 60? Horrible tragedy.

A constant, heavy empty feeling like there's a huge gaping hole in my chest from the severe loneliness that encapsulates, punctuates and informs my life. I don't know how much longer I can deal with it for.

>A constant, heavy empty feeling like there's a huge gaping hole in my chest from the severe loneliness that encapsulates, punctuates and informs my life. I don't know how much longer I can deal with it for.

prescribes you a heavy dose of alcoholism.

Because most of the doctors at these indian hospitals are terrible at their job and aren't very good for the reasons I listed. But since we are poor we don't have a lot of options so we usually go to the indian hospital to get free (but terrible) healthcare. Although after what happened to my sister she swore to never go back. And since she has insurance well I don't know how long she had it but if I were here I would have gone to a better hospital a long time ago since she would have been able to.
>Is Obamacare not effective?
I'm glad you asked! You see, recently I tried to sign up for Affordable Healthcare also known as Obamacare, and it's extremely unaffordable, it's anything but affordable! It begs the question why would they go with such a dishonest name. It is extremely ineffective.

also, I forgot to add that despite being dirt fucking poor I was rejected for obamacare. Thanks Obama!

Good goy american healthcare sounds like a joke.

Yeah, several times.
One time I even went to the er because I was afraid I'd had some sort of run in close to a heart attack, but they sent me home.

I'm curious to see how many current systems of government will survive through my lifetime. It wasn't long before me, that all these social aids came about. (Let alone the medical technology for these treatments)

well that's because for the most part it is.

I get chest pains pretty regularly. I get gassy and bloated just about every day, no matter what I eat, even if I don't eat, and if it gets bad, it hurts in my chest and neck. I joke about it with people, because others will go to the hospital thinking they're having a heart attack when it's actually just bad gas, and one day I might have a real heart attack and just think it's gas.
Other times, my chest just randomly feels these sharp pains, like I'm getting poked out of nowhere, and lasts a few minutes. If I breathe deeply in these minutes, it is painful.

What really makes me nervous though is that almost every day, I get pains in my left arm with no warning. After it starts, it kinda goes off-and-on for a couple minutes. On the internet, everything tells me that left arm pain is heart attack symptom and GET HELP IMMEDIATELY DON'T TAKE A CHANCE CALL FOR HELP GET HELP!!!!! But if I did that every time my left arm was hurting, I'd be going to the hospital 5-7 times a week.

Occasionally i will get bad possibly bloating pain always tied to the shits. Any lactos intolanons get this?

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Yeah I was seeing lights felt like I was leaving reality went to emergency they did test I was completely fine then they offered me Jew pills for anxiety

get some every so often but not bad
figure it's anxiety and sometimes greasy food

Yeah. One time after a tailgate I got high and ate a lot of easy Mac. Then I got heart burn.

I can't sleep at night sometimes due to chest pain. Afraid I don't wake up, but that's mostly due to guilt from abandoning my parrot. Don't what to do.

Also where are you from friend? You also never said how you figured out you have hiatus hernia and I'd like to know this stuff to try to get some help/figure out how fucked I am

Tell me about your parrot user